Chapter 402. First face to face with the Elders. Yasenia's unstoppable momentum.

Once they crossed the gates, they arrived at a finely decorated frontal garden. It was large and spacious, giving off a luxurious vibe.

The dragon woman leading them was trying her very best to look calm. However, from the instant she saw Yasenia, her pheromones were about to go crazy. 'W-Who is this beautiful lady? I-I want to revere and give my body to her! She smells so nice, and her draconic aura is so strong~.'

Yasenia didn't realize the strangeness of the draconic beast human maid and asked softly. "Excuse me, I want to make sure, but you are guiding us toward the Elders of the Nine Sects accommodating in this city, right?"

The maid's scaly and pointed ears became hot. "Y-Yes, miss. I'm guiding you to our elders. Also.. um, don't worry too much. They weren't in a bad mood before, so I don't expect them to be harsh."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow. 'Doesn't this maid know that letting me know that is like giving me the initiative for our discussion?'

However, after she saw that the calmly walking woman was throwing bashful side glances at her, Yasenia understood. Not only Yasenia but the others also realized and tsked their tongues.

Cecile muttered. "Seductress."

Yasenia's eyebrow twitched. 'I haven't done anything!'

Tatyana snorted. 'How about dressing more properly?'

Yasenia was speechless. 'Put your hand on your bare chest and ask your heart if your clothes are much better than mine!'

Andrea commented. 'But Tatyana gives an elegant and majestic aura. You don't lose to her, but your dress invites people to do sins!'

Yasenia secretly snorted. 'It is not my fault that my figure is naturally seductive.'

"Miss, we are here."

Yasenia and the others stopped their discussion and became serious again.

After the main door to the large mansion opened, a luxurious and densely decorated hall welcomed them.

There were stairs in the middle and five rooms. Hanging on the ceiling, intricate chandeliers reflected the light beautifully.

When Yasenia's gaze reached the top of the twenty stairs covered by a carpet, she saw five elders looking at them. Their physical auras were restrained, but they were clearly releasing pressure on them.

Yasenia internally scoffed. 'Is this their way of saying they are in a higher position than us? Well, you can dream if this little trick is enough to gain the upper hand.'

One of the male Elders asked with a majestic tone. "For what reason are the juniors gathering here?"

Yasenia smiled calmly and commented. "How about we go to a fitting room and talk about it? We don't know which eyes and ears are listening at the moment, after all."

The elder's eyes flashed with surprise. Not only was Yasenia disregarding seniority, but she was also telling them clearly that she didn't feel safe in the middle of their house!

This wasn't a loud slap, but it was like a figurative pat on the cheek.

Their eyes squinted for a second, and they decided to release their bloodline pressure on Yasenia.

Yasenia felt the wave of pressure rushing toward her and snorted. "Since you want to play that game, don't blame me for being rude. [Empyrean Dragon Authority]."


The world around Yasenia darkened as her aura invaded the whole room like an unstoppable tide.

The maids and other workers at the side felt like someone had clutched their throats and shackled their bodies.

The elders fared better just because their cultivation was higher than Yasenia. Even then, their expression had already changed from solemn to horrified. 'What kind of bloodline pressure is this!?'

Yasenia didn't use her bloodline for a long time, just one or two seconds. However, this small moment felt like one or two hours for everyone present.

After they felt the pressure dissipating, most took a deep breath, searching for air even if they weren't suffocating.

The suffocation they were feeling was spiritual, after all.

However, they soon calmed down.

Yasenia didn't lose momentum and spoke before the shock disappeared from their minds. "So, shall we talk properly now?"

The elders reacted and saw the dragoness calmly standing in the middle of the Hall. Her posture was relaxed, and her golden eyes lazy, as if they had lost interest in dealing with them. Moreover, her beautiful hand slowly caressed the little beast around her neck.

They frowned but couldn't say anything. Although they had the Nine Sects backing, the benefit this group could give them was not something they could certainly get through other channels.

Yasenia's items' value, her bloodline, and her relaxed attitude made it completely clear who had the advantage in the discussion.

Yasenia stepped forward and walked toward them. All the personnel instinctively tensed when Yasenia walked, as if afraid of being noticed by her. She walked up the stairs and approached them, stopping five meters away at the same level. "Respected seniors, we are from the [Astral Sky Clan]. I've come to discuss the deals my juniors have presented. However, before that, I would like to know from which power each of these seniors is."

The old woman from the alchemy sect didn't want the tide of the conversation to go so much in favor of this mysterious woman and said. "Junior, are you even qualified to make deals with us?"

Yasenia's expression became indifferent, and she said coldly. "Senior, I don't want to disrespect you. However, I want to tell you that we aren't afraid of any power on this Continent. Although we are a new clan searching for connections and new partners, we are not pushovers."

Yasenia said, as a matter of fact. "We have resources, power, and exotic items many people would kill for. We also have good intentions toward your sects. But you must know that just placing one of those in the market and putting it as a price for someone's head would make it so that the targeted person can only live in hiding."

The sword cultivator exclaimed. "You dare threaten us!?"

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow calmly. "When did I speak about using these methods on you? Don't make yourselves so important."

They couldn't help but get angry.

However, Yasenia acted as if she didn't see and told them firmly. "So if your powers want to look down on us, take advantage of us, or threaten us, we may not win, but we can cut some limbs at least. We are not afraid to accompany you in dance until the end or to go to another place to start all over."

Yasenia then softened her tone a bit. "But we are honest about this cooperation. We will make the best possible deals as long as the partnership is mutual.

Yasenia finished while saying. "Please, Elders, think carefully."

