Chapter 36: Letting it Go? Let’s Go!

Jamie didn’t get her nap. It wasn’t even an hour later that someone was knocking on the door, Valerie huffing as she threw on a sweater and answered it since Jamie didn’t move from the bed.

“Andy! What’s up?”

She did almost fall out of bed though from that. What was going on?

“Oh, I came to get your permission to draw some blood from Jamie,” smiled Andy.

Valerie and Jamie felt their breath catch. Not good.

“What for?” Valerie asked carefully.

“For a blood donation. Jamie’s the only one who’s blood type fits, AB negative.”

“Blood donation for who?” asked Jamie, trying to sound like she was only curious and not freaking out.

“Ballie Batson.”

Jamie’s breath caught. Either Andy was more of an evil genius than she realized, or he really did need that blood.

Ballie Baston, who’s twin was Hallie Batson, the twins of the Central pack who were shoo ins for the future alpha, who Jamie KNEW shared her blood type.