Left With A Broken Heart

When the fox got back to the same location, it found out that the hump isn't there. It begins to circle the area, sniffing every inch of it with its nose. All it needs is just enough of the hump's scent to get where it is at the moment. The scent is similar to last night's, but there isn't the berry scent this time. Or any of it's scent that made it "flesh" like. It hears something as it finishes the last circle around, assuming it has enough to find that hump. It hears something; a voice.

"I know!" In the distance a man yells. His head touching his shoulder while holding on what seems to be a phone. "I know and understand that, sir; it's just," says the man again. The man and the fox stare at each other in silence. The fox notices the man, who has a ciggertte in his mouth and in his left hand. A weapon. It's gripp is tight, while he stoped walking. "It's just that she's not as stupid as the other little kids!"

The fox notices that the man's eyes are focusing on it. He starts to get closer and closer. The man begins to reload his weapon, placing live ammuntion inside. His grin begins to rise, revealing his yellow and black teeth. He pulls the slide and his finger lightly on the trigger.

It begins to run north, siking the man several times through the legs, around them, and occasionally in and out. The fox tries to distract the man severeal times, before it keeps running. Severeal times gunshots are in the air, where it doges them swiftly. It knows that it's now or never. When it got away, it listens to one more gunshot that's in the air, and manages to run away safely.

Thankfully, the scent is still in its nose. After all of that time. Slowly, it checks to see if the scent is the same as before and indeed it is. It walks in one direction for a cupole minutes following that same sent. Occasionally,the fox will walk in a diffrent direction

It only took ten minutes for it to notice a figure rather than a hump. Is that a human? The fox is doubful about confronting it right now, but it decides to take a few steps and see if the girl notices. For the first few steps, the girl doesn't notice and continues to write. However, after a few more silent yet crunchy steps the girl's head turns. They both stare at eachother like they were witnesses to the same event. But the fox didn't know what event could have happen to the girl to be like this.

The desire for the fox to flee right now grows stronger.

And this temptaion couldn't last.

"Leave me alone!" The girl screams at the fox. The fox reels it's head downward, then tries giving the puppy eyes. That didn't change her mind. It starts to come closer and closer to the girl as she still writes in her journal.

The fox notices something in the girl's eyes when she looks in it's black eyes eyes. Hopeless, broken, and shattered. Her eyes had truly explained everything to the fox. And it understands why she told him to leave her alone. The fox, on the other hand, wishes to be her companion. It needs company, and knows that she is lost.

It walks up to her once more and touches her jacket. The girl yanks her arm back and closes the book. It turns it's head, her brows crunching to the middle of her forehead.

"I said to leave me alone! I want to be alone!" The girl screams as loudly as she can. As they all fly north again, the birds begin to make squaking noises. Tears streamed down her cheeks, as if she were having a nervous breakdown. "Please," she said calmly, her voice faint.

The girl decides to pack up and leave a minute later, running ahead.

The fox stares at the girl running and makes a wailing noise hoping that she would come back. But it's hopeless, she isn't coming back. With one last hopeless wail, the fox keeps staring ahead in the distance, as it's left with a broken heart.