Chapter 31: Why Are You Here?

As it turns out, once he’s not giving her gland constant attention, the depression comes back full force.

Beth wakes up alone— no surprise— to the buzzing of her cell phone beside her— sort of surprise, since she distinctly remembers throwing it into her closet awhile ago. Someone— and she doesn’t want to bother figuring out who— obviously got it out for her.

She answers a bit groggily, her voice almost gone from how much she’d ended up using it. “Hello?”

“Beth?” It’s Pam.


“You sound awful.”

“Yeah, well.” She rolls over, and immediately regrets it as a cramp overtakes her lower abdomen. She groans. “I feel awful.”

“Josh called me. He said you were in heat.” Pause. “Alone.”

“Not exactly.” She sighs, pulling her softest pillow toward her. “Sean came to help.”

“You mean Josh? He told me, but he said he had to leave when—”

“No, Josh left after the second day,” Beth corrects. “Sean’s here now.”

Another pause. “Are you okay?”