Unfortunate Prodigy [1]

Kent reached the front of the store in the memories of the bandits.

The store is closed, so he knocked the front door repeatedly for a few times waiting for someone to either answer or show some response.

'It seems like the owner also left just like the others.'

He thought before clenching his fist, energy also started to gather on it and in a few seconds a miniaturized typhoon resembling a cyclone phenomenon manifested.


Kent's fist connected with the store's door, causing a miniature explosion loud enough to alarm the nearby people.


Just as the front door got wreak into smithereens, dozens of throwing knifes flew over in a terrifying speed aiming for his vitals.

Kent took a light step to the right then back to the right again and to the left; easily dodging the dozen or so throwing knifes threatening him.

"You shouldn't greet costumers like that."

He said in a mocking tone, clearly making fun of the person who tried to do a sneak attack on him.

The hooded man that who attempted to do a sneak attack on him ignored his words.

His wariness towards Kent who just suddenly appeared ceremoniously bursting the front door increase dramatically.

Kent's gaze landed onto the hooded man's figure and beneath him, he saw a considerably fat man on the ground bathing in blood.

He paused for a moment looking up and down with a smirk to the hooded figure and to the motionless corpse, before showing a particular pondering look caressing his chin playing the role of a detective.

His eyes shown a slight flash of understanding his expression manifesting a bright grin of wisdom something akin to someone gaining enlightenment.

You can imagine a light bulb appearing above his head.

"Oh, no that's wrong my bad, I thought you're the store owner, but it seems like that isn't the case; you aren't the store owner.

You must also be a costumer, then that motionless guy there lying down must be an idiot who loves sleeping in the floor."

Hearing Kent's absurd nonsensical words that came out of nowhere almost made the hooded man staggered.

His brain cells unable to response and immediately give up trying to process what it just heard.

This action showed a small opening, an opening Kent didn't waste as instantly his body vanished from where he previously stood appearing out of nowhere beside the hooded man in a speed almost akin to teleportation.

The hooded man was taken aback but was able to response, he attempted to unsheathe his weapons, but before he could do, so a delicate hand appeared in his front vision.

This delicate hand releasing a tremendous pressure looking like a terrifying meteor descending.


Kent slammed the hooded man's head, planting it straight to the floor.

The man's body bounce for a moment due to excessive force and momentum, his eyes dilated turning complete white as his consciousness clearly been shut down.


I woke up and immediately felt a surging pain coursing through my head.

I open my eyes only to see nothing in particular except to some books and scroll neatly fix in their respective shelves.

I surveyed the surroundings, looking around trying to recall what had happened before I lost my consciousness.

Only then I recall that I've come to this place to achieve my long cherish revenge on the man who ruined my entire life.

I've come to this store to kill my father, my father who raise and loved me, the very man me and my mother loved with all our hearts.

I was born from a relatively well-off family, my father is a famous craftsman at the same time a strong knight, my mother is a merchant.

My mother one's told me how she meet my father, she was in a journey towards the city of Sea Leon a city under a relatively moderate kingdom located at the western region of the continent.

She and her caravan were ambushed by an infamous group of bandits, their group tried to resist as they had their own guards.

However, the mercenary guards that accompanied them were one-sidedly been slaughtered, they who were nothing but common folks except for being merchants couldn't resist in the slightest and was captured.

Thankfully, out of the grace of the god a powerful passing wandering knight passed bye.

This knight confronted the bandits and just like what had happened to the mercenaries who accompanied them the bandits were also one-sidedly been slaughtered.

That knight is my father.

He and my mother then fall in loved their love bloom and as a result I was born, we lived as a happy family or so it should have been.

Few years prior passed I turned 5 years old then on that very time my father slowly change.

The kind, loving, charming and protective father we loved vanished, and was replaced by a bastard demon.

I turned 10 years old my mother passed away due to the continuous beating and mental fatigue she endured due to her blinded love towards my father.

She continuously believed that the man she learned to love would come back to her, in the end she passed away dreaming about such foolish belief.

The time my mother died I run from home and experience the great bitterness of life without any parents or home.

That time I swear to the heavens and hell that I'll get my revenge to the man who ruined my and my mother's life.

Finally, that day came.

I recall the intoxicating feeling of fulfillment when I tortured the person who supposedly or in a matter of fact my father.

I wanted to make him feel the pain my mother had endured living with him, the pain she suffered in his hands the emotional pain she had to continuously experience until her very last breath.

I recall those eyes of his begging for forgiveness trying to plead me to just end his suffering, those eyes that one's looked at me lusty to the point of almost laying a hand to my past innocent self.

In the end he died pathetically from blood lost.