Chapter 401. Ghana's change of mind. Walking into the Elders' mansion.

Ghana initially wanted to curse, but her thoughts got stuck when her eyes fell on the group of five heavenly maidens dressed in white, guarded by a tall armored humanoid and led by a blue-wearing woman that could only be described as a goddess walking on earth.

The steps of the five white-wearing females were elegant and moved the dress they wore beautifully. They had opaque veils on their faces, oAnly showing their different yet equally enchanting eyes.

The flowy white dresses and veils gave them a mysterious feeling, making them look ethereal and out of the norm. However, although their steps were similar, even a spectator could guess each of their unique personality traits. One looked pure and innocent, another mischievous, the next gentle and soft, and the two leading looked cold and extraordinary.

However, their coldness was different. One was like a person high in the sky, unreachable and aloof. The other looked like a natural monarch, elegant and deterrent.

Even with their particular attitudes, they all shared a single thing—their submissive temperament as they walked behind the dragon woman.

Speaking of which, Ghana's and every other person's eyes were locked on her.

The beautiful, off-shoulder blue dress was as captivating as a starry night sky, and the revealing nature ignited a fire in everyone who looked at her.

The dragon scales that created the skirt looked orderly and didn't make it stiff, allowing it to sway with the wearer's steps.

Her walking was three parts dignified, three parts elegant, and four parts seductive.

However, the thing that made heads turn was not the dress but the person wearing it.

She had a gorgeous face that could seduce anyone.

The visible golden slit eyes, the naturally thick lashes, and the straight and beautiful eyebrows gave her a soul-stirring gaze that many would kill for.

The semi-transparent black veil that highlighted the fairness of her skin combined with the semi-visible red smiling lips was hypnotizing.

They could also see a small purple beast coiling around her bare neck. The shiny purple scales made it look like a necklace of the highest quality.

The seven women together were like maidens that had descended from a palace of fairies.

Even Ghana, a harpy accustomed to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help but have her breath stolen away by the leading dragon woman. 'So beautiful she makes the Moon pale in comparison. She doesn't lose to our matriarch in the slightest.'

Everyone thought similarly.

Yasenia looked around and saw the hundreds of guards. Between them, she spotted a familiar figure. 'Hm? Flanna has also come this time?'

Each person she looked tensed in nervousness, and a natural smile appeared on her lips. 'It has been a while since I received such looks~. Well, let's see what Ghana has come to do.'

Ghana saw the dragon woman approaching slowly and had to take a deep breath to calm herself. 'City Lord, don't blame me. A person like this can't be simple, so I can't follow your instructions.'

Yasenia spoke slowly in her naturally mellow and attractive voice. "First Secretary Ghana, right? I've heard my girls speak about you. Could you tell me where the Elders that appeared yesterday live? I would like to visit them. My disciples made a commotion, and I sincerely wish to apologize."

Ghana internally gasped. 'She is the master of that bunch? No wonder she looks like someone powerful. Moreover, that tail is very similar to the small dragoness. Is she her mother?'

Yasenia's eyes looked at the naked harpy up and down for a moment. She saw that although she looked excited when looking at her, she controlled her body's reactions very well. 'Not bad. She is quite rare among her people. Other harpies would have already been drooling in more than one way.'

Yasenia didn't find fault in Ghana for the previous events. She knew this person was following orders.

Leaving everything behind to curry favor or to protect them was unrealistic. They've just known for a day, and unless the City Lord screwed up and let this person go, she would have to work hard to sway this person to her side.

The self-control and discipline she showed only increased Yasenia's evaluation of Ghana.

Yasenia spoke again, her tone a little softer. "Miss Ghana, I know you may hate my juniors, but I want to make amends with your city and its residents. After I go to the elders, I'll step into the City Lord's mansion to personally speak with him."

Ghana woke up from her stupor and stuttered for a second. "A, um, yes, yes."

She coughed once and gathered herself. "Our Koran City is more than welcome to make amends as long as the compensation is enough. Make sure that we won't take advantage of you. However, the damages are in the thousands of High-level Parus. I don't know if you have the capital for it."

Yasenia smirked under the veil, making her eyes curve beautifully. Ghana gulped. "Well, how about this? We've been hidden for a while, refining our craft. We want to start selling our items and opening a series of shops. Would you like your Koran City to have the first [Astral Sky Shop]? We promise the residents in this city to have ten percent off for life. It isn't exaggerated but can amount to considerable money over time."

Ghana was surprised and got thoughtful. Yasenia commented. "Our shop will be a high-end shop focused on quality products above the Earth Rank. We'll also sell small batches of inferior products to allow the more common residents to have a chance to visit us. Of course, our items will be competitive and align with Koran City's prices."

Ghana was surprised. This was an excellent offer. She wouldn't evaluate it like that if Yasenia was ordinary, but their products will be Earth Rank and above. If only Koran City residents had the discount, this would encourage influential people to come to the city.

She really wanted to say yes directly and felt that this person was sincere.

However, she wasn't the first secretary anymore, so she didn't have the authority to make a decision like this one.

Ghana commented. "Although I personally want to accept your proposal. I don't have the authority. You should also first gain forgiveness from the major powers in our city."

Yasenia lifted her straight eyebrow. "The first secretary doesn't have the authority?"

Ghana coughed and said, embarrassed. "I've been demoted, so I'm no longer the first secretary."

Yasenia paused and was incredulous. 'Is the City Lord right in the head? Or did he find someone even better than Ghana?'

