Chapter 42: Sprint to the Finish

“Did she mean we have seven days left today or it started yesterday?” asked Valerie.

That was the question Jamie got the second she was awake, and the answer Valerie got was a very heartfelt swear.

“I’m not sober enough for this.”

“You’re not even allowed to drink.”

Jamie stared Valerie dead in the eye.

“I’m not sober enough for this,” she repeated, daring her to continue and Valerie raised her hands in surrender.

“I’m gonna go tail Andy. We have a basic idea of his schedule so either today or tomorrow he’ll head to his lab. My chores today are scrubbing the shower stalls.”

Jamie groaned heavily before giving a thousand-mile stare to the ceiling.

“Is it truly too late to murder him?”

“You’ve made it this far in, so I’d have to say yes. Just for bragging rights.”

“Go, I’ll get the stalls. Don’t get caught.”

“Knockin’ on wood, girl.” With a short knock, she was off.

Hopefully Valerie would be able to find something.