chapter 7

on our way to Jacksonville, I was busy learning anything of magic I could from vel.

from what we figured out I have an affinity for time, ice, fire, lighting, and shadows. I hoped I can use space magic like vel so I can just teleport to where I wanted to go.

(fire, water, wind, space, time, earth, lava, shadows, light, ice, lightning, holy, and vile. those the affinities of this world.)

well no use crying about it, at least I have multiple affinities of magic to use. I learned that nobody had ice magic as it was considered illegal to the church and anyone having it would be executed.

I couldn't help but laugh at this, not only would I be executed for association with the demon queen, but also because of ice magic.

vel told me that ice magic was forbidden because the last person to have it froze half the human kingdom, but not for other countries.

I learned a couple of fire magic, but the shadows were something I will have to figure out by myself because no one has that affinity.

on our way to Jacksonville, I got lost like 4 different times until they put a rope around my hands and lead me.

I noticed many of the monsters that I would normally see weren't showing themselves. I was so bored that I was starting to experiment with my different kinds of magic.

after a while, I had to give up because we arrived at our destination. I looked around at the place and I noticed it was way livelier than the human city.

I could see family peacefully walking in the streets and laughing while having drinks.

I had my hood on and I followed Nero as she introduced many places. the auction, the bakery, even a park, and the fact that this place was filled with demi-humans made me want to stay forever.

however, I knew that I couldn't because I wanted to travel around the world and find out the true purpose of our summoning.

"and this place is my house," she said pointing at a pretty big house.

"I didn't know you were rich," I said with a hint of surprise.

"my father is the duke and I just wanted to be an adventurer," she said with a hint of nervousness.

that makes sense, I would too if I had to deal with never-ending paperwork. which made me think about what happened to my teacher that got summoned with us.

nobody knew it at the time but Mr. Lawrence and half the country's knights would disappear under mysterious circumstances.

"come on guys, I'll introduce you to my father," she said leading us toward the house.

inside of the house was neat and had a cozy feeling to it, but I felt like something about this place was off, even vel did.

the other two didn't appear to have sensed it but this place had a sinister feeling, not a bad feeling, but an "I want everything to die" kind of feeling.

I shook out of my feeling and followed Nero to an office type of room that showed a semi-old man sitting there and doing paperwork.

"Father," Nero said as she hugged him.

"my little Nero," he said as he hung back.

he looked over us and I felt the feeling again. something told me that this old man was doing or was somebody evil.

"And who might these guests be," he asked.

"oh this Conoleth, and this is velverosa, and this is my master Athena," she introduced.

"master," he said as he glared at me, and I felt a lot of killing intent.

next to me, vel started to release her killing intent and quickly overpowered the man.

"stop it," she said getting in between her father and vel.

"He wants to expose his killing intent at my wife so I'm going to do the same," vel threatened.

I looked back at Nero's father's face and I could see behind it looked like somebody was controlling him.

a magic circle appeared under our feet and my danger senses were on over time. I grabbed the trio and jumped out of the window, just in time as the building exploded.


we landed on the ground and all the residents in the area came to check it out. I felt something coming towards my back and I quickly activated vector manipulation.

I large piece of glass would have killed me if not for my powers. I rolled up and grabbed the scythe that was laying next to us.

I looked up to find a distorted man with half of his face looking distorted and the other half looking like it was dipped in a pit of acid.

"you guys evacuate the citizens and I'll delay or try to stop him at all cost," I said wielding the scythe.

"But,-" Nero began to say.

"that's an order," I commanded to her and Conoleth followed her lead and ran to the citizens.

"an evil god... never in my years of living have I encountered this," vel said.

"Can I trust you to have my back," I said preparing for the guy to make a move.

"If you have mine," she said.

"I always have my wife's back," I said.

"Foolish mortals, do you not know who I am," the man said in a deep voice.

"Are you related to ligma," I asked in a serious tone.

"who's ligma," he asked generally confused.

"lick my *ahem*," I said bursting out laughing.

even vel joined me in the laughter, but the evil god? yeah not so much.

I large fire appeared in his hand as he threw it towards us, and I used ice to freeze the fireball and I threw a fireball the size of a car.

"Foolish mortal do you think that I would be hurt by such lousy flames," he said as he slapped it away.

however, I was hoping for something like this because behind him appeared two of my shadow wolfs and bit into his shoulders pinning him down.

"don't think such a trick can work on me," he said trying to break free. I used this opportunity and used ice to freeze the blood in his neck causing him to lack oxygen and he died not being able to breathe.

I kicked him in the head before shouting, "that's for interrupting my day when I could have used it spending time with my wife."

I said that as the scythe began to glow in response to my anger. a hand shot out of the corpse and the scythe responded and cut it off and a spirit flew out of the body.

I looked over at my weapon in awe, I had acquired a powerful magic weapon the last I was going to keep.

(img here)

"Now that's cool," I said mesmerized.

"We need to go Athena this place is about to blow," vel said dragging me.

I started running away from this place and in no time at all, I was lost.

I was running with vel just a second ago and boom I was on a different path suddenly.

*boom* I heard an explosion in the distance and I continued to walk forward.

*hours had gone by*

I found a big tree in the distance and I made my way towards it while killing any monsters in my way.

I was so close to the tree when I felt the surrounding woods change. I looked around and found dozens of bows pointed at me.

"who sent you here," I hear a male say.

"I got lost," I said truthfully.

a moment of silence before one of the people said, "the trees say she is speaking the truth."

"wait you guys can talk to trees," I asked excitedly.

"silence human. take her to the leader and let her decide what to do with her," the man continued to say.

"well shit," I cursed.


I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day.

next update: dimension with a system or the apocalypse done right.