Ash And Fire

After a run out to the center, they asked for. I once again saw White Death, and from that point on, she looked like the younger sister of some guy I've met before. Never mind, after all, I probably died in the angel attack here.

Kevin: Hey man!

Seimei: Huh? Kevin: How did you and White Death know each other?

Seimei: Who knows, I was just going to eat noodles the other day, but who would have thought that I was sitting next to him and that's all thanks to the death god.

"I don't like being called white death when they know my name first." - White death. Since when the fuck did she come out?

This time there was no more climbing, but the airship landed and opened the door in the middle of its body to let us down.

Kevin: ah yes sorry Nyam!

Seimei: Yeah, me too

Nyam: Yeah okay, whatever. But why do you get his attention?

Seimei: What? Who? I don't hate it but I'm not gay.

Nyam: Agh, it's not stupid boys. Let it go.

Seimei: Wow, did I do something wrong.

Kevin: Yeah, that's so wrong.

Seleva: Hi you two!

Kevin: Ah hello sir.

Seleva: No need to be so formal, I'm just like you now.

Seimei: They're all unemployed.

Kevin: Haha... Okay.

Robert: Silence! Everyone prepare, prepare to land!

The airship slowly moved to one of the openings in the dome of the structure, inside a clean, shiny place. It's like being on some planet in outer space, but there's no place here that can be like this! We slowly landed, the door slowly opened. As soon as I stepped down, instead of the heat, it was a soft coolness, the air was no longer filled with dust and sand, but for the first time I was able to remove the hood of my robe so that my skin could breathe. Feel the wind and sun.

Robert: Attention everyone, now we will start testing. Anyone who tests positive is asked to notify me immediately so that a valid countermeasure can be taken.

Then a group of soldiers came out from inside a machine as big as a coffee machine. When we put our fingers in, instead of making a cup of cappuccino like when he was a kid, he would prick a needle and draw out some blood for testing. They would give me an order number so that when he finished the test, he would have it. can tell whose blood sample it belongs to. To be honest, I don't like it at all, it doesn't hurt but it makes me feel uncomfortable. Actually, all that stuff like needles makes me feel uncomfortable, people with hemophilia are afraid it will is their end. After it was my turn, they asked me to go to another corner and wait there.

Kevin: Hey man! tested yet?

Seimei: Yeah, I still can't stop being afraid of those needles.

Kevin: Really? How old are you and still afraid of needles?

Seimei: Who knows, when I was a kid, I was so scared that I fainted, so they had to use that time to vaccinate me. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm still scared of the needles.

Kevin: Haha coward! I'm not afraid of anything.

Seimei: Look who said it, but what's the number?

Kevin: 41, The results are coming soon. How much are you?

Seimei: 75.

Seleva: Hey guys, how are you?

Kevin: I don't know, but you seem to be talking more normally today, right?

Seleva: Well, I was your boss before, but now I'm just a normal person. Just talking normally, but talking cumbersome is nothing to lose.

Seimei: Maybe I should go somewhere else?

Seleva: It doesn't matter, we're acquaintances after all.

Kevin: Yeah that's right, just chill. Suddenly there was a loud sound, it was the sound of someone shouting.

Seleva: What the fuck??

Kevin: Right over there, another rioting heir?

It was a guy who was screaming as he struggled to get out of the arms of the guards who were holding his hand.

?: Get out! What can I do?

??: Ask for your cooperation, or we'll have to take drastic measures!

?: Strong? your mother fucker!

From his pocket, he pulled out a knife and stabbed it straight into the visor of his helmet. After that, he continued to frantically stab the body of the bodyguard.

?: Now who dares to do anything to me! I told you I'm fine!


?: What the fuck are you saying-

There was a bang, another pool of blood.

Robert: Burn these two bodies for me. Send it to the plant department, maybe they need some fertilizer.

?: Yes? oh yes sir...

Robert: Anyone who intends to protest will receive such punishment! Does anyone else disagree? An absolute silence.

That is the fate of this world, death is mostly determined by the time of infection with AshVirus.Only after 8 weeks from the date of infection, the phenomenon of "Separation" will take place. It's the type of cells that frantically produce viruses that drain their energy and die, which is the best ending for them. And if they are being tortured by that hunger and supplementing with energy, it will cause their cells to spontaneously fire, a fire burns from their lungs and spreads down to their stomach, which will give them gas. which raises their temperature and rips their bodies apart, leaving only their ashes after that chain reaction. So of course they'll be desperate when they get it, no one will be able to really keep their cool when they're like that. Most people don't like AshVirus infected people so they usually stay away from them, I am one of those people. Who knows, maybe one day it turns to contagious through physical contact? I should have kept my distance from those people, anyway according to those who had it, it only hurt for the last 1-4 days, but according to them it was extremely painful. As the name suggests, thousands of pain are like being slashed on a microscopic level.

Robert: Where's number 41!

Kevin: Yes, it's me!

Robert: Negative, please go to the other side.

Kevin: Looks like it's just waiting for you? Good luck!

Seleva: I also have to go to a meeting so good luck!

Seimei: Thank you, but I thought you were unemployed now?

Seleva: Yeah, but we still need to deal with the old paperwork and the always moving thing.

Seimei: Ah, I see.

In my opinion, the fact that people can still stay calm like this is really oppressive, like I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't affect me. It's not really wrong, but it's like... Makes building relationships harder. Everyone is suspicious of others so if you accidentally exert a bad influence on them, they will immediately think that you are an asshole trying to get to know you and then kill you, take all your things, take your body. your dog food. It just goes overboard like that. In my opinion, is it better to just have a little faith in each other? But having said that, between being trustable or cynical, I would choose to be cynical.

"Hello Seimei, nice to see you again!" is a rather forgotten voice, I think I've heard it before...