Chapter 130: The 2nd Trumpet

The moon is the only natural satellite to planet earth. Approximately 384 thousand kms away. It has been worshipped by many cultures throughout the years.

And those who gaze on the moon will notice one thing. Only its near side is visible to the terran observers. The portion that cannot be seen was aptly named the far side of the moon.

This changed on October 7, 1959. The soviet satellite Luna 3 managed to photograph the far side of the moon. It was a monumental discovery and humanity has been given a glimpse.

Ottilie Apocalypse immediately rated the photographs as classified. Seeing something mysterious and extremely dangerous there.

She then made a Schicksal lunar program, giving dedicated assets for the great endeavor of unraveling the mysteries at the unknown .

Anti-Entropy immediately noticed this and launched their own lunar space program. The two organizations sent numerous space probes to finally have a clue. But after numerous attempts, they were still eluded.

But finally, in 1969. The Apollo 11 landed on the moon with 2 astronauts. And just one month later, Tilie sent Schicksal operatives to the celestial body as well.

The 2 groups arrived there and explored the far side of the moon. Surprised by their discovery, something they thought only existed on earth. Honkai.

There was in fact so much of it. The far side of the moon was basically covered in honkai energy storms. So destructive and vicious, even S-rank valkyries won't survive a few minutes in it.

It was then tacitly agreed upon by Schicksal and AE to suspend all lunar missions. The truth was covered up as a tightly guarded secret. A complex cover up was made, informing the public that the far side was just beat up. Holes and bumps everywhere due to meteors.

The public lauded the astronauts of Apollo 11 as heroes. Neil Armstrong was the 1st human of the current era to ever step on the celestial body. And in his words, it's a small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.

But there were words that got redacted as part of the tinfoil hat initiative. *Do you see this Houston? This might spell the doom of us all.* Armstrong saw the honkai energy at the far side and thought it was only a matter of time before the congregation of energy turns into something quite dangerous.


"Sirin! Come back here missy." Her mother ordered. "Mama!" The purple haired girl exclaimed and ran away again to play more.

"Come Sirin, we have to go." She heard her mother's voice. But it suddenly turned into a voice of a dear friend of hers.

"KYAAA! Sirin! It hurts! It's burning me from the inside! I'm dying! Don't let them put it in you!" A black haired girl gripped on her. Screaming bloody murder as she experienced being injected by honkai energy. She then slowly started to get lethargic and slumped onto her.

"Bella... Don't leave me. No." She hugged her friend and couldn't accept her death. Not Bella as well, just like Avrora and Agata.

"Test subject has expired in 2312 hours. This batch is too weak. They're dying like flies." The scientists then started to take away the body.

"Nyet! Don't take Bella away... Nyet..." She started to question why this is happening to her. Why everyone and everything she loved disappeared. She saw the cruel scientists and started to develop immense hatred. Thinking that if she only had a chance to change how her life has gone.

"God, if you can hear me... I need more power. If only I had power..." Her eyes pouring tears, but filled with undying rage and will.


"Are we at the moon?" Sirin was curious why Benares took her there. They then flew to the far side of the moon and saw tons of honkai energy. Also, there was a structure there.

It was the moonlight throne. The final weapon MEI and Vill-v created to fight the herrscher of the end. The base was there so AI's could efficiently control Selene. And the structure remained as Ein reversed time to recreate the solar system after his battle with the 14th herrscher.

During the millennia, it was battered and inevitably succumbed to the elements as well as honkai energy that plagued the far side of the moon.

Now only an ancient relic containing massive amounts of Soulium due to the moonlight throne needing tons of it.

Benares landed with a thud inside. Not doing exceptionally well as Joachim exited through the beast's stomach.

"The wounds the traitor left you hasn't healed? Curses! Are you gonna die as well?" Sirin thought her new companion would be taken as well.

"Do not be sad. True power lies in front of you. Go..." Benares communicated with her and Sirin saw a gigantic piece of crystallized honkai energy at the center of the place. Floating while the stones had markings and were cubed strangely.

"What is this thing?" She floated and touched the crystal, curious on what Benares meant. She was then sucked inside and was blinded by light.

"Uwah! The light is so bright." She shielded her eyes and slowly opened them, noticing that she was inside a wide space that was completely white. A blank entity sitting on a chair in the middle looking regal with it's hand on it's chin.

"Huh? Who are you? God!? Is that you?" She stepped closer to the entity and it started morphing. Copying her body, but the entity was still completely white.

Sirin then shuddered and immediately kneeled. 'Why am I kneeling? I'm the 2nd herrscher. But I feel nothing except fear before her. I am nothing before her, she is the truth itself. She is beyond us...'

"W-what is this place? Where am I?" She asked, but the entity knew her question before it even entered her mind. She then snapped her fingers and Sirin felt searing pain inside her head.

'She's... Speaking in my mind!' She then saw what happened 50 thousand years ago. The previous era made weapons using their greatest enemies, the divine keys.

But it was missing a crucial part. It cannot give information about the true threat against the honkai. A human that ascended to be a god.

Having almost absolute control on honkai energy just like herself. And even managed to defeat her using the accursed sea of quanta. But she has already interfered directly against him and due to the rules of the worlds. He is now forbidden to give any inkling of information about him.

So Sirin only knew that a part of her god's powers was sealed in the moon by the moonlight throne.

Sirin was delighted, thinking that god must be giving her powers as a gift. 'A part of god!? Truly? Is it her powers?'

