The Ruler Of The Sea

The behehmut charged frantically, but at least the damage was negligible because the waves also helped the ships to retreat faster. The ships were gradually separating from each other to avoid a hit that would take several ships, it kept using its legs to slash around while the pilots above were still continuously spreading several tens of tons of bombs on their bodies. Its outer shell was almost charred and had several cracks that were nearly half its length on its carapace, but only about a meter wide. Huge plumes of smoke from flaming fires were fed by huge oil patches on the sea, every time the behehmut attacked, following the drops of water, the oil flames flew up with the droplets. Those flames rose into the air as if little fireflies were flying up and down, but once these "fireflies" landed on people, it would be a bad thing. The oil will be absorbed by the cloth, so once it gets on it, you only have to jump into the sea to cut off the oxygen source, but if it's black, what awaits you when you jump down is also the sea but the sea of ​​​​fire.

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, there were two people standing on deck and still very calm.

"It looks pretty bad, doesn't it?"

"Of course, one of the most miserable creatures ever. Besides, it's also because everyone is conservative and won't listen to me, I'm telling you to take a closer look."

"Who would have thought there was a behehmut in this area?"

"admit it, a behehmut in the black sea? how do you get from the south? This area has the sea behind.?"

"There must be a hidden ocean current, their eggs aren't that big."

"how about sea monster egg sushi?"

"also a good choice to die from radiation."

"People don't tell me how to joke, can't be wrong."

"Of course-"

"Of course not, it's a bunch of damn nerves."

"So are you."

"Come on, what sister would do that?"

"Yes, of course."

"cold and cruel."

"This isn't the time for jokes. Our problem is that behehmut."

"yes, it's really big, isn't it?"

"oily or what?"

"come on?"

"Now act like a leader. How do we defeat that goddamn monster?"

"Have the artillery lost the ability to fire by now?"

"The gunpowder cannons are still there but the efficiency is reduced, and the electric cannons are considered abandoned."

"What is it trying to do? This isn't the right waters for it."

"THE JUST FIND A SOLVE. Are there two options, is the Ceata team or just use the fleet of A-2s?"

"What percentage of damage it has suffered so far?"

"It's about 12% as of now."

"Really pirated. How many nautical miles from the Delta base?"

"There are about 100 nautical miles left. The sea there is quite calm but it is not easy to run away from this monster."

"Deploy Team Ceata and order the remaining ships to turn around and return to Delta Base as quickly as possible."

"We might not make it in time."

"It's okay, at best luring it into the range of the anti-aircraft guns on that base. It'll definitely have more than enough power to destroy it."

"It's also true..."

"So be it!"

"Understood."- He turned to a soldier nearby. The person bowed and then left.


Agh... I'll never sail again. The feeling of being tired when the air humidity is high is part of it, and there's also this damn sea monster! Super high-end version? I have to carry loads of ammunition for the cannons, not to complain or anything but it's exhausting. The bullets are large and weigh several tens of kilograms, and I also have to step on the metal floor that is both slippery and sticky. Just tripping and letting this bullet hit you is enough to die. The smell of gunpowder made my nose feel like it was on fire, the extremely strong smell of gunpowder combined with the fishy smell of blood and metal mixed together. That damn monster took our destroyer down. It doesn't look like much, but it's definitely cheap. The electric cannons were of course they weren't crazy enough to use that thing in the rain like this, it was too dangerous. However, what right does a guy who lunges at an angel have the right to condemn? The smoke from the last explosion was also almost extinguished due to the lack of fuel. And of course the other one doesn't have a fuel tank, the sky is always buzzing with bomb-dropping planes that are constantly flying back and forth. And why is the flying formation so thin? There are planes downed but why so many-

Shit! A convoy of jets had just flowed past, it was broad but flat, its folds curved like rough black ripples with dark army green spots, the metallic sheen it still pierced. result in the jet's paintwork.