chapter 8

I was being escorted into a city inside the forest and I began following the people who live in the trees.

"is there any chance you guys related to the Lorax," I asked curiously?

"what's a Lorax," the man asked with the most confused face I had ever seen.

"never mind, just take me to where you need to," I said giving up.

I mean I could get out of here scout free but that would be such a drag and besides, I don't even know where I am.

"so where are you taking me," I asked curiously.

"Silence," the guard said marching forward.

we walked towards the gate that was guarding the castle so I'm assuming the king or queen, or maybe kings or queens, never know nowadays.

I was escorted to the throne room where I met with two ladies in long dresses. the guy behind me tried to push my head down to kneel most likely however I headbutted him hard enough to make him fly backward a couple of feet.

"dam that hurt," I said removing the cuffs from my hands.

all the weapons were pointed at me as I begin to look around and looked at the two ladies that stood before me.

"am I late to the party," I ask.

"stop," said the elf with a crown on her head.

immediately all the guards stopped and stood back into formation and the other queen looked at me with interest.

"so what brings you here necromancer," the elf queen asked.

"see it's a funny story... I got lost," I said mildly embarrassed.

"This is the first hero I have seen in my lifetime," the purple-haired queen said.

(just imagine the shield hero queen. hehe, milfs.... *cough cough*)

"what can I say I like to be first at everything," I said with a wink.

"I thought that the pope would have had his hands on her already since he has already manipulated the other heroes," the elf queen said.

"I left the castle as soon as I could, the princess was giving me major evil vibes and the king was too much of a two-face," I told them.

"I must say you are quite smart to figure that out by yourself," the elf queen said.

"Well, I just put the clues together. the guards were shaking as if they were nervous about something, the servants never made eye contact with any of us, and the princess showing her bloodlust was a major red flag.

I can continue going but I'm assuming that's not why I'm here correct," I asked taking a seat at the table and summoning a root beer.

"I like people who catch one fast," said the purple-haired queen.

"Before we start can we introduce ourselves because the author is tired of writing," I said looking up.

"the who," the elf queen asked confused.

"huh I just asked your names," I said confused.

"allow me to introduce ourselves, my name is Mirellia Q Melromarc and this is Alisaie," Mirellia introduced themself.

(img here)

"well my name is Athena lux, and I have a really bad sense of direction," I said.

"the trees told me," Alisaie said with a hint of amusement.

"yeah yeah laugh it up," I said before getting serious.

"so what's the deal with the church and why do they want me," I questioned.

they both looked at each other before Alisaie dismissed the guards and threatened any who eavesdrop will be executed.

"the church.... where do I begin," Mirellia said thoughtfully.

"I guess it's only appropriate for us to begin at the beginning," Alisaie said.

"I suppose," she said before continuing.

"the church worshiped the light and you know what they say when there's light there's darkness. the evil gods begin to whisper in the ears of the church.

you know what power does to most people. it corrupts the very person they once were and makes them into a cruel and greedy person.

at first, it was little things like adding churches into cities, then they began to take over them because it was for "the goddess of light" or so they proclaimed.

and then came slavery. at first, nobody liked it but then more and more people began to abuse it. I wanted to use a royal decree and make it illegal but then the church would try and get me dethroned.

I did, however, make it so that if somebody were to abuse their slave it would backfire and either kill or cause serious injury.

right now we are currently planning on what action to take, because if they do try and revive... the main evil god then this universe will be screwed," she explained.

"there that powerful?" I asked completely shocked.

"and that's where you've come in. with your powers you can kill anything that he can do and then use it against him however should you die, we die, so you're practically humanities and... other races last Hope.

well, we cannot provide much assistance we can do whatever you need to be done. whether it be weapons or clothes money we can provide it to you.

we can provide you with suitable companions and if you want even a male escort-" she began to say before I cut her off.

"sorry but I'm already married and I have no plans to cheat on my spouse... even if there are two gorgeous ladies in front of me," I told them straight up.

I meant it too, I was a very low person and if I was married I wouldn't cheat on my wife.

"also the minor evil gods are appearing already and I only killed one, and I have no idea where they will appear next. I don't even know if there are any in this kingdom," I told them.

"it's almost impossible, our defense is a direct counter to vile magic and entities. we have magical barriers that notify us when somebody is near or entering our land," Alisaie responded.

just as I was going to say something the doors burst open and inside came a soldier who was still preparing his equipment.

"your majesty, the scouts detected a large group of humans marching towards us and there being lead by the saintess mary," he said finishing putting on his armor.

her face showed shock before it hardened and she shouted, "prepare the troops, today we go to war."


I hope you enjoyed it.

next update: the apocalypse done right