Chapter 25: Tell Me No Lies

After hours of hiking, stopping only briefly to catch their breath so they could keep walking, they came to the temple of the oracle of Delphi. It was very high up in the hills, and from that point they were able to see the sea stretch out far below them. The temple was smaller than the ones in Egypt, with beautiful white columns, an amphitheatre built in the surrounding area, and a large, pointed rock jutting out from the center of the temple complex.

Cassandra eyed this rock curiously. Lakis gestured for her not to touch it and explained, “This is the Navel of the World. Zeus administered his Eagles to circle the entirety of the globe, and when they came together they settled here, revealing the center of the world.”

Cassandra could not help but giggle and told him, “But, Lakis the world is a sphere. There is no center of the globe.”