Yakumo Chan

Several days had gone by since the Hyuuga Elders had been brutally slayed by Vergil's hands (sword if you want to get technical), as the entire village was now talking about it, and rumors were flying everywhere. The Branch family had attacked the Hyuuga Elders during a meeting after going mad at being enslaved by the Cage Bird Seal. Another was Hiashi having gone made and done the deed himself (partially if truthful) to free his poor nephew Neji from their cruelty. And finally, the third rumor, and (Vergil's favorite) most accurate one thus far was the half-devil conspired with Hyuuga Hiashi to remove them in exchange for his eldest daughter so his youngest Hyuuga Hanabi could take over as Clan Head in the future.

Naturally, the two Councils had a fit since the Hyuuga Clan Elders put pressure on the Clan Head, and the Clan Head of the Hyuuga Clan under their control made things easier. But now that wasn't the case, as their power was lessened by this move, and they could not complain about it since Hiashi made it a Hyuuga Clan Affair while admitting he helped take part in the murders. Hiashi also stated that the Branch family, as well as the Main family of the Hyuuga Clan were behind him 100 percent, and would leave Konoha if the Councils tried to press charges.

Of course it was a bluff, but none of the Council members would dare challenge such a declaration, and simply tried to glare at the two perpetrators to death.

Shortly after that pointless meeting, the first ever female Hokage gave Vergil a mission scroll for another important "in house" mission, but less sensitive to the one he did for Hiashi, and was actually connected to Yuhi Kurenai. Before joining Team 8, Kurenai had an apprentice like Maito Gai did with Lee, only for the young female Jounin, it was to specialize in Genjutsu, and the name of the young girl chosen for apprenticeship was one Kurama Yakumo.

A girl from a once major clan in Konoha, as the clan's power began to dwindle to that of a minor clan, and even they would possibly lose that status too if their bloodline didn't show promise soon. Yakumo did just that, as her potential with Genjutsu was incredible to say the least, but unfortunately there was a small problem, and it was in the form of her body not meeting the physical requirements in being an active Shinobi. Thus the reason why her Father had begged the late Sandaime to have Kurenai train the girl and overcome this bump in the road in Yakumo's Shinobi career like Gai was doing with Rock Lee with the girl seeing Kurenai as an idol of sorts.

However, Kurenai lacked the conviction Maito Gai did with his student, and told the poor girl to find another teacher with the way she said it breaking the fragile girl's heart. Still, the female Kurama wasn't going to give up, and stated as such to Kurenai before she kept on trying. Then from what Vergil had been told by Kurenai herself, the Jounin sealed up Yakumo's powers with the approval to do so from the Sandaime after he learned of the secret behind the girl's Genjutsu potential.

But what the old Kage, as well as Kurenai herself didn't realize was that this power took on a life of its own within Yakumo, and broke out of the seal made to imprison it. Since then, the girl has been silently tucked away in one of the few clan homes the Kurama Clan still possessed, and left their under careful ANBU supervision to do whatever her heart desire.

So long as the desire didn't kill innocent people in a slow gruesome fashion like a certain snake woman does to Konoha prisoners.

However, while that may have worked for the late Sandaime Hokage, it did not work for the current Hokage of the Leaf, and Tsunade ordered Vergil to deal with this himself. The female Hokage had, upon looking at the Sandaime's note on the girl, had come to believe that the Genjutsu potential behind the Kurama Clan's potential that Ido was that of a demon that manifested itself on certain generations, and when the its host didn't have necessary mental willpower to fight back against it at a young age.

As such, Vergil was ordered to get close to Yakumo, find out if Ido was indeed a demon, and if so to neutralize the creature without hurting the girl (if she already wasn't complete consumed by it), and close this chapter of Konoha's history before it got out of control.

Which was why the devil was currently standing outside of the Kurama Manor that was in the mountainous region of Konoha. The ANBU guards immediately appeared to stop him, but the young Shinobi showed them orders from the Hokage telling them to let him pass, and they did just that though Vergil sensed some form of pity for him in going to see Yakumo.

