Snow Country, Cerberus, Koyuki-hime

Vergil sighed, as he watched from a far the famous actress before him performing the role of being a Princess in a new movie being shot on the boat they were on, and secretly headed to Snow Country by the client that was her Manager. As it turns out, the famous actress wasn't just a famous actress at all, but really an actual Princess of Snow Country, who lost her Father to her Uncle for the special "treasure" the man had, and was never found after his death. Since then, the fallen ruler's only child was in hiding, lost to the Elemental Countries, and almost whispered to be a rumor to keep the hopes of the people up despite the oppression of their current tyrant of a ruler.

Vergil himself was not impressed by the woman, who had upon being Konoha had turned down several kids asking for autographs, and made the Namikaze want to slash the pretty heart stealing face to give the secret Princess something to really be besmirched about. Of course, he had to resist the urge no matter how tempting it was since the client needed her, and since the man was paying for the mission...his wish was made temporary law.

Emphasis on temporary.

'Perhaps the Hokage should have mentioned how my temper has its limits for people like her? Then again the money given was a bit higher then our standard rates for a mission like this,' thought Vergil, as he cared little for money, but the Hokage did in regards to the funding of the village, and it was enough to have the woman order the half-devil to "play nice" despite the woman he was protecting being a whiny bitch at the moment.

Vergil only hoped that whatever her Manager had planned would wake the woman up from the self-pity she was drowning herself in.

"She's something else when its time to act," said Asama Sandayu, the woman's Manager, and client responsible for this mission.

"Agreed. Still, I suggest you remind the Princess of what it is she's neglecting, and make her see what it is she's running away from. I don't like protecting cowardly leaders and even less when they hide behind their pain," said Vergil, as he looked at Sandayu out of the corner of his eye, and saw the man nod in understanding.

"I will try to make her understand. You have my word on that," said Sandayu, as he knew the time would soon be at hand to show Princess Koyuki how much the people of Snow Country needed her, and more much she needed them.

After the man left, Vergil let out another sigh, as he wished to be home right now, being with the people he cared about, and the women he loved. Haku, Kin, Tayuya, Hinata, Yugito, and even Anko had wormed her way into his heart. They all had their issues from their past problems created by the Leaf, Kumo, and Orochimaru to name a few. All of which seemed to gravitate each of them towards the young Namikaze's own pain and help heal their inner injuries that were not of the physical kind from battles.

Walking away from the movie being filmed, Vergil stopped at the open door leading into the ship to see Hatake Kakashi there, his still masked face was serious, the ever infamous orange perverted book he read no longer in his hands, and was now looking like a proper Jounin of the Leaf. After there Months ago, Kakashi had nearly repeated an act of family history, and tried to kill himself like his old man did years before. In the end however, Kakashi could not complete the act, as he felt it was the cowards way out for himself, and also feared to face his Father along with his sensei in the afterlife. He went to Inoichi for therapy due to his mental state being put into question, which brought about his confession of every wrong committed against Naruto when the boy was younger, and thus bringing them to the current Hokage's attention.

After the mental therapy, combined with the physical one at the hospital that kept the Jounin immobilized for a whole Month, Kakashi was ready to go back to work, and promised on the punishment of s slow agonizing death to no longer betray Vergil in any way. Tsunade reluctantly accepted this fact, but gave Kakashi a fair warning that if he broke that promise, there was not a place in the Elemental Countries the Jounin could hide from, and make sure Vergil unleashed the full fury of his power upon the man.

"Did you find what you were looking for in her room?" said Vergil, as he looked at the Jounin, and saw him nod.

"Yes. She is the Princess of Snow Country like her Manager claimed," said Kakashi, as he had found the item Koyuki held onto all these years since her Father died, and had yet to understand the secret significance behind it.

"Meaning we're going to be in for a cruel confrontation soon upon docking in Snow Country," said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi nod, and knew this was going to suck big time due to the enemy they would face past foes from the Cyclops's younger days.

(Hokage Tower-Meeting Room)

"What is it with you people? Its bad enough I have to clean up my sensei's mistakes, but the simple fact you won't stop bitching about Vergil, and wanting to restrict him from taking part in various missions is pissing me off!" said Tsunade, as she was glad Naruto wasn't here right now since the boy would kill all the people here, and drown her in a mountain of paperwork.

Though it may become something to consider if this keeps up.

"He's becoming too powerful! That monster has no loyalty to us. How can we trust what we cannot control?" said a Civilian Council member from the Merchant District.

"Namikaze Vergil has no loyalty to you because you are a civilian and civilians have no business getting involved in Shinobi affairs," said Tsunade, as she was not about to have these sniveling little maggots run this place when it was clear they only cared about the money that comes from their positions, and not the people within it.

"But we, the Shinobi Council can get involved, and right now we say the boy needs to be restrained from any further missions," said Koharu, as she saw Tsunade narrow her eyes, and look ready to punch someone right out of the room.