They swallowed their anger and pondered over her words.

They've indeed tried to make these juniors look inadequate and inferior to gain an advantage. However, it was the first time someone acted boldly before them and rejected their intentions so firmly.

Nevertheless, despite threats in her words, most of it was about cooperation.

The woman before them reiterated that she would cooperate if they gave them some face.

The purple-gold-robed elder looked at Yasenia with a thoughtful expression and asked curiously. "Junior, this is the first time in my life to feel a bloodline pressure as strong as yours. Who are you?"

Yasenia said flatly. "I'm a cultivator who wants to make new allies and has no bad intentions toward your sects. That's all you need to know."

He frowned, not satisfied with the answer. However, he couldn't force her to answer because they indeed wanted to cooperate with this mysterious [Astral Sky Clan].

Yasenia asked something to Angel and Tatyana quickly. After hearing their response, she internally nodded. 'Good, Tatyana has already infiltrated the formation core. Angel is halfway through, so it shouldn't be long before they take control of the formation set up in this place.'

Then, she said. "How about you invite us inside? We can talk calmly with some drinks and food. I'm honest when I say that I have no bad intentions."

The five elders looked deeply at her and ended up nodding. The blacksmithing bear-man commented. "Follow us."

Yasenia waved her hand softly, and soon the six people at the bottom of the stairs flashed and appeared behind Yasenia.

No one realized when this happened.

This gave the elders another layer of understanding and another hidden mystery of their actual strength. They couldn't react and follow their speeds because they were distracted, but it couldn't be slow.

Yasenia smiled softly and said. "Shall we move?"

They sighed and walked forward.

The mansion was huge, as expected. You had to walk through various luxurious paths to reach the Hall for guests. Only now, Yasenia understood why this city was so massive. Even if there were just ten families with houses as big as this one, they would reach enormous sizes. It is like a country inside a city.

Tatyana seemed to know what Yasenia was thinking about and commented. 'It is easy to work with "Living materials]" and cities are created fast.'

Yasenia asked. 'Should we avoid this kind of material for our future houses?'

Tatyana shrugged. 'I don't care, really. The attacking and defensive qualities of these materials can be increased via formations. Together they can create mighty fortresses. However, they have a fatal flaw. The meaning of living materials is quite literal, so if the semi-sentient creature dies for whatever reason, everything under its influence will die, rot, and crumble.

Yasenia nodded in understanding and put aside these thoughts.

As they walked down the long hallways, Yasenia and the others realized most butlers and maids working were humans.

However, their strength was meager. The strongest they saw couldn't compare to a level one Body Modification Realm expert.

Yasenia didn't hold back and commented. "This is quite interesting. I thought we managed to exterminate most humans. How so there are so many in your house, senior? My clan usually uses contracts to hire maids."

The woman from the music sect answered calmly. "Our sects have breeders, so getting human slaves is very easy. Moreover, humans work nicely as slaves. They are agile, intelligent, and dexterous while doing housework. Why should we not take advantage of and use them?"

Yasenia blinked. 'Slavery here is much worse than in the Sky Continent.'

The bear-kin laughed and said. "Moreover, our juniors can have some fun with them occasionally."

Yasenia didn't flinch and nodded. "I see. Are you not worried that a talented one would appear and reverse the Hard work our hero did in the past to return sovereignty to our beast-human race?"

The alchemy elder chuckled with a hint of mockery. "Junior, you are too young. I will give you some knowledge. Humans have a tough time cultivating the body. Our cultivation speed is tens of times faster than theirs."

Yasenia wasn't reconciled. "Then I ask, what if a genius that can use body cultivation appears?"

The sword sect elder answered. "Can he compare to the geniuses of our race? I don't think so."

Yasenia internally sneered. However, she was not obvious and chuckled calmly. "The humans also thought like so, and look what happened. It only takes one invincible human to appear to reverse all we have."

One of the old men shook his head. "It won't happen. Not to mention we don't allow them to cross the first realm. The chances of that happening are zero."

Yasenia shook her head. She communicated with the others. 'It seems that beast humans have become complacent. I wouldn't be surprised if a force is already gathering up humans to make a counterattack. We should be careful around them. Andrea, Angel, Evelyn, Tatyana, especially you four.'

Tatyana snorted, 'That's why I never side with one race. At the core, we are all similar. The only different ones are pure beasts. Even when they have the eventual rotting fruit. Most of them are trustful and honest.'

Yasenia was amused, 'Is that why you decided to gestate me as a beast? However, I feel that I'm quite deceitful.'

The others internally nodded. 'Yasenia can trick a person into selling themselves and count the money they cost for her.'

Tatyana said calmly. 'Well, you were raised by me. I won't allow my dearest to suffer because your sense of judgment and trust is like a beast.'

Yasenia laughed softly. 'Even mom has a bias toward one race. I thought you would support the Undead, you know, being closer in age and such.'

Tatyana stealthily used her energy to slap Yasenia's full butt. Yasenia almost yelped as her soft curves bounced temptingly.

One of the old men turned and asked, "Anything wrong?"

Yasenia shook her head calmly. "I was impressed by that decoration. I couldn't help but softly exclaim."

The other elderly woman spoke for the first time. "You have a good eye. That decoration is from…."

Yasenia listened as Tatyana's voice sounded in her head.

'Don't tease your mother, little treasure. If you do, I will make you lose face before these old people!'

Yasenia wanted to say that Tatyana was probably older than their whole recorded History. However, she kept it in because she didn't want to be publicly spanked.

The others didn't say anything, but their lips twitched, holding their laughter as hard as they could.