The tiny giant

"Then why are you here?"

"Huh ?"

"Are you coffee or something?"

"Oh no. I thought you had a position as a human resource manager or something?"

"Oh no, I'm just the squad leader so I don't know about that."

"So who am I going to join?"

"I agree, I'm the squad leader, not the commander?"

"Well, who did it?"

"William. He's the head and commander of the army, Niam is the military advisor who also includes economics and logistics. There's another department that's science, that one is managed by Miria.

"Oh, I see?"

"By the way, why are you here, seriously!"

"Ask her boss, they attacked the central city and then grabbed me and a few others."

"I have a list of them. It turns out that this time there are not too many people that we need to 'handle', and I don't understand why this time there is a lost behehmut. Rats all died here. already."

"So it's because you dumped the body in the sea? No wonder the other one came."

"Well, why don't you make it for food? Asking too much, but you have to be careful, or someone will die tonight."

"Oh that's so scary~"

"Anyway, you should prepare to go, when we dock at the alpha stronghold, you, Kelvin and the other guys we picked up will officially practice together."

"The mess team?"

"What do you ask for? A seasoned special forces team? No one has a surplus of personnel."

"Who knows, but exactly how many bites does this guild have?"

"Sounds like a spy. Who would have thought you had such a bad job?"

"Who cares about something, I don't want to participate anyway? But I have a right to background information, don't I?"

"Damn it, it really looks like that guy dr. Maria. The name is weird and weird at the same time."

"Whatever, but don't compare me to that guy."

"Okay, roughly we have 6 stations and a mobile base. The stations are from Beta, Delta, Zeta, Eta, Nemo and Dorin, and where we are going is the Alpha base. All in all, it's the Alpha base. is an angel of the Colossus class."

Colossus always? Is it true that they intend to overthrow the new government? The second-highest level angel of the old era went to work as a mobile base. Exactly the angels are divided into 4 levels. The highest is Lucifer and then Colossus, which is used to attack super fleets. The remaining two levels, Moon and Morningstar, are used to destroy super large and large infantry groups. But in theory, one lucifer excuse would be enough to unify the earth and not need to worry about makeup anymore, that's in theory, but in reality, first of all, there's not a lucifer angel left, two is the amount of thermanium needed to operate it, it only takes 1 day to mine 10 years, so it's not realistic at all.

" uses a colossus-class angel as a base, rich."

"But it wasted so much fuel that the entire base was overheated." "How about making a smelter?"

"Good idea! It's true that dr. Maria's son is different."

"I told you not to compare me to that guy!"

"Sorry, I thought you were joking."

"It's okay, don't do it again."

"So what are you going to do when you return to your normal life?"

"I don't know either, maybe living a boring life? I have no intention of taking sides anyway."


"I just don't like it."

"Autistic? or like to be alone?"

"no, I just don't like being bound by damn rules."

"Sounds bullshit."

"Yeah, admit it, I find it ridiculous myself. But I really don't like large groups of people."

"Bullshit, but at least you still have something to think about. We only have one fault of not having anything."

"You like to joke, don't you?"

"Then why don't we laugh if we have a choice?"

"But laughing a lot, people call it neurotic."

"Like some damn clown?"

"Like that."

"So where are you better than me? someone who is undisciplined, lazy, doesn't like to be controlled, egotistical, or someone who has a lot of connection, no worries and has fun?"

"You say I'm an arrogant person, but you ask me?"

"You know what? You don't know irony at all."

"Whatever, but obviously I'm still right? Nobody ever does that."

"Oh! Seimei! Are you okay?"

"Oh Kevin, I'm fine. Well, bye, Miss Ha. Have a good time."

"Hi Miss Ha, are you okay?"

"I am fine thanks."

"I just had to reload the cannons. Is there anything I missed?"

"Yes, I kind of need to prepare so that in a few days, when I arrive at the alpha base, I will be officially assigned to the new group."

"A messy group."

"It's the same with any group."