Chapter 129: 2nd Eruption 3

Welt who got swallowed by Benares was inside its stomach. Protecting himself with honkai energy and psyching up for an epic battle against the 2nd herrscher.

He remembered when he was just a little boy. With Welt Joyce passing on his legacy to him. "I am Welt, the boy who inherited his heroic will and power. I've defended the meaning of this name for decades." He thought of all the things he did in the name of Anti-Entropy. Opposing Schicksal directly even if they were weaker than them.

"And today... Welt of humanity will fight to defend the world of humans." He opened his eyes and the unique pupils that are seen from herrschers glowed with honkai energy. He has calmed down and would give everything in this fight.


"Why are you panting Bella? You still hungry? Do not worry, there would be more food in the tower of babylon." Sirin smiled at her pet that she named in memory of one of her best friends.

"Wait, something's wrong." Benares roared and thrashed.

"Sorry girl, I can't leave you here. Let's get round 2 started." Welt fixed his hair as he came out of the honkai beast's stomach.

The dragon tried striking him down immediately, but a giant robotic arm held it down. "Stay down wyrm."

Welt then started using his powers as the herrscher of reason. Materializing every weapon he knew of. From fighter jets to mechs, battleships and tanks.

A group of camouflaged mechs fired their artillery at her. Blindsiding Sirin as she put up her void shields, but they cracked. "The human race will stop you here void queen!"

"An ambush!? How dare you use human weapons against me bug!" She then noticed the cracks on her void shields. "Impossible, you dare!? This piece of garbage dares break the aegis of the gods!? I'll show you true herrscher powers you traitor! Bow before the might of god!"

She unleashed ethereal hands again that destroyed his constructs quite easily. But he created more of them.

"That's cheating! You can't create those things from thin air." Her childishness showing

"This isn't cheating, this is the true power of the 1st herrscher girl. When I understand something, I can make a copy of it using honkai energy." He created more and more.

"You're facing the ingenuity of humankind, as long as I live. This legion will stand before you herrscher! You have declared war on the human world!" Every weapon he created started to aim at her.

"Damnit, he's now creating an army from thin air. I must stop him before he overwhelms me with superior numbers." Sirin got worried and looked around her. She was surrounded by numerous weapons.

"Human civilization shall bring the entirety of its might on you. I am Welt of Humanity! And I stand against you, the dark queen! As a guardian of the human race. Law and Reason, not the chaos of the void will prevail today!"

"Hear me, mighty host of humanity! Unleash a mighty torrent of fire and iron on this false deity!"

Welt unleashed all of the weapons on Sirin and did a splendid firework display of shells, bullets, bombs. Anything he could think of. He even strained himself and started to have a nose bleed. As he isn't the true 1st herrscher.


"It has finally begun, contact Dr. Tesla and tell her to prep the silver bullet." Einstein thought that even if she did trust Joachim, he will never be able to beat the 2nd herrscher with her insane hax.

"Roger that mophead. I'm not crying, I'm fine. Thank you, bye." Tesla received the call and the silver bullet being prepared signifies dire situations.

"Joachim, you stupid jerk! Why do you want to be like them so much. Can't you stop acting like a lone hero or something." Tesla cried as she thought Joachim would be injured greatly if they unleash their nuke on them due to him overusing his powers to protect himself.

"All right void queen. I will let you taste the might of humanity. Nikola Tesla is getting down to business." She wiped her tears, but frowned nonetheless.

She then sighed and looked at the missile that was being prepared to launch. "Silver bullet v0314 is armed and ready to go. Initiating firing sequence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The missile launched itself while Welt distracted the herrscher.


"Nyet! I refuse to run away!" Sirin protected herself with her void shields that was being bombarded with Welt's army.

The will then told her to redirect the focus fire on her using the powers of the void. "Victory shall be mine!" Portals opened all over the trajectories of the weapons. Redirecting it to the army.

"Tch, so she can also redirect my attacks using the void. A most terrifying skill in the right hands. But this fight is far from over!" Joachim created a new army again, straining more and more.

"Our flesh may be weak, but we refuse to kneel! Humanity has spent every waking second to fight for survival herrscher! Do your worst, our battle has only just begun!" He fired another volley at her, hoping to buy enough time for the silver bullet to immobilize her.

Sirin was also starting to strain, using tons of honkai energy as she does not really know how to use her powers, unlike Ein and the chasers who have perfect control over their abilities.

"You can't keep using your powers like that... I'll keep on destroying the armies you create! Your efforts are futile! Just die already you piece of garbage!" She redirected another volley of attacks, but focused it on Welt.

"I'll use your attacks against you scum! Drown in your own filth!" The shells and weaponry struck true. While Welt didn't have direct damage from his own shields, he isn't in a good condition from overusing his herrscher core.

