chapter 20

"where have you been," vel said putting her hand on my shoulders and inspecting me.

"It's nothing, just a couple of experiments I conducted," I said.

"Why is your mana constantly growing? When did you have horns? how did you get horns? are you going to get angel wings next," vel began rapid-firing questions.

"Can I grow wings," I asked excitedly?

"no, you c-. hell, I don't even know anymore. you just might find a way to do it," vel said annoyed.

"you smell different," Nero said smelling me.

"in a bad way?" I asked nervously.

"no... you smell like buttery popcorn," she responded.

"then I'll need to take a bath again," I said.

Fenrir barked trying to catch my attention and looked into the forest.

an orc emerged and I threw my dagger at it when it died the dagger returned to its sheath.

"now then shall we go and meet the leader now?" I asked.


"my lady," a fox man said kneeling.

"what is it," Reyna said looking up from her documents.

"the lady that you said to keep an eye on has requested a meeting," the man said not looking into her eyes.

"what else," Reyna said heavily annoyed.

"the church representative is also here," the man said.

"have the girl come in first, I'll deal with the church later," Reyna said signing a paper and pulling the next.

"Understood," said the man as he took his leave.


"Follow me," the man said as he led us through the mansion.

the mansion looked nice and there were plenty of valuables but I didn't have much interest in it.

"a couple of words of advice. don't make her angry," the man said opening the door.

I entered the door and was met with a kitsune and she looked like she had a really soft tail.

"so we finally meet hero," the woman said getting up from her chair.

"no.. my man is quan not hero," I said in a Mexican accent.

that stopped her in her tracks and she looked at me in disbelief.


(meanwhile in "heaven")

Michael is an angel who has lived since the beginning of time and is also the strongest angel.

never in his 42-septillion years of life has he ever seen Sasha behave like a little girl in love.

no... I'm pretty sure no one has seen her like this.

she had a painting of the girl named Athena throughout her office. she even had a mini statue of her on her desk.

even Lucifer was shocked about the change in her and when he heard about it he just had to take a look.

Gabriel was still guarding the gates of heaven while doing his little pranks against humanity.

like the coronavirus. he said humanity could deal with it but then it slowly got out of hand.

he also created a couple of pranks that led lots of people to die. it's not like I could do anything about it but once mother finds out he will be disciplined.

lady Nasha used to always talk about her creations but now the only thing she talks about is Athena.

she would even get this look in her eye that looked like she lost all her emotions. if you said anything about Athena that Nasha didn't like you were immediately met with the creator on you.

it sucks for them because there was nowhere you could run to hide from her.

she would take her time with the people and would always say "Athena this" or "Athena that".

she was slowly going psycho and there wasn't anything in the world we can do to stop it.

'unless we get them together,' a thought came to mind.


sorry for the shorter end chapters, Christmas is coming and I'm busy studying for my driver's license.