Unfortunate Prodigy [2]

Tiana grinned, smiling from ear to ear recalling how the one's mighty knight died in the most pathetic manner possible.

Moreover to the hands of his own daughter.

She let out a sigh, then her memories shifted to the moment before she passed out.

I was about to burn the entire place before leaving when a person suddenly begun knocking the front door.

I ignored the person and was about to continue my intent to burn the entire place down, when I felt a sudden chill behind me.

I felt a formidable gaze directed at my back a gaze enough to almost completely immobilize me.

My instincts were alerted screaming for me to escape as fast as possible, but my legs wouldn't listen in the slightest.

This gaze that seemed to ignored the existence of the door, I felt relatively similar feeling before, it was from a sleeping ancient predator I one's encounter when I was exploring an ancient ruin.

I tried to strengthen my will forcing my body to move, but then suddenly the door separating me from the terrifying predator exploded into pieces.

The predator's figure appeared and this predator has a form of a human.

Out of pure battle instinct my hands moved followed by my skill [Foresight Weakness Tracker] was activated.

I shot dozens of throwing knifes infused with mana and coated with poison towards the humanoid predator.

But to my surprise, the humanoid predator in question easily dodge my attacks with relative ease as if it were nothing but child's play.

I was about to pull out another batch of weapons when the predator in front suddenly vanished, my instincts screamed followed by my senses being overloaded due to another skill of mine.

The overloaded sense's kick in, followed by my perception speed reaching another level resulting for me to be able to react to the predator's formidable speed.

Unfortunately, while my perception speed reached such a terrifying level my body didn't, and before I knew a delicate yet overbearing oppressive hand grab me on the face.

Then that's when I lost my consciousness.

Tiana finally recalled everything that had occurred, she jumps out from the spot she sat on in fright.

She looked around now more attentively, searching for the humanoid predator in question who slammed her unconscious.

Behind her, a mesmerizing majestic voice sounded.

"You're finally awake…"

Kent said in his usual neutral, indifferent tone.

She jumped one's again, this time out of not paying much attention due to panic she accidentally slammed her body onto the shelves next to her.


She grown in pain, clutching her ankle and left shoulder that seemed to have been injured due to the strong impact.

Kent watching the hilarious scene unfolding in his usual indifferent expression chuckled holding back his laughter in order to maintain his indifferent domineer.

Thankfully, Tiana as an assassin isn't observant enough to notice such slight change in his expression as she's more concerned on what's to do next.

"I've never seen an assassin as clumsy as you are."

Kent said smirking from ear to ear clearly mocking her faults, a hint of mischievousness can be seen from those lustrous crystal blue eyes of his.

Tiana didn't reply, as her mind is in turmoil.

How can a human be so handsome and beautiful at the same time.

Wait, wait, what am I thinking? That isn't relevant right now.

How can I possibly escape from this man's grasp is seen no gaps and openings whatsoever.

He's a real monster, just by standing there without doing a thing I could feel my very soul tremble in terror my instincts is screaming for me to prostate.

I am like an ant looking at the limitless sky?

Kent sited elegantly atop an expensive looking antique table with his legs cross slowly stood up his gaze fix on the clumsy assassin clutching her injured body.

Tiana promptly closed her eyes in nervousness waiting for what's to come, she waited for a minute or two but to her dismay nothing happened.

He walked passed her clearly ignoring her existence.

Kent sat beside the corpse and summoned his [Gluttonous Devourer] to extract the man's memories.

"You don't mind, do you?"

He said to Tiana pointing at the corpse of her bastard father.


Tiana don't know how to response as Kent didn't bother explaining things any farther.

In the next second, the [Gluttonous Devourer] spread out immediately encompassing the entire corpse whole, and before she could say a thing the entire corpse of her father was completely been devoured.


Tiana was rotted to the spot dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what had just happened in front of her eyes.

Information was directly sent into Kent's mind, the experience, technique, life history, some basic skills and whatnot.

Then after successfully digesting all the information he got a bitter smile appeared in his face.

He gazed bitterly at Tiana with hidden complicated emotions.

"What an unfortunate family they we're."

Kent murmur in a low voice Tiana couldn't possibly hear.

"Life is really chaotic and cruel sometimes or always."

Tiana's father didn't really turn like that due to his own volition.

He had been inflicted with a curse that turned him like that after killing a powerful incubus.

Incubus is a well-known race of devil that possessed strong mental prowess primarily in terms of affecting one's desire such as lust.

The curse that been inflicted to Tiana's father is something akin to an alternate ego being born inside the same material body.

This newly birth ego possessed the opposite mindset and nature the True Ego's has.

For example as he felt love towards his family the opposite of love would emerge, and what's the opposite of love? It's hatred.

This ego would then slowly plunder the True Ego's control over the body and after successfully plundering the control changes will immediately unfold.

Meanwhile, the True Ego of the body would be imprisoned being tormented seeing someone else use his body to do the thing he despises the most to those he cared about.

One of the greatest and most painful torture one could possibly experience is to watch your loved one's be tormented and killed by your own hands.