Opening the door of the Kurama Manor, Vergil entered the girl's home, and saw it was dark inside with a sense of eeriness for all who entered. Like a haunted house, only with the person living it having the power to possibly create real ones using Genjutsu, and then have them do far more damage then simply saying "BOO!".

'You'd find more cheer in a graveyard on Halloween night,' thought Vergil, as he walked through the house until he made his way to a single room where he sensed a single person within it, and saw the door was slightly open.

It was as if the person inside was baiting a person's natural curiosity to peek inside to see into the room.

That and Vergil sensed something demonic coming from the room too.

Walking into the room, the half-devil saw Yakumo sitting in a chair in a dark room with a neutral smile on her face, as she was painting something in front of her, and didn't even bother to look at him. Narrowing his blue eyes at the girl, Vergil walked slowly over to her to see what it was the Yakumo was painting, and was surprised to see the form of Yuhi Kurenai being struck by something that hit her right in the chest where the heart was.

Apparently, Yakumo didn't take rejection from her idol very well, and Vergil could see the wound of the Jounin's betrayal had made a clear impact on the girl's "artistic views" when it came to painting. Still, Vergil knew that Ido was the cause for these depressing paintings, and knew from what he sensed that they were indeed demonic in origin.

His attention to the paintings in the room ended when he saw Yakumo had put away her most recently finished painting and turned to face him with a blank look on her face right before they turned an eerie yellow.

This was not Yakumo looking at him.

"You have Devil's blood in you," said Yakumo, as she looked Vergil up, and down with her glowing eyes before letting out an unnatural raspy sound.

"And you are a demon possessing and tormenting this girl. Show your true self. I know you don't need to cling to her body anymore in order to survive in the outside world like you have since her birth...Doppelganger Deathvoid," said Vergil, as he knew thanks to Kyuubi exactly what kind of demon this was, and now saw Yakumo's body slump down before a shadowy form came out of it with the girl herself collapsing on the floor.

"So, you figured it out. Not surprising since you are his descendent. Do you like the paintings?" said Deathvoid, as he let out a chuckle before drawing his sword, and took on Vergil's appearance that then changed into the Devil Trigger mode.

"Sort of. Though I don't think this girl is gothic or a gothic wannabe," said Vergil, as he drew his sword, and saw mimic his sword stance.

"Everyone is a critic these days. Though perhaps your taste in art is in your swordplay and you wish to paint a masterpiece...with your blood!" said Deathvoid, as he charged Vergil, swinging his blade violently against the half-devil, who countered with just as equally violent strikes against the shadow demon, and their blade echoing throughout the Kurama Manor.

"You're good for a copycat. Are you sure you're not related to the Uchiha Clan or that teme Hatake Kakashi?" said Vergil, as he deadlocked his blade, then pushed back, and once more charged forward with his enemy doing the same.

"Don't insult me! As if I would have anything to do with such weak humans like them. People think they can talk to my vessel and believe she's not paying attention due to the spaced out look I give Yakumo's eyes when they are around. I have heard all different kinds of information about people, places, and anything else they talk about to each other to pass the time," said Deathvoid, as he matched Vergil move for move, and gave the half-devil a smile that seemed to mock the young Leaf Shinobi.

"Then after I take your soul, then that knowledge will be mine, and I can help this girl get her life back on track," said Vergil, as he continued to duel with Deathvoid, and had yet to gain the advantage.

"As if the girl can be saved. Her body is so weak and has been weak since she was a child," said Deathvoid, as he pushed Vergil back towards the curtain covered window, and hesitated slightly knowing what might happen should he attack.

Vergil noticed this too, as he looked back from the window, and then at the Shadow Demon before smirking a devious smirk that Deathvoid didn't like.

"Funny thing about shadows. They always seem to have a weakness in terms of being in the same room...as the light!" said Vergil, as he ripped the curtains off the window, and let the sunlight shine into the room with Deathvoid leaping away.

'Damn it! He knows my weakness,'thought Deathvoid, as he moved to stop Vergil from reaching the next window, and was kicked away for his efforts before another curtain free window blasted the room with light.

"I think its time you saw the power that the light has Deathvoid!" said Vergil, as he let another curtain fall, and saw Deathvoid trying to retreat away.

