Memory Juice

From the deep, silver-gray rays of metal pierced my vision like knives, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it. So funny, they had never seen a plane before. previous force or what? Trying to overthrow the New Government but couldn't- "Is that the alpha company?" "I can't believe it." "Are they with us? Or reinforcements?"

"Crazy, it takes less than 4 hours to get from Zeta base."

"Hey, can I ask, who are they?"


"You don't know them?!"

"Well... I'm new after all."

"Ah... I see, no wonder. They're our elite company. They're the ones injected with a chemical made from the AshVirus that gives them extra reflexes, some even have superpowers. again."

"Sounds like a superhero movie, bullshit."

"Just take it slow, watch them attack that behehmut." T

hey flew like they were tearing the clouds, they circled the behehmut continuously, it struggled to catch the jets flying around it, they were like bullets flying past, leaving behind them a long trail of clouds. The behehmut looked curiously at the flying irons flying at terrifying speed, when they were close to the beast the jets went straight up into the sky leaving a barrage of rockets pointed directly at its face. . Instantly its whole head was engulfed in a blazing fire. The outer shell gradually turned orange like a boiled crab, yes it was also close to shell, there were a few shells that broke and fell into the sea, one of its eight eyes was burned black and popped out of its head. . The smell of burning spreads all over. It let out a scream of pain and still tried to rush to the ship that was right in front of it, but there was not much time left for it to do so, the sky suddenly opened up due to the light from there. They flew in a circle and repeatedly dropped bombs on the wound where the shell had fallen, the light from within the shell was so strong that even rays of light could even come out of its shell. Its head burns like a giant torch, it sounds delicious but it's useless, its meat has not strong toxicity but enough to kill people if eaten a lot, so it still can't be eaten. Oh wait a minute, where is Kevin? Oh fuck! It fell, creating a huge wave that spread across the sea. The ship was immediately faced with a huge wave and almost rose out of the air, and the crates also flew up. It felt like I was floating in space, a loud bang. Damn, it really hurts. My hip seems to have hit something.

"Is everyone okay!" - The girl's voice asked, but it was still a little worried. Well it's true that soldiers don't have any of these but at least they should be a little more worried! We just lost a damn ship-

Wait! Is Kevin up there!? Damn it!!

"Hey Seimei, are you okay?"-She got a little closer, at least enough for me to recognize her.

"Ha ?"

"Yup me, is there a problem?"

"Where is Kevin?"

"What about him? He's under deck handling fragile things."

"Ah... Thanks." "Does he seem close to you?"

"Yeah, he was my first friend."


"You don't have to do anything, I'll tell you then."

"It's okay, hey Javits!"


"Can you take care of the infirmary machine for me?"

"It was just last week!"


"Damn it!"

"too commendable."

"So can you tell?"

"What about this closing cleaning?"

"There's a cleaning department."

"Oh yes?"

"Yes, is there anything strange?"

"Is this an armed organization or a multi-level company I don't know."

"Of course, both of you won't be able to get the money to buy things and repair weapons. Generally speaking, okay?"

"Do you remember the incident where the Choas Order attacked the old market?"

"Which area?"

"The area where the leader and the assassin woman, along with me and a few others, destroyed an angel."

"Oh, I remember, but you don't seem to have any sympathy for them, do you?"

"Yeah, yeah, naturally dragged me into their mess."

"Aren't you a 'human rightsist' too? Won't this stop you from using blood for fuel?"

"Don't call me that. Anyway, when that explosion happened, I was only 9 years old. So I don't know what to do. So I had to try to survive, but of course it was. I was very successful. Luckily there was a man who helped me but then he disappeared. I was in an orphanage, growing up and folding Kevin, he was 1 year older than me so he pointed me out. for me."

"Sounds cheesy."

"Yeah admit it, yeah something like that."

"Got it, 'love' at first sight huh?"

"You know what? Now I hate you more than either of them."

"Haha!! Come on, aren't you kidding?"

Maybe not...