He coughed up blood and started panting heavily. "Hah, is that all you've got? Then if so, I'm highly disappointed. The next army I will create will surely give you a world of hurt." He said with bravado, but he was already in a pinch.

"Heh, enough of you pseudo-herrscher. I admit, it took some time. But it was fun while it lasted, fool." She smirked, but he was smiling while her ethereal arms held him down.

'Wait, why is he smiling? Is this a trap?' She looked around and saw the missile incoming. the warhead detached itself and was in a crash course to her.

Sirin's 6th sense told her it would kil her if it hit directly. And she was drained, she could not warp away to safety immediately as it used a lot of honkai energy. "What should I do?" She got nervous and decided to gamble.

She opened up a portal big enough for the warhead and sent it to the ground. But it was a huge mistake, as the nuclear bomb hit the ground with a thump.

It then exploded in a fiery blaze, the overwhelming shockwave hitting her on the back. Immediately incapacitating the girl as she fell to the ground.

"Heh, I must admit. I'm really impressed you managed to survive that. But I'm sorry girl, I can't let you survive." Welt appeared and he wasn't affected by the nuke. Hiding behind a mech that was safely rated for nuclear explosions at the right time as Sirin was distracted.

He then took out star of Eden and used the weapon's terrifying 0th power. "I have enough energy to deal a final blow. This won't hurt girl, goodbye Sirin. The 2nd of our kind."

A pseudo black hole was created and started sucking her in. The black sphere threatening to disintegrate her into nothingness.

"Come on, just a little bit more..." Welt was starting to lose consciousness as he was almost out of honkai energy.

"We can't have that happening now do we?" The blonde that was wearing a mask kicked Welt down and stole the divine key.

"I'm impressed, you were really close. I can't believe you fought this battle with a fake core." The newcomer then crushed the star of eden.

As Ottilie was now sporting her Soulium avatar, she siphoned the honkai inside the divine key and it became weaker. She has received knowledge about it when researching the libraries of void archives.

The black hole instantly evaporated and Benares took away Sirin. "No... We must stop her here." Welt used the last of his reserves and tried firing missiles at her, but Tilie of course had other plans.

"Oops, we can't do that. Her awakening is vital for a plan of mine see?" She kicked him away and his focus was broken.

"And you sir, are looking a tad bit too tired. Let me deal the coup de grace then." Tilie was about to stab Welt with a knife, but a bullet of pure heat destroyed her weapon.

"It seems I arrived just in time to save you Mr. Welt. And who the hell is this clown?" Siegfried arrived and saved Welt from his death.

Though it was not needed as Erwin was already aiming on the new comer with her honkai cannon arm.

"And it seems I have to entertain a new guest." Tilie got annoyed that Siegfried was getting in her way again.

"Who the hell are you clown? And where is the 2nd herrscher Sirin!?" Siegfried aimed Shamash at the masked person.

"The masked lady had to leave early good sir. I assure you, I am not your enemy." She explained, but Siegfried was obviously not buying it.

"Enemy or not, I'm only saying this once. Release that man, I am confident on my aim." Siegfried threatened.

Feathers then appeared as Tilie used a copy of Fenghuang down and put both of them in an illusion. She then stole one of the pistols of Siegfried.

"My apologies, I can't let you run around with dangerous things like this gun. You might hurt people with it." Tilie appeared behind him.

"What the hell!? The clown just took my gun!" Siegfried was about to turn around, but Tilie shot him immediately on the gut.

"Do be quiet sir. As a clown, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Please do sit this one out and get out of the way." Siegfried staggered, cursing himself for losing one of the pistols.

"You're saying I should just leave him here!? I'm a fucking Kaslana! I would die 1st before I leave my comrades behind!" Siegfried steadied himself and aimed Shamash at Tilie again.

"Stop this foolish nonsense Siegfried!" Welt shouted, surprising the Kaslana.

"There is no honor in dying here. You have friends, family, and a world to save. I am but a dying old man. You must protect this world! The Kaslana oath tells you to protect the people, not your friends!" Welt reminded him the real Kaslana oath.

"The old man's right. And you'll be doing this world a favor for killing him as he is the 1st herrscher." Tilie tried using her mind games on him.

"You think I can't beat your clown powers?" Siegfried asked as he walked up to her. "It is a fact that this clown has you outmatched." She just stared at his staggering form.

"Well then Mr. Kaslana, it is time for you to turn around and leave." She thought he would give up. But he got a sudden burst of speed and punched her on the face, cracking her mask.

Tilie immediately lost her cool and pointed Shamash at him. "Why you little piece of."

"Siegfried, are you mad!? Get the hell out of here you punk!"