"You may have learned my weakness descendent of Sparda, but once I return to the girl's body, it won't hurt me anymore, and I doubt you have the courage to end her life with me in it!" said Deathvoid, as he rushed to the girl, and to once more posses her body like had before.

The Shadow Demon was just a few feet away from the girl when Vergil threw his sword at Deathvoid and the demonic doppelganger was hit right in the chest. The impact sent the creature being pinned to the wall by the sword in an area where the light was shining down on him. Deathvoid screamed out in pain, as he began to burn from the power the light had, and soon burst into flames with its soul soon floating over to Vergil before forming into a shadowy scythe.

"Wicked sweet!" said Vergil, as he used the weapon in a field test, and saw it could make a shadowy copy of himself that could fight on his behalf.

After he let the shadow of himself leave his presence, Vergil turned his attention to the girl on the ground now moaning like she was awakening from a dream, and saw her look up at him in wonder.

"W-Who are you?" said Yakumo, as she saw him looking up at her, and then take his katana sword from the wall before sheathing it.

"I go by many names. For now, just call me Vergil, and leave it at that. How are you doing Yakumo-san?" said Vergil, as he walked over to the girl, and helped her up.

"I-I'm f-fine Vergil-san. May I ask what you are doing here?" said Yakumo, as she was a little frightened by his presence, and his sword with the signs of a battle happening in the room.

"Helping you with the demon running inside your head. It was connected to your clan's bloodline in making extremely powerful Genjutsus that pops up every few generations called Ido. Senju Tsunade, who is now the current Hokage of the Leaf was going over some of the late Sandaime's notes on situations within the Leaf, and saw what he did with you. She wasn't exactly pleased with her old sensei's actions in handling your situation so she wanted me to investigate to see if you were possibly possessed by a demon and kill it. Turns out, you were possessed by a Shadow Demon called Deathvoid, and has been in control of you for some time," said Vergil, as he saw Yakumo look at him with shock, and surprise at being possessed by a demon.

"Is that why the Sandaime had my abilities sealed away, and why Yuhi Kurenai refused to train me?" said Yakumo, as she saw Vergil nod, and a heavy weight was lifted off the girl's shoulders.

"Yes. Your powers were becoming dangerous under the influence of Deathvoid, but at the time the sealing methods used on it would only last so long, and your anger at your former sensei along with the Sandaime caused the seal to break. I also believe that it was the very demon that possessed you that killed your parents and not the Sandaime," said Vergil, as he couldn't blame the deaths of those two on the old now dead Kage though it would be a rare thing indeed, and yet the half-devil still felt the old man should have done things differently in handling this situation.

"So that's how my parents died. I remember now. I was outside painting since it was a such a nice day before I suddenly got sleepy and then when I woke up I saw my painting was that of my home on fire," said Yakumo, as tears fell down her face, and on instinct ran into Vergil's arms while crying into his shirt.

"I'm afraid so. The good news is that after removing Deathvoid from your body, it should get better, and your skills in Genjutsu won't be uncontrollable when you use them," said Vergil, as he saw the girl look him in the eyes, and still had tears running down her face.

"Does this mean I can be Kurenai's apprentice again?" said Yakumo, as she now had a second chance, and wished to once more try to become a Shinobi.

"I imagine so. After I report to the Hokage about what I did, she can have a Yamanaka Inoichi look in your head to check to make sure Deathvoid's presence is fully gone, and explain things to Kurenai in having her be your sensei once more," said Vergil, as he saw Yakumo's eyes light up at that prospect, and hugged him tighter.

"I would really like that!" said Yakumo was going to work twice as hard and one day surpass her old sensei in the art.

"I'm sure. Now let's say we get out of this dark depressing place and to an area with more light," said Vergil, as he saw Yakumo nod, and they walked out of the room towards the outside of the house where the ANBU were waiting for them.

"Is everything all right Vergil-san?" said one of the ANBU, as he looked at Yakumo with caution, and so did the others.

"Yes ANBU-san. The problem Yakumo had involving her Genjutsus had been resolved and she is free to be outside now," said Vergil, as he saw some of the ANBU were still being cautious, and weren't so sure as him.