"Are you trying to be arrested for treason against the Leaf Koharu-san? Because I think you need to be remind that your position on the Shinobi Council is only of an advisor. Nothing more. The Sandaime may have given you the extra boost in power to further help him along with his own agenda, but I will not give you such leeway, and suggest you be grateful I don't have your ass thrown to Ibiki for pushing it," said Tsunade, as she had for the past couple Months been keeping the Councils from draining what power the position of Hokage had left, and taking what they stole back in the process.

Not an easy thing to do.

"Nevertheless, the boy is a threat the Leaf for what he holds, and for what he is. I say we exile him until there is time in the distant future where we call upon him to aid the Leaf," said Danzo, who got approval from some of his lackeys on the Councils, and the rest were thinking it over.

"Out of the question! An exiling of Namikaze Vergil over such mindless accusations is unfair to him and you know it. If you are so concerned about trust issues, then perhaps this village shouldn't have treated him so cruelly, and done what the Yondaime wished!" said Tsunade, as she saw them sneer, scowl, and/or scoff at the notion of following the Yondaime's dying wish.

"What the Yondaime wished for is irrelevant. He's dead. What we do here in the land of the living in this village matters and I say the boy is too dangerous to stay in Konoha. I say he should be exiled!" said Danzo knowing it would then allow him to capture the boy and bend him to the ways of Root.

"And I say you have no say in the matter. None of you do! Who I exile or keep in the village is up to the Hokage. It states that much in the village charter to ensure any matter regarding such things falls squarely on the Hokage's shoulders," said Tsunade, as she had spent countless time reading all the village laws that could be used against Vergil, and was prepared to counter to Councils increasingly growing actions to hurt the half-devil long after the Uchiha incident.

"Regardless, we are telling you to exile the boy for the good of the village, and that to deny such an act will bring about notice to the Fire Daimyo," said Danzo, as he was hoping she would so he could use his eye on the man, and get the Feudal Lord under his thumb.

"And under what authority do any of you have to order me to exile one of my Shinobi. You seem to forget, I am Hokage of the Leaf, and all the Shinobi in this village fall under my command. I will decide if Namikaze Vergil is exiled, I will decide just what kind of restrictions are placed him if any are needed, and I have the authority to kick everyone of you sniveling bastards out of here should you piss me off any further. This meeting is over! Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind in not booting your asses straight through the window!" said Tsunade, as she smashed her fist onto the table, and then pointed to the door with anger blazing in her eyes.

They didn't need to be told twice.

"How could the Sandaime let them keep their positions after the Yondaime died?" said Shizune, as she knew the Sandaime knew about how the Yondaime wanted to remove the people on the Councils, and establish a new working government into Konoha.

"Because my old sensei was a damn idiot! He kept them on to give himself the political backing needed to come back in being the Sandaime all so Danzo wouldn't. Everything the Sandaime did was to make sure Danzo didn't take over in being the Hokage, but he forgot the people hurt by his moves like Vergil, and Yakumo just to name a few," said Tsunade, as she was so angry at her sensei for this, and at Jiraiya too for listening to sensei when the old monkey told them to let their Godson live in the village to form bonds.

She was lucky Vergil didn't go demonic on the Leaf.

"I use to respect him so much. He talked about family, bonding with others, and doing what was right. Now I've found the man has gone against such principles simply to win a game against his old rival for the title of Hokage. Its pathetic!" said Shizune with anger in her voice and Tsunade could not agree with her sooner.

"I agree. All the more reason I'm glad I took the position from him after Orochimaru's invasion failed," said Tsunade, as she put her hand in front of her face, and narrowed her eyes in deep thought.

It wouldn't be long before Danzo's contacts in the Fire Daimyo's court reached the Feudal Lord and no doubt would express a great deal of discomfort (being the sexist pig he was) in regards to having a woman running the Leaf as its Hokage. For whatever reason Danzo wanted to provoke this decision in her to defy the Councils, Tsunade didn't know, but her infamous gambling gut, which had been there for her for good, or ill was now telling the Slug Princess that Danzo was up to no good with the threat of the Fire Daimyo hearing about her actions.

She needed a way to remove the!

"What do you want to do Tsunade-sama?" said Shizune curiously.

"Simple. Get me Jiraiya. Tell him to get his big perverted ass in here right now or I'll take everyone of his perverted orange books in Konoha and have a big bonfire in the village square for all to see," said Tsunade, as she needed the Toad Sannin to focus his skills in the art of spying to look inward at the village, and to make sure Danzo's "private security force" was carefully monitored.

(Namikaze Estates-A Few Days Later)

"I miss Vergil-kun," said Haku, as she wanted to come with him on his mission, but the client had asked only for her lover, and Kakashi be hired for this mission.

Plus, the paperwork for making Haku an official Shinobi of the Leaf was still not fully processed, and needed to be taken care of before she could even think of doing it. The girls around her currently in the living room nodded in agreement, as they were resting after they spent the past few hours training hard, and talking about things they each saw occurring in the village.

"Yeah. I miss his smell, his touch, his taste...," said Kin, as she sighed at the memory of lying in bed with the half-devil, and saw the others did too.

"His cock," said Tayuya, as she saw the girls blush at that, and got glares from two of them in the room.

Hinata and Yakumo.

