
starry sky, a god had to kneel before a bunch of tiny humans. While Seimei tried to attack the cooling system, Nyam used the Magnetic Reverser to cause thermal and electrical overload. But because the cooling system was destroyed, it led to a chain reaction that caused other components to overheat.

It had collapsed into the marketplace, turning it into a ruin. That is the power of an angel, even after a thousand years, just one angel has almost completely wiped out more than ten thousand people in less than a day. Amidst the rubble, there were still a few survivors in the homemade bunkers, but the Choas Order terrorists in the angel's titanium alloy compartments were much more likely to survive. But those soldiers and the other villagers kept shooting at each other, regardless of a thermonuclear bomb more than 20 meters large with an explosive capacity of up to 10 million megatons.

From within a recess of the posterior part of the C6 spine, a small figure with a cloak emerged from the angel's openings. In his hand he held a small box, it was a bright red crystal, he slowly put it away. While that person was storing the box, a terrorist also just got up from the wreckage.

?: Hey who are you!

??: Me? Do you want?

?: Hurry up, I'll let you die now!

??: What's wrong, you've already lost an important item after all.

?: You... that's it, I don't even bother to ask-

??: Good night, send my greetings to the god of death.

A bullet flew from the barrel behind the man's cloak, pierced the soldier's armor, and flew past, piercing the terrorist's left lung.

?: Agh... Who are you...

??: White Death. Goodbye now.

This time, just one in the head is enough.

At the same time, inside the angel's chest cavity, there was a gun battle between Seimei's group and the living terrorists. Seimei: Damn, pick the right place with a lot of people. Kevin: Look at the grenades! After Kevin shouted, Seleva grabbed it and stood up to answer it in the direction the bullets were coming from. After a bang and a few seconds of pause in the rain of bullets, the number of bullets flying towards them dwindled.

Seleva: Damn, still a lot less.

Seimei: Hey Mr. Seleva, what do we do?

Seleva: You ask me, who do I ask? Kevin: I've come to this point just trying to match the cards. Seleva: Then Seimei and I will clamp the 2 diagonal lines to form an X angle and you will take care of the horizontal line to clear all the advance. And if a grenade comes, the person closest to it will land it.

Seimei: Okay. Kevin: Looks like this type of strategy is called CS or something?

Seleva: Leave it alone, now do you care its name or your life!

Kevin: Okay, calm down.

After 3 hours of entrenched, they decided to attack, the enemy side. They had Seleva hit a bullet in his right shoulder but it wasn't too much, he injected himself with a light dose of paracetamol and continued with Kevin and the others. After searching for a while they were powerless to find the exit or the passageway. So you bring a dozen grenades and detonate them in the side to get them out.

Seimei: Agh, the light!

Kevin: Hey man, it's just moonlight.

Seleva: We've been stuck in there for almost an hour, after all. Looks like I'm unemployed now? Seimei: Well, now this place is just a pile of rubble, isn't it?

Seleva: Maybe we should always move- Huh.

?: All standstill. I'm Captain Robert Porter. Commander of the task force of company A-14

Seleva: Hi Sir Robert, I'm Seleva, the commander for the adventurers in this area. Do you have any requests?

Robert: Hi Seleva, I think you were the one who called for help.

Seleva: Yes, I did call for reinforcements, but I'm afraid I seem to have been worrying too much.

Robert: It's okay Seleva, I am surprised that only 4 people can take down a C rank angel, I have that compliment.

Seleva: Thank you very much, sir.

Robert: Okay, everyone exploits and cancels.

From the sky, a very large plane appeared. The metal plates gradually turned to appear in the middle of the sky.

It looked like a giant horseshoe made of metal with a glass in the middle. There were small holes in the metal plates of that spaceship opening, from which nearly 100 soldiers climbed down. They had a typical police suit armor but were heavily reinforced and upgraded, including a bulletproof vest that was studded with barbed wire. Their left hand is a shield made of bulletproof glass, and on their back is a railgun combined with common 16mm bullets.

On the side is a knife, but looking at the small size of the metal part, it is understandable that it is a knife using plasma.

Robert: As for the people here, let's make them go except Seleva!

Kevin: Wait! what do you mean?!

Robert: Of course, the execution?

Seleva & Seimei: Huh?!

?: Sir, the collection is complete, please accept the order to destroy.

It's a soldier, it seems to be this guy's subordinate.

Robert: Agreed.

Then from the back of that guy came a series of explosions, followed by a series of secondary explosions. An angel was now just scrapped metal that was being collected by the soldiers. The group was mostly fearless because the magnetic fields would push the metal shards away.

"And what you're dealing with is execution due to contact with people infected with AshVirus."

Seimei: Sorry but what is it that I have to die for?

Robert: It's the virus in the same family as HIV, after being exposed to strong radiation and spreading across species boundaries, it will destroy your cells into a white ash-like powder that's why it's called AshVirus. so you all have to get tested. If you resist, you will die.

Seimei: What if it's negative?

Robert: Of course it's alive.

Kevin: Well then why did you say execution!

Robert: That's the name of the procedure.

Seleva: I'm exempt because I've already used antibodies.

Seimei: Why do you have a crazy name like that?

Robert: So are you guys cooperating?

Kevin: Okay, how about you, Seimei?

Seimei: You guys act like I have a choice.

Then the soldiers were ordered to arrest them all and go to the airship. Among them were a man and a girl who was wearing a cape with the sign of Ouroboros.

So the land that was once a bustling place is now a place filled with ashes from the power of a god and a horde of people less than 2% of the original population.