"Still, I think its wise if Yakumo-san stays here at the house, and where it is safe," said another ANBU though Vergil sensed there was something more to it.

"I'm not so sure. I was planning to have Yakumo go see the Hokage with me to deliver my report. Surely you don't believe the Hokage is in danger while in the presence of one of the Kurama?" said Vergil, as he saw the man's right hand twitch on reflex, and it was then that the half-devil knew something was wrong.

"Sorry sir, but we have to insist that Yakumo stay here until you get back, and that she be left once more under our supervision," said another ANBU, who was secretly reaching for a weapon, and stopped when Vergil turned to look at him.

"You can insist all you want ANBU-san, but you have to realize I don't answer to you, and the one I do answer to is higher up in the military food chain currently waiting for my mission to be completed here. Surely you are not trying to stop me from completing my mission given to me by the Hokage now, are you?" said Vergil, as he moved Yakumo with his left arm to slowly move behind him, and reached for his sword with his right.

"Don't even bother trying to reach for it demon. The instant you do, my nephew will hit Yakumo with his kunai, and end her life," said the ANBU, who upon removing his mask revealed himself to be the girl's uncle Kurama Unaki, and saw his nieces surprise on her face.

"Uncle Unaki? Why?" said Yakumo, as she saw the man now scowling at her, and then looking at Vergil with that same detesting look.

"Because you killed my brother with your powers Yakumo. After your bloodline was sealed away, the clan petitioned the Sandaime to have you executed, but he refused since he believed you were harmless, and let you live here to paint. But I did my research on our clan and I know the Ido within you broke the seal placed on you after awhile. After Tsunade became the new Hokage, I secretly wished to speak with her about doing what the late Sandaime could not, and she too refused to end your life for the good of the village if not for our clan," said Unaki, as he drew his sword, and so did the others.

"Yakumo's demon that controlled her is gone now. You cannot blame her for something that was a problem within your clan in the past as a whole," said Vergil, as he knew this would require the use of his newest Devil Arm, and brought out his shadowy scythe he decided to name Shadowy Death.

"Regardless, she must be punished for the death of her parents, and since this is a Kurama Clan affair now...I suggest you leave Vergil-san," said Unaki, as he saw the girl hiding behind Vergil full now, and looked at the half-devil in surprise when the silver haired boy used his weapon to make a shadowy duplicate of himself complete with sword.

"Not going to happen. I'm giving you this one chance to back off right now or I'm going to decrease the numbers in your clan to be below minor clan status," said Vergil, as he saw some of the members of the clan in ANBU uniform looking at their leader, and saw the man was currently deciding what action to take.

"Please let me go Uncle Unaki. I'm sorry for what happened to my parents, but it wasn't my fault, and the thing that was has been killed by Vergil-san," said Yakumo, as she saw her Uncle look at her, and then at Vergil with a hand still on his weapon tightening.

"No! I don't care if that demon inside of you was the one responsible, it used your body, and you were too weak to fight it off. Therefore, you are just as guilty, and must be killed for the sake of the village," said Unaki, as he readied his weapon, and was about to attack when the Shadow of Death Doppelganger of Vergil attacked first by charging forward before it pierced the man with its sword.

"That's not very nice. Such a poor excuse of an Uncle you are. Well, you wanted to do what was best for your clan, and the village so I will do the same by killing...you!" said the Doppelganger before pulling out its sword and saw the man collapse.

"Anyone else want to join him?" said Vergil, as he saw the others shake their heads, and then dropped their weapons before retreating.

"Wise choice for a bunch of bakas," said the Shadow of Death before Vergil recalled the shadow and made sure none of the Kurama Clan members that came here were still around.

"Come on Yakumo. The Hokage is waiting and with her temper...one cannot be late without risking a fist to their face with her using such freakish strength," said Vergil, as he saw Yakumo giggle at that, and wrap her arms around his waist.

"Of course Vergil-kun," said Yakumo, as she now tried to hide her blush from him, and the two were gone a second later.

Things were looking up for Kurama Yakumo.