Crafted Memory

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have anything else to choose from?"

"How about you? Are you like you?"

"I can say goodbye but obviously binding if the leadership knows this information, then I will not like it. "

"I don't expect too much sympathy from you, but you can understand that they are the creators of the new generation used in memory grafting, that is your behavior and you also understand that it is as cruel as how. "

"This if being is favorable, can you explain to me how the employee is created?"

"You weren't there anyway, how should I put it... You know, the New Government cadres are almost reaching the limit of human biology now so they need to figure out a way to prolonging their life, but clearly one body is not enough, so they used cultured protein samples combined with stem cells to form living tissues, thereby creating a "living shells." They then use mind-interfering machines to process the information in order to create a false memory of why you guys joined with a different core past at some point." variable." After the "living martial arts" are stable enough and are in a stable state, they will progress to the end of the mind that is using that body to take over it."

"Is it some kind of reincarnation?"

"Yeah, kind of like that."

"What is 'shell stabile state'?"

"It can be understood simply when that thing is a brand new corpse, which has not been adjusted to biological parameters of the body such as pH, body temperature, blood concentration of substances, etc. It can not be. self-regulating but it takes too long to wait until it's needed, so they created that DIY "residential". They can both create a source of labor and make a "portable health pot" It can be understood as such."

"oh, but don't any of us realize that demographic absurdity?"

"Do you remember the memory eraser when you first joined the New Government they asked you to use it?"

"Yes of course, I'm a member of the New Government."

"It doesn't erase the lice, it's implanted with an inhibitory memory chip."

"Huh?! What kind of thing?"

"It's the type that secretes compounds to prevent long-term memory of events other than those they allow."

"Then why can I still remember this shit?"

"Of course, on the top of the tower in the center of every city of the New Government, there are machines enough to control such a large number of chips, you are up to nearly 200 kilometers away."

We asked more about their plan but he simply replied with a single "huh?". It makes me really want to punch this guy in the face, it's so annoying. We went down to the deck, where a soldier was waiting for us. He led us into a small canoe and sailed on the waves to another boat. We had to put on our masks or pull up our scarves because walking like this could potentially splash acidic water in our eyes or face. Meanwhile I saw something familiar that I can't remember from walking near us, the damn mist. We set foot on a giant destroyer with a large yard, enough for a parade. They led us into a small room used to replace the illusion we were wearing with a T-shirt. with the fiber of some tree, with a faint rosemary scent, a little bit of parsley, too. It's not too overpowering as it's quite aromatic and pronounced. It has no stitches or stitches, and is heat-treated, of course it actually pretty comfortable.

"Hi you two!" A deep voice with something strong suddenly came from behind me making me reflexively turn around and spread from my belt to the knife and attack, he was a man with a large, muscular build. corn to a somewhat absurd level. He must be about two meters tall, his sinewy arm nimbly grabbing my knife. I used my foot to kick and start to slip behind him, but he was faster than grabbing my arm and punching me in the stomach. It wasn't too strong but enough to make me dizzy for a while, it wasn't really killing intent but a warning. The knife in my hand immediately fell with a clang. I fell to my knees and clutched my stomach.

"Seimei!?" - Kevin just reacted when he was immediately kicked by the guy making his whole body topple over according to the inertia of that leg sweep.

"Fighting with your coach on day one is not a good idea."

"Damn it... What kind of trainer..."

"That's Coach Abul Baari. I'll be your manager from today on, wish you both a good completion of training, no one really wants to do extra tutoring sessions, So your names are ?"

"Damn it, I didn't even have time to react. I'm sergeant Kevin C. Belfort, pleased to meet you."

"I'm Seimei Kosuto."

"Oh... Dr. Kosuto's child? How's she doing these days?"


"Excuse me? Looks like I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, it's really okay..."

"Let's just get to the point, shall we?"