The Suicides

That guy was wearing ragged clothes, and his eyes were full of annoyance, he was probably forced to participate, but maybe we were crazy to accept the new government's soldiers. participate in a campaign of this scale. And they don't even hide their dissatisfaction with their policies, are they self-destructing or something? After all, a loyal person like him is still alive now. I thought they said they would eliminate elements that intended to protest? Turns out it was just a scam? Never mind, maybe he's a special case.

"Sir Seleva?"

"Kevin? And this is... Seimei?"

"Wait! You were brought here too?"

"This doesn't make me like it."

"That's right, where are you going?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"In general, the fact that you know each other from before doesn't matter much."

"What the fuck does it affect?"

"It's practice match today, we'll be divided into two groups to test each other. Since Seleva or something has a much higher skill level than you two, we'll be alone on one team, the battle rules will be divided. split it into two parts melee, and gunfight. That's it, you now have 5 minutes to prepare."

"Are you kidding me or what?"

"Ah I'm clinically deaf!"- He just turned around and left, ignoring us.

"Trick or what?"

"Are you okay Seleva?"

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm only forty, but you're not as good as I am eighty."

"Haha... Anyway, it's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, I'm glad that my student is still healthy."

"Student? Has Kevin been trained by you?"

"Yeah since he was first transferred. At that time he had only been in the organization for a year or two, his skills are still very young."

"Admit it, it's been more than nine years after all."

"Yeah, anyway, it's a pleasure to be your opponent and Seimei too."

"Anyway, you don't have to be so timid."

"Sorry, but before you moved back to be the manager of the adventure guild at that "market", what did you do?"

"Senior General of the 7th Steel Wing Division."

"Wow, this bet is a bit tight."

"Haha... Thanks! Anyway, good luck."- He was joking, but there's something about it that I don't know what it is? dangerous or scary? I have no idea.

"Hey! Warm-up, let's get started."

We put on that suit too and picked up the knife. Round one will be melee, a knife will pierce the scored areas of the body, and the more critical, the more points you lose. When our score goes from one hundred to zero, we lose. Since it's a two-and-a-half, even Seleva will be compensated by fifty points.

"Now, the first half will start after... 3... 2... 1... Start!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they immediately jumped up, pressing hard on the tips of their toes to make a fulcrum, and then rushed forward to take a few seconds of advantage. But for a moment Seleva suddenly sat down again, Seimei and Kevin suddenly felt insecure and then took the opportunity to ask Seleva to sweep around with her feet and then rush to attack. The two of them also immediately collapsed from this sudden attack.

"Still the same."-Seleva smiled and then said such a single sentence.

"So it's over, right?"


He immediately put his foot on Kevin's body and grabbed Seimei's neck. With his right hand holding the spear and was about to finish it, he realized something was missing. An electric current ran down his flanks reminding him of missing the step of disarming. He tried to suppress his discomfort and continued to use the knife to hit Kevin's chest area, immediately turning the tide as the aura weakened the force he used to attack Seleva. Taking that opportunity, he grabbed Kevin's hand tightly and twisted his body, using his left foot as a support for Kevin's body to smash into Seimei's body. The two of them were instantly stunned by this blow. The two were lying on top of each other with a white vision bound, and Seleva took the opportunity to immediately lean on Kevin to make them both locked. He continued to attack Kevin continuously but then suddenly stopped and lost his balance when he took advantage of the continuous attack when Seimei grabbed his leg and stabbed him in the ankle. He lost his balance and stepped back a bit to regain his balance, taking the opportunity Seimei shoved Kevin aside and tried to get up before Seleva could regain his balance. He immediately stepped back and pulled Kevin with him to get out of Seleva's range.

"Hey, Kevin! Are you okay?"'

"Not good, I'm in shock."

"This match seems to be quite interesting, isn't it?"-He stood up in less than ten seconds from such a blow. His gaze remained the same, still extremely alert and careful.