"To be honest, I never really liked the idea of sacrifice. I never believed that somebody has to sacrifice themselves for all of us to live happily ever after." Siegfried brandished his other pistol and pointed it at Tilie as well.

"I'd hate it if people die for my sake. It will leave a bad taste in my mouth. And if my wife ever finds out that I let it happen. She would make me regret it for the rest of my cowardly life." He was serious and stood tall. Not giving an inch.

'Tch, I can't kill him here. Damn this loose cannon. He is integral for my plans.' Tilie bit her lip and decided to cut her losses.

She bowed. "Very well then good sir. You've impressed me with your show of courage. I will leave the 1st herrscher to you. May our paths cross once again." She then used Fenghuang down again and left Shamash on the ground.

Siegfried thought he had to learn the tricks of that clown. He then brought Welt to the tower of babylon and they were given emergency care.

And with Siegfried's status as the field officer. He let AE inside the tower as well. He then tried investigating the clown, but nothing came up.

Schicksal contacted them that the dragon went out of earth's atmosphere. They called it Benares. And as mighty as Schicksal is, they cannot launch attacks outside of orbit.

"Dead child, do you seek power? Come to me then..." Sirin woke up and she heard the voice.

"Hngh, where am I?" She then saw the beautiful expanse of space. While she got carried by Benares.


Ein was watching the whole ordeal with the gang. And he had to admit, he was not impressed one bit by their reckless plans.

"What the hell, the forever teenage science brigade are being a bunch of shounen protag idiots. And Welt is lacking knowledge, kid can't even make a gundam or some shit. And we already left blue prints to study for decades." Ein sighed and thought they were really lacking.

Everybody deadpanned at him and thought his expectations were really damned high. "You do know that they can't make those right? It's our proud creation after all." Vill-v puffed her chest and looked smug.

"Well, if they have the blueprints. Then why not right? It shows a lack of intelligence. Can they even call themselves Ein's students if they can't do something that simple?" Mobius snorted and thought they were disappointing as well.

"Right? It's no fun at all. And I was waiting for a herrscher battle. Tch, this is no fun at all. Well, the 2nd herrscher is already being contacted by the will of the honkai. Things will get interesting from here on out. Adelheid hasn't shown herself yet as well." Ein smirked and thought the show wasn't over yet.

"I mean, can't we just get the core of the little girl and be done with it? This is pretty boring." Phyllis yawned and ate a cookie.

"Bad cat! Just let them try to solve it on their own for now Phyllis, they have multiple divine keys on their side and if they can't even take care of it. Then they don't deserve such things you know~" Elysia commented, thinking that they should've had that in the bag.

"Wait, I have a great idea. We'll be so cool, entering there all bam and kapow!" Kallen raised her hand excitedly. She then told them how they should appear when the 2nd round starts.

"Hnn, that's a nice idea. Surprisingly coming from you Kallen. It seems you are more intelligent than your relative down there." Sakura took a shot at her and smirked.

"Thanks! Hehe~ Wait. She just called me stupid didn't she?" Kallen asked and everybody nodded, she then fought with Sakura.

"Alright everybody, we'll wait for now. It seems that the 2nd herrscher would be receiving upgrades from the honkai. This should prove interesting no?" MEI fixed her glasses as she asked them.

"Her fate was sealed, but it has become blurry as well. Ein-sama has graced this girl with his power. It seems she is qualified to live another day." Aponia squinted her eyes and noted that Sirin would have another thing coming.

"Star of Eden got destroyed, I didn't even received your gift Vill-v. No matter, it isn't that important now anyway." Eden drank and was just chilling.

"And I'll surely guide the girls. Especially my counterpart, she has already seen the ELF's. But she just made nukes, she lacks imagination." EINSTEIN shook her head and the meeting was adjourned.

Meanwhile, Adelheid was trembling in both excitement and nervousness. "It is time. Sirin would get multiple cores on the moon. I have prepared for this day to come... Things would be different now." Addy clenched her hand around abyss flower and felt her muscles ripple. Containing immense strength behind her feminine form.

"I'll kick the honkai's ass! Just wait... Then I'll be able to spoil Kiana. Even if K-423 won't be born. I'll still be able to get Kiana. Kukuku~ Then Seele, Bronya, and Mei would be mine! Guhahahaha!" Adelheid laughed like a maniac and choked on her saliva.

"Ahem... I must have lost myself for a bit. Don't worry Cecilia. I'll be handling this situation, you must have a nice and normal life." She stood up and entered her dungeons to get ready one more time. As Sirin having multiple cores is filled with hax.


Thanks for reading everyone. Adelheid will get her debut at the battle in Siberia. Anyways, ciao. Bella would also be formed, sorry Kurikara. It seems you won't be appearing, you dead anyway.