chapter 22

I put on my earphones and put on some music and then struck at the knight.

I struck the knight with quick blows but I always kept in mind his movements.

block, strike, parry, repeat.

I finally got in a good strike that slashed across the knight's armor.

"it seems I'll have to take this fight seriously," the knight said as a light appeared on his sword.

I felt slightly intimidated but overall I wanted to learn what it was.

he rushed at me and our swords clashed together, however, I knew that whatever he attacked me with was overwhelming my sword.

while underhanded I interlocked my sword with his hilt and disarmed him.

"It was a good battle," I said stabbing him.

"you'll be a great sword woman," he said disappearing.

I picked up his sword and took it as my own and continued my way to the door.

when I opened it I found myself in a library and Nasha was there reading a book.

"it's about time you arrived. I was waiting for days," she said.

"my bad, If I had had had known that you were waiting, I would have taken a bit longer," I said picking up a book.

"you would really keep me waiting?" she asked in a shocked tone.

"I mean yeah for a bit, but if I knew there were such interesting books I would have come sooner," I told her as I began reading"the secret of shadows".

'humans, so fascinating,' Nasha thought.

"so you told me about the things I was supposed to find, can you at least tell me what they are," I asked her.

"well I could tell you but I need a favor," she said.

"what do you want to be done," I sighed.

"See there's this little evil god hiding in the caravan inn. he's passing Information to the rest of the evil gods. I need you to eliminate him," Nasha said

"so like do want its body hanging off a balcony of something? I mean I can do that, but my end of the bargain seems pretty lax," I said.

"I'll give you a hand-five," Nasha said.

"say less, where do I find him again," I said shutting the book.

"caravan inn," she yelled.


Nasha laughed to herself when she saw that Athena left.

Athena probably thought I wouldn't notice the books she had stolen from my library. not that I mind it of course.

little did Athena know she was meant to steal those books so they could help her in the battles to come and to show them about her, and how beautiful she was.

"yes, it's all coming together now," Nasha said with a faraway look.


I was reading some of the books I took from her library, and there were some interesting ways to incorporate mana into the body.

many used it as an attack but it was still worth checking out.

"mommy look a demon," a kid said pointing at me.

"mhm, I'm a big scary demon. I love eating children. especially the ones who misbehave," I said smiling.

the kid ran off crying and his mom followed after him not before yelling what I was assuming profanities.

I smiled and sat on a bench and began reading the books again. some were just about the gods, some were about the angels, but all of them talked about Nasha.

I skipped over the parts where she was mentioned and got into reading the theories of magic again.

they were like the ones in the necromancer's cave, but these books went into detail about the difference in jobs, and status.

I continued reading and a paper flew into my barrier, so I grabbed it.

[necromancer has gone rogue.

this is a photo of her killing innocent townspeople. if you see her it is highly recommended that you run away.

she is extremely dangerous being able to kill multiple of the church's army, and the church and holy kingdom Knoxville while dispatch soldiers to dispose of her.]

"Things are getting interesting aren't they," i laughed.