The Heart Of The West

That Airship had been flying for 5 hours, it was already early morning. Seimei is standing in front of a glass and looking down at the desert that looked like a giant sandbox with several dilapidated toy buildings.

"Hey, buddy! sap?" - Kevin again.

Seimei: Well, it's just a feeling of boredom, like if I tried to go east, why am I already on my way to the center of the New Government of the west?

Kevin: Just ask them to carry you after you're done, they're based in the east anyway. Somehow there's an airship going here.

Seimei: Yeah, you're right, it's because they dragged me here anyway. But besides you and Seleva, who else climbed the angel?

Kevin: Well, I don't know what she helps us to do?

Seimei: She?

Kevin: Do you remember white death?

Seimei: Well then she has nothing to do with me, Do you understand that white death is one of the high-ranking members of the assassination group of the Ouroboros guild, if I fold her, she will kill me.

Kevin: no kidding, she was involved in that case. She attacked the fusion core, but naturally, I let it pour into the "market"?

Seimei: Shit, I still can't believe it.

Kevin: Me too, now she's gone or something. Not seen anywhere.

Seimei: Well, where's Mr. Seleva?

Kevin: He's gone to a meeting, it's probably about the terrorists or something. What do I do with authority?

Seimei: Maybe so.

Kevin: Come on, I'm leaving.

Seimei: Yeah.

The corridor of this airship is long, crooked, and dark. Even though it was 7 am, there was only light coming in from outside the window. The walls are just like going to fall with just 1 grenade. Anyway, it's cool to be simply half-restored from the prosperity of the past.

There is nothing left of these technologies now that mankind has hated the most perfect technology, nuclear technology. Something that gives us great energy, but because of the fear of that day, they always don't want to look back on that day.

Seimei: Which is it? The girl from the other day?

It was a girl with ash-gray hair, a fiery red glow. She put on a robe made of linen. But according to the others, she was the one who shouldn't be touched. Maybe it's an acquaintance or an ally of white death, I'd better just pass by-

Nyam: Hi? what do you need?

Seimei: Oh no, I just think you're a bit forgetful.

Nyam: yes, but you shouldn't care either. From behind me again a muscular figure patted my hand.

Kevin: Oh who's this, this is... Hey Seimei.

He pulled me by the neck and said: "Do you know who that is?"

Seimei: An acquaintance of the white god, probably. Kevin: "No buddy! It's the white god of death!

Seimei: Damn it

Nyam: If it's okay, I'll go.

Seimei: Yeah, thanks for your time.

She turned to leave this place, leaving me bewildered as to what stupid thing just happened. A high-ranking member of the New Government's counterbalance just helped get rid of an angel that is something very suspicious indeed.

The New Government is an organization that was created 10 years ago to regulate people's activities so that this world can be restored. But in my opinion, the best thing they do is allow the use of nuclear reactors and adventurers guild. Indeed, many people do not have sympathy for the New Government like me, but most of the rebels are like that Choas Order now. They are simply a bunch of rebellious and determined Hiers. intends to riot to replace the New Government to take power. But to us before, they were just clowns having a bad dream. The Ouroboros Guild is a guild that I only know is dangerous and complex, that's all.

Kevin: Oh here it is.

Seimei: It's really... Different isn't it?

Describe it how? Just think of this world as a living hell, the headquarters here is a garden of the Eden. It was a place that was in stark contrast to the sandy world that covered it. It was a giant fortress in the shape of a star nestled within a star. The walls surrounding the city are a striking white in the red of the sand. Here because there is a source of "clean water" from the sewage pipe of the city, there are a few animals here, but it has no name. Simply because all bodies are separate, the survivors of the disaster 14 years ago almost gave birth to offspring so deformed that it was impossible to recognize the species of its parents. But their reproductive instincts are still there, so they still pair up to reproduce, which is also part of the reason the AshVirus has spread into something obvious.

In between the two wings of a star is a gate, a total of 10 gates named after numbers from Cw-01 to Cw-10. we're flying in from the airship of port Cw-7. It is an automatic system that scans foreign individuals, except for ships with a clear inventory of numbers and identities to be able to enter. Across the city car are patrols of guards, and on the walls are plasma machine guns. For the legions on the ground to successfully attack here, there's a better chance that a single person can save this dying world.

In the middle of the tall buildings made of glass are trees, to be honest I haven't seen a tree in almost a year. Not to mention the number is this much, the population here is quite crowded with about 900,000 people but more than 80% must be working people. The rest are the rulers of the whole region on this hand (the New Government has influence only in Eurasia-Africa).

We've reached the center of this city, it's like in the "market". In the middle there is a building several hundred stories high, on which is stained with the money and sweat of the people. It has a round shape at the bottom and from its center pierces a spike about 250 meters high, people going in and out are very crowded. Simply because the entire western part of the supercontinent would gather here, it was understandable that a lot of things would happen.

: Attention! Those who need to be "executed" please gather in the common room

Seimei: They still won't change that term? What a joy to listen to

Kevin: The administrative work can't be edited by itself, let's go, man.

Seimei: Yeah.