"God! I know what I must do! Please grant me those powers and I will destroy humanity in your name! They took away everything from me... My friends, family." She remembered her loved ones, the will then stood up and went up to her.

What she didn't knew. Is the honkai is the root of it all. A pitiful girl that is another victim of fate.

She touched her forehead and was granted immense powers. The honkai energy in the far side of the moon were siphoned immediately and it turned into the powers of herrschers. Their cores.

Sirin then started to receive the cores. And she felt wonderful, accepting the gems felt natural. Like a perfect piece for her body and soul.

"I am the Herrscher of Conquest. with HER crown I'm blessed. GOD gave me arrows of thunder to shatter their chests." She received the violet gem and electricity arced on her body.

"I am the Herrscher of Desire. A foe to those who deny HER. I'm armed with the four winds to tear them asunder." She received a turquoise gem and the winds roared.

"I am the Herrscher of Serenity, Destroyer of HER enemies. I hold the Chalice of Death To give a sleep of eternity." She received an azure gem and black miasma escaped from her body. Disintegrating anything in her way, while also creating life from seemingly nothing.

"I am the Herrscher of Haste. She armed me with grace... With these purifying flames, These lands shall be chaste." And finally, she received a ruby red gem. Then the surroundings bursted into flames.

Sirin then stepped out of the dimension. She looked at the pillars and rocks in the base and frowned when she remembered that it was used to seal her goddess.

"I don't like the look of these pillars. I guess I'll use them to test my new powers. Time to teach those filthy human vermin a lesson."

She smirked and with her newfound strength and honkai energy flowing into her in waves. The rocks and pillars floated, she then coated then with her void shields so they won't disintegrate upon entering orbit.

"Woe, woe, woe. Pathetic humans! For I have sounded the trumpets of judgement!" She launched the impromptu meteors and laughed with glee.

*And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood.* Revelations 8:8

The 1st lunar fragment hit Moscow, and as if a nuclear bomb was set off in the middle of the city. A third of it got destroyed instantly.

Multiple lunar fragments hit different parts of the world. Los Angeles was decimated with the impact. The fragment that hit the pacific created massive tsunamis that threatened to swallow up entire cities exposed in the pacific rim.

Siegfried was inside the tower of babylon and kept on receiving updates from all over the world. And the damages were already immense, casualties expected to be in the millions.

The unexpected meteor impacts caused destruction upon the world. And hundreds of millions of people were speculated to be dead or wounded.

The UN has not released a statement yet for the seemingly out of nowhere disasters. The governments advised people to stay inside their homes and not to panic.

And a little girl that looked similar to a certain scientist watched the news with her mother with tears in her eyes. Scared.

*For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?* Revelations 6:17

"Observatories around the world have been mobilized to watch the heavens. Let us all hope this is the last of the meteors." The news anchor said, not able to do anything but watch if there were more.

*After this I looked, lo and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne...* Revelations 7:9

Though of course. Ein just warped everyone that would die from the crash course in a pocket dimension, but he didn't give orders to stop the meteors. As the rebuilding would give Aesir an even tighter hold on the economy, an Adamantine grip.


"Hmm, as an evil capitalist. This is a huge opportunity no?" Ein clinked goblets with Phyllis who smirked. "Un, I can already see the money roll in nya~"

Eden sighed at their lack of care. "Ein, Phyllis. We're already swimming in money. My wealth alone surpasses every government in the past and current era combined. Why do you even need to get more?" She squinted her eyes at them.

"Isn't it obvious? You just had money roll in after you debuted so you don't understand. But I had to scrape by every waking hour to survive. Money is great, money is life." Phyllis stated and started calculating their profits.

Eden pouted and Ein smiled wryly. "I struggled too Phyllis, I wasn't always famous you know? I don't even want to think what would happen if I didn't meet Ein." Eden shivered as she thought of the time her company tried taking advantage of her to sell her to some ugly bastard. She barely escaped and was sure that her reputation was dragged into the mud by her company.

"Well, let's just agree that we are shaped by our experiences." Ein clinked glasses again with them and started to see what Adelheid is capable of now. He was curious on how strong she got with her gamer cheat.

'Though the 2nd just used physics to drop meteors on the earth. I wonder how she would square up compared to the herrschers of the past era.' They watched on as the governments started calling Aesir to get some loans and help.


"So it has finally come... Every moment I have trained would be crucial for this single battle. Make no mistake honkai. Adelheid Schariac, the blood raid empress will stop your plans for good." Adelheid wore her trusty battlesuit that she received from Ein and caressed it softly.

'Ein-san. This would be the key to my victory. Thank you very much once again.' Parts of the suit turned blood red and a robotic voice resounded once again. "Honkai energy levels overloading. Activating Sanguine Angel mode."

She sprouted wings of bright crimson blood on her back. It then condensed, becoming harder, stronger. The reservoir of blood contained tons of the Schariac's honkai neutralizing blood. And it was even more vicious, with Soulium floating around it.

"Humanity will win today. And I will make sure of it. If Sirin has to perish, then so be it." Adelheid narrowed her eyes and was filled with determination. Over the years of her being a valkyrie. Her mentality changed and was now committed to protecting her family. Losing her happy go lucky attitude.

She then stepped out of her dungeon and her wings flapped. Going to HQ to tell the overseer that she will sortie for the appearing threats that will unleash destruction on multiple parts of the world whether she would like it or not.

And the 2nd honkai war, has just escalated.


Thanks for reading everyone. Sirin has received her 4 brand new and shiny gems. The flames of war has ignited once again.