Day In Night

He asked us to run seven test laps around this area, this is more than 100 meters long but it is not too difficult. I was pretty confident when I finished it in just three minutes and twenty-four seconds until Kevin's turn he ran in just one minute and seven seconds. What about that coach? It ran so fast I didn't feel like a human when he had a weird running pattern, his center of gravity was completely forward, he spread his legs as wide as he could and then immediately used his feet. support and then pull the rest of the body forward. It took him just over forty-six seconds to complete the 200 meters.

Then he simply jotted something down in his paperclip, his eyes sharp and scrutinizing our every move. No, it's not normal scrutiny, it's super extreme. He's constantly looking at the smallest mistakes and correcting them immediately. He is a real trainer. After only a few minutes, he left us, but, every time I rested, he called out to us.

"Hey, you two! Come out!"

"What have?"

"This is your training plan."

"How? In five minutes?"

"Is it that special?"

"Normally people need at least a day or two."

"Haha... I used to be a PT for high-level Olympics!"


I skimmed through the plan that was only half the size of the page, but it had so much technical jargon that I had to ask again every few minutes. It simply wasn't much of a difference from the military training Kevin talked about, but it was clear that nutrients weren't enough, of course. It required constant practice with small breaks in between sessions, anyway, it was better than being "graduated" early for a silly excuse like being murdered by a bunch of revolutionaries. There is no specific plan. It's just like other training courses like push-ups, weightlifting, or running, but the thing that scares me the most is the "super nutrient smoothie". It has enough nutrients, but what about the taste? It had a fishy taste perhaps of fish or eggs, with a hint of bitterness and astringency on the nose. How do these guys make it taste like that? Obviously they should be honored as chef kings. My body after only two days it became aching every muscle in my body, blood vessels were popping up like crimson fissures as it was trying to adjust when I suddenly put pressure on my muscles. this body suddenly. I can still eat well but I realize whe,n I eat salads it makes me feel a bit nauseous, of course, I'm not pregnant, it's kind of creepy when I remember something It has this smell but tastes worse. It's ridiculous that he really played the game of putting salad in to make a drink. If it's real, what's that fishy taste? Or spe- Well, I think I'd rather skip it than drink it, anyway, it's not harmful at all. Agh... The feeling of body aching lying on a bed can be summed up in one word as pain, no, very painful.

"Good morning, buddy."

"Hi, do you still look fresh?"

"Haha... I'm used to this training, you still don't like physical activities, do you?"

"This isn't the time to be young anymore."

"You're only 22, aren't you?"

"Well... Older than old?"

"Stop being delusional, you should warm it up anyway, it'll help."

"What a good brother."- this guy doesn't seem unusual after knowing he's a man-made man? Either way, it's good, it's not good to focus on something bad all the time. Oh shit, I'm beating myself up again.

We went to have breakfast after waking up, it seems the PTs don't like this laziness. Anyway, it's exhausting to keep working hard all the time like this, it's annoying. But my physical strength is so bad, look at Kevin and those guys, they're immortal. These foods are cooked in a real virtual way, they use "cold burning", an electric current of several thousand volts goes over the meat and water to make them hot, sounds dangerous but quite convenient. , especially it helps to reduce salt intake as the sodium in sodium chloride salt will be ionized, it will make the taste more salty but the amount of salt will remain unchanged, it will reduce the amount of salt to be consumed, thereby quench thirst because of eating salt. After all, isn't magnetism always interesting?

After we finished eating we put the plates and forks in the sink and then went out into the hallway. The sun is really strong today, this ship is gradually escaping the area affected by the radioactive winter. Today is not like usual when instead of the usual gym equipment, there are three military armor, with three also simulated power delivery, a knife that acts as a flexible conductor used for training or stuns. mainly. He's also wearing armor and next to him is... Seleva??