Chapter 46: Beth Moves In

Beth moves in before her next heat. Sean helps her pack up most of her furniture and move it into storage, with a few of her friends lending hands. She hands in her keys for the apartment and replaces them with the keys he has made for her, and for a few blissful moments, all is right with the world.

Their schedules don’t overlap well. She works four nights a week at one job, and two to four mornings a week at the other, depending on when she happens to get scheduled. He works his two jobs and has one day off a week, where he sometimes sees her and sometimes doesn’t.

There are quiet moments, too. Sometimes they just cuddle on the couch with a movie; he’s slept with his head in her lap, and she’s slept draped across the front of him. He teaches her how to play Mario Kart— she’s still not at his level, but she comes in second or third now, instead of dead last.