chapter 23

I whistled and Fenrir jumped out of my shadow and looked up at me.

"you see this place called "caravan inn". I need you to take me there. can you do it, boy," I said scratching behind the ears.

"arf," he barked, letting me hold onto his tail.

I played my music and kept my hand on Fenrir's tail and I was getting stares because of my horns but I hardly cared.

Fenrir barked and I looked up and we found ourselves at the caravan inn.

"let's go, boy," I said entering the establishment.

I could feel something off about the building the moment I entered, but I continued onwards.

"a room for one," I told the old man.

"2 silver," he said in a raspy voice.

I paid and when he turned to take me to my room I memorized the outline of the building and people.

"enjoy your stay," the man said as I entered my room.

"thank you," I said as I closed the door.

I lay on the bed and used the magic spell "mental library."

immediately my eyes closed and I was inside a library full of books with my memories.

there were memories from when I was a kid, and memories I didn't even know I had, but I needed memories from a minute ago.

I grabbed the book and the setting around me changed, and I looked around to find myself in the inn.

I looked around this place and notice how the building wasn't built properly, or their measurements were off.

the building was 42 feet by 62 feet. the more I looked around the more interesting thing I found.

a trapdoor under where the landlord stood. that's where I would hide if I was an evil god.

I snapped out of my skill and merged with the shadows and I began searching the hotel.

I snuck in between the cracks in the floorboards and spread out using the shadows when I found my target.

I appeared right behind him with my sword towards his neck.

"make any sudden movements and your head is going to be flying," I said as he stiffened up.

"no don't kill me. I'm innocent, I have a family," the man said crying in "fear".

however, before I could slice his head off, in a burst of speed he tried running past me.

unluckily for him, he ran straight into me and flew backward into a wall.

'shadow capture,' I thought.

shadow binds appeared behind him and wrapped around and I got a cold glare in my eyes and squeezed my hand.

his eyes began to pop out of his sockets and he exploded. blood flew everywhere, which included my face.

with him dead and his energy dispersing, I teleported back to my room. I left a note saying "happy business", however, once they read that they would be exploded.

the door opening triggered the explosion and then once the note was picked up it would explode.

I opened the window and jumped out and rolled on impact and took off. the only thing I left behind was a dead body and a new trail.


I had Fenrir take me to the labyrinth using shadow travel and entered again.

this time when I entered I was inside the library with Nasha waiting for me.

"you seem to have a very good talent for assassination," she told me.

"not assassination. strategy. I studied the building structure and made an educated guess of where the evil god was. the explosion was a fail-safe," I told her.

"It's the same thing to me. anyways here," she said tossing me a bracelet.

"This was the original treasure of the labyrinth. since you had the scythe on you and the sword in velverosa's castle, I decided to make it into a bracelet instead of the broach," she told me.

"any special effects or anything," I said equipping the two bracelets to my wrist.

I felt danger and my hand moved on its own and the bracelets blocked a throwing knife that was aimed at my head.

"they are called the bracelet of Camelot. once an ordinary pair of daggers, and then enchanted by yours truly. now they are a pair of bracelets that will protect the wearer. it's capable of blocking bullets, magic, and even sword aura. of course, you would know what that is since you took my books," she explained to me.

"well at least you knew I took the books. would have doubted if you were... who is that," I said looking in the corner of the room.

there was a woman in black clothing, horns matching mine, and hair that reached her knees.

"she looks familiar...," I said trying my hardest to remember.

"Who?" Nasha asked confused.

I went through all of my childhood memories to see if I could find who I was looking for.

"July 17, 2010," I said remembering.

I saw from the shadows the woman smirk and wave her hand. Nasha in Infront of me disappeared and the woman stepped out of the shadows.

"you are still the same as ever little Athena," the woman said as her face became visible.

at first, it was many faces. my friend Joseph, Jennifer, Diana, my mom, and finally a face I didn't recognize, so I assumed it was hers.

"jay?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"that was my old name. the name I used when I was younger," Jay said.

"but how are you?" I began to ask.

"here? sit down. it'll be a really long story about our meeting."


started uploading again. I might upload less because I started working out and because I wanted to get into shape.

I will still update, but It would take longer. so maybe 1 chapter per book a week, or 3 chapters.

hope you can hold out, thanks.