chapter 19

while running I ran into a couple of monsters, not a threat but there was one.

I was running and drinking a Pepsi and decided to take a break, so I sat down and summoned some fried chicken.

after eating I began walking again only to be met with a cave. it was interesting because only necromancers could have access to it because of the magical barriers around us.

I walked in and immediately noticed the souls floating around us. tiny balls of light that had different characteristics.

some were vengeful spirits, some were passive, and others just didn't care about being dead.

I continued to walk forward (sideways) and was met with a large library. I began searching the library and found a peculiar set of glasses and put them on.

I could read incredibly fast and I could memorize the books just as quickly as I read them.

the books are mainly about the uses of necromancy and the human body, and while that may be interesting I left it alone for a while and put the glasses on my shirt.

I walked passed the skeletons that hung on the wall and entered a lab and began reading the dusty research.

[entry 104: the wolf

it shows a remarkable resistance to physical attacks, almost immunity, but there are certain spots that will harm it.

studies show that he doesn't need to eat or drink and seems to be able to alter his size, however, he cannot exceed 7 feet.

his bite force can bite through a dragon's hide.

restrictions: he is to be bound with Adamantite chains. should he breach containment it is recommended to retreat and shut down site 41 locking the beast in and the other monsters.

cell 12]

what an interesting note, I'll have to check that out later.

I walked to the altar that had a body laying on it. it was a man that looked in his late 50s, I grabbed my knife and plunged it into his head.

I didn't want him to come back alive while I was robbing him, after all, if I kill him now I can take all his stuff for free.

I checked his pockets but didn't find any treasure so for not leaving me anything good I punched him angrily a couple of times.

I continued exploring until I found [cell 12]. I peeked inside and saw a wolf taller than me bound by red chains.

you could vaguely see his once-white fur coated with dust. his ear perked up to the sound of my footsteps.

his teal-colored eyes following my movement and a growl could be heard coming from him.

I got closer to this magnificent animal and I was about to put my hand on him when he leaped out to but me.

unluckily for him, the chains kept him from moving and the only thing he managed to do was throw dust everywhere.

I sneezed as the dust entered my nose and spent the next couple of minutes sneezing, at least the wolf was in the same boat as me.

I raised my hand and swept the dust away with air, and then I summoned water and poured it over the wolf.

I then approached the wolf from behind and the wolf tried breaking through the chains but failed miserably.

"those chains must hurt, huh boy," I said as I rubbed his back gently.

the wolf must have sensed that I held no hostile intentions and let me continue moving toward him.

"good boy," I said as I began using reverse analysis and began reverse engineering the seals on the chains.

once I found out the flaw I began to unseal the chains and I released the wolf from his binds.

he shook his fur and stood up and he towered over me.

"Fenrir," I said staring at its beauty.

the wolf reluctantly lowered his head and I reached my hand forward and began to pet him.

he was just like a dog, just way bigger. he rolled over and I began rubbing his belly and scratching behind his ears.

"come on boy," I said as I opened the door again and he shrunk to meet my waist.

I went back to the library and began reading all the books there and found many things.

[mana properties:

there exist four types of manas. aether, mana, dark mana, and life mana.

life mana is only accessible to elves and very few vixens.

aether: necromancer has the ability to manipulate it, however, the downside to this is you need to understand how (see page 42)

dark mana: this mana is extremely dark and you have to do incredible evil in order to use it. powerful spells, but harms the body, shown by cracks in the skin.

mana: accessible to any living being, however, the strongest mana users are dragons.]

the aether ability seemed Interesting so I flipped to page 42.

[chapter 3: aether

space, life, and time. the three components for aether.

necromancers are the only ones able to use this mana because of the necromancer's ability to bring back the dead.

its ability is like mana, however, aether expands your mana capacity and makes your spells more powerful.

how to acquire this magic is fairly easy. you have to draw on your necromancer powers and combine them with the three abilities above.

the church will hunt you down for proceeding with this, so beware, and it will alter your appearance.]

if the church was going to hunt me down for this, that means it has to be good. the appearance thing almost cause me not to proceed with it, but then I was like F* it.

I sat cross-legged and began to combine the three properties into my mana. almost immediately I felt my mana begin changing.

it was slow but still noticeable.

it was smooth, almost like putting the correct shapes into their holes in that kid's game.

then I felt a sting on my head. it hurt but I held on with my teeth clenched.

I began counting in my head to ignore the pain.

'7378...7379...7380,' I counted as my mana finally converted into the aether.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was my horns. they were black and when I touched them it sent an electric shock through my body.

(imagine albedo from overlord, but black instead of white)

"ugh," I said as I shivered.

I began reading through the rest of the books in the library. with my glasses, it took almost four days.

"alright let's go Fenrir," I said ditching my cloak and putting on regular clothes.

I left the cave and I saw vel, Nero, and Conoleth outside waiting for me.

"yo," I said with a wave.


sorry for the delay and hope you enjoyed it.