Ghana saw that Yasenia was confused, but she didn't understand why. Therefore, she explained further. "After you deal with the major powers, you should step into the City Lord's office. I'll wait for you there so you can see Leader Fu as fast as possible."

Yasenia swished her tail thoughtfully and said. "Good. We'll talk in more detail later. In honor of my dragon bloodline, I promise to pay the damages as long as the values presented to me are reasonable and honest."

Ghana was once again surprised. A dragon's promise was highly precious. Yasenia also wanted to avoid conflict, so she decided to be honest and pay for the damages she caused. But...

Yasenia looked at Ghana coldly and released a wisp of her bloodline. "However, if you try to take advantage of my promise and humiliate my honor, I swear not to rest until the Koran City disappears from the map."

Ghana felt constricted and breathing became difficult. Yasenia's pressure was like a giant mountain pressing on her. At that moment, she understood even more deeply that these people were not little lambs waiting for their demise. They were sleeping dragons that disliked being disturbed and waking them up would only spell doom.

Ghana answered seriously. "I won't let you down, senior."

Yasenia asked again about the direction for the elder's residence, and Ghana answered. Then, Yasenia turned and walked away.

Ghana heard Yasenia's fading voice. "I'm not worried you'll let me down. I'm worried your City Lord will. If you feel that you don't belong to the City Lord's place, you can come to us. I always appreciate talent."

Ghana was surprised and looked at Yasenia's group's back. Imagining herself walking with these seven people created a certain yearning in her heart. 'It feels good to be appreciated...'

Then, she frowned and got thoughtful. 'The plan today was to use Flanna's familiarity with them to threaten them to pay for the costs. Thankfully, I didn't have to carry it through.'

Ghana sighed and touched her forehead. 'The City Lord is losing touch with reality. After so many years, our clans have many other links besides myself, so leaving won't be too troublesome. I'll give Fu Hao one last chance to come to himself. If he keeps being stubborn, don't blame me for cutting old bridges.'

Before leaving, Yasenia approached Flanna. "You, big girl, are Flanna Cobaltfist, right?"

Flanna was wearing full-body armor and holding two heavy-looking giant swords with her four arms.

'I-Is this person talking to me?'

'She really is speaking to me... Ah! I-I have to answer.' she fell into a daze after confirming that those ensnaring golden eyes were locked onto her but reacted quickly.

Flanna hastily nodded after Yasenia's question, looking a little flustered. "I-It's me."

Yasenia chuckled and said. "Relax, I've heard from my girls that you are quite exceptional. Could you give me a way to get in touch with you? I have an offer for you."

Flanna hastily nodded and told her where she lived. Then, Yasenia left without bothering her more.

A guard of her race at her side looked at her with a jealous expression. "You are fortunate. Although that lady is small, she looks like a beautiful doll. Having her as a leader and seeing her often is a blessing."

Flanna didn't answer but agreed in her heart. 'That lady is really beautiful.'

As they walked across Koran City's streets, Yasenia and the others talked slowly.

Kali said with a happy tone. "It feels good to have you lead the conversations again. I can relax and listen on the sides~."

Evelyn giggled. "it is really nice. We just have to act mysterious and let her speak."

Andrea scolded with a smile, "You silly girls. Don't be lazy, and remember to pay attention to her conversations. If you have any ideas, don't forget to tell her."

Yasenia chuckled. "Don't worry too much, darling. Now that I can finally take the lead, you girls can relax and leave everything to me~."

Cecile snorted. "Don't pamper them so much. You'll raise a bunch of useless lovers."

Yasenia giggled and joked. "Well, I don't mind taking care of all of you for the rest of my life."

Evelyn teased. "Who was the one who told us to be more active? Now you tell us to be good-for-nothings? You can only pick one, my love."

Yasenia sighed. "Well, although I want to carry you in my pocket and protect you from the sun and the rain, I have to let go~. What a cruel fate!"

Tatyana spoke jokingly. "Don't worry, little treasure. If you want them to become wastes that can only live from you, you just have to tame them in bed."

Yasenia's eyes flashed with a predatory light and scanned them. "Hmm~, I'll think about it."

They didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 'Our waist will suffer in the future.'

Evelyn changed the subject. "By the way, will we really pay for the damages?"

Yasenia nodded. "We have to show that although we are powerful, we aren't unreasonable."

Tatyana asked. "Are you forgetting something?"

Yasenia smirked and waved her tail tip from side to side. "I haven't, mom. The next step is to show that, although we are reasonable, we aren't easily bullied."

"This way, people will be more secure when trading with us and won't dare swindle us. Moreover, if we are arrogant, we'll call for unwanted attention. If we cover for our mistakes without showing weakness, we will receive attention from interested parties."

Yasenia followed it up with a conclusion. "Gaining infamy is easy. If we refuse to pay, everyone will know about our [Astral Sky Clan]. But creating a good reputation and strong opinion is what we want. This way, we'll keep being low-key since people will forget the events."

Tatyana nodded. "Good. Remember that respect and image are only worth so much. Strength makes people respect, fear, flatter, or look up to you. You will be slowly taken advantage of if you don't show a powerful stance."

Yasenia nodded. "I know."

They went around the houses of the elders, only to find two of them empty. However, once they reached the third house, a lizard woman maid welcomed them, saying that the five elders were waiting inside.

Yasenia and the others were surprised. After preparing, they stepped inside the luxurious and large mansion.