Reckless Madmen

Ha led me along the road to the command area, which is a peak about 15 meters above the ship's floor, this cold makes the winds very weak. It makes me feel like I'm in another world, where are the winds, the rays of the sun, the usual heat, or the red sandstorms?

The sky was a deep blue iridescent blue, but there was an extra shade of gray that made it appear pale. We walked up the narrow stairway on the side of that floor, the color of which was clad in a layer of perhaps ash gray with the addition of the rust of time and moisture. There's something about it that makes me insecure, it feels like it will fall after just a few jumps. No one does that, though.

"Then why did we come here?"

"You're going to meet Sir William to learn more about your plans and roles, please behave yourself. Miss Nyam doesn't like complaints from family members."

"Is that a threat?"

"Of course it probably is."


"In general, just go in and you will know."

She put on an annoyed face and then slowly opened the door, it was a room that was not too large but quite airy, it had a large bookshelf filled with books on geography, history, and even history. dictionary of minerals or even some physics. It's a bit shameless but maybe it's okay if I ask for one and exchange it for another one? Behind the bookshelf is a tree that looks like a tiger's tongue, it's blooming with black flowers? It's so strange. We were told by her to a chair across from a table.

"Sit there."

Yeah, right, what other chair is there to point to? Free. Do we sit across from a man wearing a light blue military uniform that was a completely different color from Nyam or Ha's pale yellow, maybe a different part? Their logo is of course a snake or a dragon swallowing its tail, but it has something of modern technology, it curls into a five-pointed star on a green shield. plating.

"Oh, Mr. Seimei and Comrade Kelvin huh?"

"Yes, nice to meet Sir William, the owner of the Ouroboros as I remember correctly?"

"Yes, you seem very smart, don't you?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but can you get me straight to the point?"

"You look like Miss Lena you know? She's a genius professor who has helped us a lot since the day we were hidden in the old society."

"Did you guys exist before? I thought you were just starting up?"

"No, our motto is to turn into bleach to remove the stains of morality."

"Is that different from the New Government?"

"It may sound offensive, but they're really just rich people hanging out and gathering together after the apocalypse and exploitation."

"sounds like the struggle of the petty bourgeoisie against the civilization that is destroying them."

"Yeah, that's true, but in general that sort of thing. As for the part you said, this is simply the plan I said!"

He gave us two really thick stacks of papers, it's messy but it's a "God Killing" campaign, it's kind of about using infantry and air force to destroy and take over the angels that the Choas terrorists. Orders are in possession. It's also pretty easy for us to agree that the actions in this campaign don't affect each of our sides too much. Well, my faction is only me but it still counts as a faction right? It will be divided into three stages, the preparatory phase, which is happening from today, the work is very simple. The weapon inventory is planned out in detail, the recruits are trained, and so on, let's move on to phase two. It is the marching phase, so as the name suggests we will go from the Delta harbor where we are about to dock and load up materials and then travel along the longitude through the black sea and close to the terrorist headquarters. . The final step, the climax. It is our nine-fight, if successful it will be Zeta point otherwise we will have to retreat, there will be 4-6 angels fighting, Choas Orders side will have more than 20 angels but many the part is on break, so it will only fold 1-2 angels at most.

This is an extremely weird campaign when there are up to 5-8 angels participating in the war. It will be the post-World War Angels battle with the most angels fighting. But how much is Ouroboros' army in the end? Dare to mobilize a terrifying number of troops to control the number of troops that this campaign needs to be more than 10,000 soldiers. These people have the intention to exterminate them. Anyway, it's weird, but it's also quite reasonable that when the New Government has just been attacked and a series of high-ranking officials have been assassinated, it is natural to suspect those terrorists. Perhaps using this opportunity the Ouroboros will get used to buy weapons and then betray the New Government? Maybe I'm thinking too much...