The Lost At Sea

From the surface of the sea, the huge convoy slowly turned to the southeast, the huge waves tearing away the blood algae. It makes the next time you pass by there will be some problems with the amount of marine life but it doesn't last long so it can be put aside. After a long night, the sun is finally taking back the sky from the night in the battle called dawn. Meanwhile in a small, moldy room with a strong smell of rusty metal.

"AGH! What kind of muscle pain is this?!" He said while showing a face like he's been constipated for 10 years.

His body hasn't been able to get used to the training regimen of "carrier particles drifting gently across the tissues" so the muscles are cramping. He stood up tiredly, or rather lazily. Finally he got up and put on his training suit, not going to fight Seleva, of course, but to fight Kevin himself. He opened the door slowly, the squeak lingering in the empty hallway. He changed rooms so he didn't know anyone, he walked along the corridor. Occasionally someone would pass by and look at him with strange eyes.

"Agh! I hate this practice, why are private key pharicos like this? How can you escape? Those bastards! Why?"

He had just finished speaking when there was a click and the floor was shaking as if he was scared of something. He looked around with a frightened look on his face, the sound growing louder and louder in sync with the frequency of the boat's vibrations. He hurried up the stairs, the empty corridor now empty as it shook more and more violently.

"What is this?!"

I just woke up, didn't I? Damn it's only been 3 days after having a bad practice session, isn't it? How long do I have to get into troubles again? I have to load- what the fuck!?

In the gray-blue sky, under thousands of layers of raindrops falling, from there a huge silhouette is gradually moving, everyone is busy preparing, he looks around with From the front, yesterday was still a cool and dry day, but now it's like in the middle of a storm. It was a tall gray figure, from which the great waves were constantly coming and attacking the giant, red ships as if gradually eroded. It's not dangerous but it's obviously not fun getting that thing in your eyes or mouth. Soldiers were running along the side of the ship, their frightened eyes clearly visible. The fighter planes were constantly being sent out for a pre-emptive strike, on that shadow small lights appeared on its body. A stary night but isn't the night. It continued to advance despite an effort that could be considered an attempt to finish it off with fighter jets. The soldiers were looking in that direction with strange eyes and then shouted. "FIRE!" A beam of light flew across the ship's sides, accompanied by loud explosions as if a lightning bolt was rushing to attack, a series of rays flew in that direction and then exploded like a thousand fireworks. Seimei was almost dumbfounded at the sight, from the beams of light from the explosions illuminating part of it, a giant body with six legs over a hundred meters long. At the top was a head that looked like a kaiju, its eyes were only a bright red of hunger. Its outer shell has begun to show minor scratches, but clearly not enough. It kept getting closer and closer.

The waves and earthquakes grew bigger and stronger with each step of that monster, the cannons still fired wildly as if a giant storm was taking the monster itself as its center of focus. destruction but it still simply ignored the few scratches on the shell compared to it. The soldiers also tried their best to attack that giant body, it finally started attacking. It waved its paw towards the train. The leg

it was hundreds of meters long, it was big and thick with a thick membrane of chitin so it easily became a torpedo, it immediately tore apart a nearby destroyer as if it were a piece of paper, the pieces Metal splinters flew up and along with the oil and the smell of gunpowder, followed simply by a huge explosion, a strong gust of wind, the soldiers stood dumbfounded for a moment and then had to continue reloading, the rain now more and more intense. The flesh from the explosion mixed with the rainwater resulting in a rain saw filled with blood and flesh.

"What the fuck is that?!"

"It's a Behehmut!"

"Why is it in the black sea??"

"Who knows! Bring up the bullets!"

"Fuck it! hurry up!"

Continuing that chaotic chain, the Behehmut looked down. Now it was only a few dozen meters away from the nearest boat. It's clearly just a step away from it.