Chapter 41: The Wrong Sort of Help

Sneaking out was too easy in the Northeastern pack that Jamie would be bringing it up to Logan if it currently wasn’t so useful.

“Are you sure your friend will be able to find us?” asked Valerie.

They were back by the creek where Jamie shifted, waiting for Sarah to appear.

“Oh, trust me, she’ll be able to. I put on a spritz of the crappy perfume she shoved in my bag.”

A wolf, smaller than some but with thick fur and bright eyes, jumped out, growling, before Sarah was standing there, sassy and grinning.

“Excuse you, that’s brand perfume.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that it smells like bathroom cleaner,” laughed Jamie wetly before sweeping the other into a tight hug.

“Your hair’s a wreck.”

And Jamie laughed, laughed until she cried and if the tears weren’t all because of her laughter, well, no one would call her out on it.

“Sarah, meet my roommate, Valerie Travers, she’s been helping me get dirt on Andy. Valerie, Sarah Kellogg.”

They looked each other up and down.