Gift From the Sea

The cost of the attack to repel Seleva, both of them were running out of points.

"Damn Kevin, how many points do you have left?"

"I only have 29 left, how many do you have left?"

"I only have 34 points left, that guy is a monster."

"So that's the general."

As we were talking, there was a sudden click, and then a black light flashed past reflexively Seimei held out his hand. Immediately the knife still in his hand was immediately knocked out and crashed on the metal floor of the ship.

"What the fuck?-"

"Don't lose focus!"- He crouched while attacking Seimei.

"Very well, Mr. Seleva."

"Don't talk to me like that."

Seimei's arm trembled as he was hit by a strong blow. He looked around at Seleva's body.

"There isn't a damn loophole..."


"Hey, I have an idea..."


His eyes narrowed in wonder when he saw that the two of them couldn't correct their mistake 10 seconds ago. He immediately jumped up. Seimei was instantly hit, the aura instantly causing his score to gradually drop. He advisedly grabbed Seleva's wrist and then held her brother tightly and then flipped over, Kevin immediately rushed over and attacked Seleva's body.

"What the fuck?"

He still can't understand what's going on, partly because of the shock and half because of this crazy suicide plan.

"Seimei is eliminated!"

Seimei immediately released his hand but at that moment Kevin turned his foot to kick the hand that was holding the knife, it immediately flew away and then finally the match was over.

"Seleva is eliminated! Kevin and Seimei win!"

The two of them were extremely proud, and then the three of them picked up their guns to compete in the gunfight. But it didn't work out at all, ending after five seconds, each person was hit with a paintball.

We came right back after having a really hard try, after all we have a small group of three, tonight is different from usual, no longer having to eat at the Canteen we are now was given a much better meal. It still tastes like the sole of a shoe, but at least it's not like usual. We just ate leisurely.


From the aircraft carrier in the midst of a convoy of giant battleships, the bows of the ships competed to split the sea into two long ribbons stretching to the horizon. And his ship emitted the buzzing sound of a giant engine that was constantly roaring. On it was a tower to control, there was a man with a golden hair with broad shoulders. Beside him was a much smaller girl, with long white hair, with a shiny platinum sheen, she was short but not "small".

"How do you see me? Who's the good guy now?"

"Fine... Maybe it's just your luck."

"No matter what, the winner may not be the loser, but the one who doesn't lose can only be me." "What kind of idiom is that?"

"No matter what, successful people always have their own way. Forget it, now let's focus on the main issue."

"See anything?" -She put on the table a piece of paper with "Report of Meteorology & Supplies" on the table.

"Hm... Rain? But isn't it the dry season right now? As for supplies, isn't that enough?"

"Yes in terms of supplies but such heavy rain is a problem with the electric cannons. It can't be used in the rain when we have more than 78% electric cannons, in that's 59% of it's unprotected. It's possible to turn a battleship full of skilled soldiers into a giant ferromagnetic lump with a pile of corpses."

"It's hard... So how long will it last?" "This mass of steam is really big, four weeks is a little." "So we have to dock, right? Is there a station nearby?"

"Although the only major station is Eta, we can enter Beta from 500 nautical miles to the east. It's not close, but at least close and less affected by storms."

"Then deploy it."


"But isn't it a bit unreasonable to have such a big storm in the dry season?"

"You're right, I'll take note of that." "Then help me!"

Then the girl also turned to go out, he sat alone in the room like that for a while, looking out at the bow of the ship where the waves were continuously crashing against the top of the head creating a layer of blur. On the bow of the ship, combined with the moonlight on a full moon night, it also shines with a rainbow color as if a rainbow fits inside a container...

Meanwhile, the sour waves of the sea are constantly pounding against the giant "chitin pillars" connecting from below the sea breaking through the blue sky, the red color mixed with the green moss is clinging to the top. This huge body covered with a bluish-white hazy bone was constantly moving to the southeast.