Chapter 30: Not Good Enough

Sean swears as Beth bites his shoulder hard enough to break the skin.

His hips snap up, his hands tightening almost painfully around her waist. One of them finally ventures away, tangling into her hair with a light tug, but she can’t— she can’t let go. Not yet. His blood tastes like his scent liquefied on her tongue, and she can literally taste how aroused he is by this, and it’s the only thing keeping her together as she sobs against his skin.

“God, Beth, I—“ he groans as she clenches her jaw, his hips bucking harder against her once again. This time, when he tugs on her hair, she lets go, sitting up to meet his eyes. The heat is consuming now, dimming her vision, blurring the world at the edges. Yet against his pale skin, she can clearly see her own teeth marks, shiny little crescents red with blood.

Sean pants underneath her. She wonders if he’s struggling for control. His face is tight, his eyes screwed shut as though he doesn’t want to look at her.