"Tayuya-chan, you don't rub such things in, and be reminded not everyone here has been with Vergil-kun," said Yugito, as she knew the two girls wanted to be with Vergil in that way, and couldn't really blame them for it.

They probably would have if not for the mission Vergil got from the Hokage to escort the damn spoiled actress through the filming of her movie. They had seen her after the horse chasing scene/incident where Vergil appeared, knocking down the woman's would be chasers, and being a total bitch to the kids asking for autographs. It took all of their own influence to keep their half-devil lover from drawing his sword on the actress and doing something...rash!

More would have been spoken, but a knock on the door turned their heads, and Hinata went to answer it to see an angry Sakura with her hands on her hips. From the looks of things, she was not happy with Vergil after what happened with Sasuke, and even less on the fact Team 7 was put on the shelf with her included in that fact.

"Where is Naruto-baka?" said Sakura, as she saw Hinata looking at her with narrowed eyes, and wondered when the Hyuuga girl got a backbone.

"Vergil kun is currently out on a mission Sakura. Why do you ask?" said Hinata in a polite tone, but the patience in the girl was thinned just by Sakura being here, and the desire to smack the girl with the super enlarged forehead back to the stone age of the Shinobi world.

"Because I wanted to give that baka a piece of my mind for what he did to Sasuke-kun and basically crippling his Shinobi career!" said Sakura, as she had every intention of pounding her former pet right into the ground, and show him what it meant to leave her side for a bunch of barbaric bimbos with more muscle then feminine beauty.

"Well he's not in right now so please stay away from here so you can leave," said Hinata, as she moved to shut the door, but Sakura stopped her, and the pink haired girl was now narrowing her eyes at the Hyuuga girl.

"Why are you even here?" said Sakura since she had no idea Hinata would be here much in the home of someone currently on a mission.

"Because I live here now," said Hinata, as she wasn't going to explain herself to Sakura, and further cause problems.

"What? Why? Are you his slave now or something? Is he forcing you? We should go see the Hokage right now about this," said Sakura, as she tried to push the door open more, but Hinata kept that from happening, and shook her head no.

"I'm not a slave Sakura nor is he forcing me to stay here. If you paid more attention to things around your little world with Sasuke in the center of it then things would be much easier to see," said Hinata before shutting the door completely and then locking it.

'That bitch! Here I am to teach the baka a lesson, free her from his grip, and she shuts the door on me. ME! I am the daughter of a Civilian Councilman and I won't be shunned by some hussy with a bigger chest,' thought Sakura, as she stormed away while planning to stick it to Vergil, and to Hinata for this insult.

She would show them!

(Snow Country)

Namikaze Vergil frowned at the sight before him of the enemy Shinobi before looking in his direction and Hatake Kakashi with Princess Koyuki watching from behind. It was clear Princess Koyuki's not so sweet Uncle had been responsible for this warm welcome, and it was pissing him off.

"Surrender the Princess to us and we might let you return home alive in one piece," said the leader Roga Nadare of his team of Snow Shinobi with him.

"How about you shut up and die," said Vergil, as he drew his blade, and Kakashi had two kunai at the read for battle.

"Oh, we got ourselves a spunky one from the Leaf, and not a bad looking Shinobi either," said Kakuyoku Fubuki, as she looked at Vergil with an evil gleam in her eyes, and a grin to match.

"You're not my type," said Vergil, as he walked slowly, yet methodically towards his enemies, and looked at three Snow Shinobi with the intent to kill.

"Kill him. Hatake Kakashi is mine!" said Nadare, as he moved to fight Kakashi while Fubuki, and Fuyukuma Mizore went after the half-devil Namikaze.

Mizore shot his retractable cable arms at Vergil, but the half-devil easily destroyed it with a two quick swings of his sword, and let the invisible energy unleashed from the slash to Yamato destroy the line of chain that went with it. Enraged, the larger man moved to kill Vergil with his own two hands, and tried to punch the silver haired boy's face in. The half-devil easily dodged the attacks to his face along with the attempts by Mizore to the rest of his body before rolling around in front of him and stabbing Shinobi in the back through the chest.

"Mizore! I'll kill you! 'Ice Style: Tsubame Blizzard Jutsu!'" said Fubuki, as she unleashed her Ice Jutsu on Vergil, who let the blades of ice pierce his body, and fell to his knee with his head slumped.

"No!" said Koyuki, as she saw her Namikaze protector go down, and looked at Kakashi fighting Roga to keep him from reaching her.

Smirking at her work, Fubuki walked over to Vergil in the belief she had killed him, and grabbed the boy by the throat with an evil look across her face. It left her however, as she soon found Yamato sticking into through her stomach, and out her back with the half-devil slowly rose from his position while Fubuki did the opposite.

"H-How?" said Fubuki, as her Ice Jutsu shattered, and Vergil pulled the blade out of her before he began sheathing the blade.

"Simple. I'm the devil," said Vergil, as he sheathed the sword fully, and instantly the Snow Shinobi fell to the ground dead while spraying blood everywhere around her on the snow covered ground.

"What is he?" said Roga, as he leaped away from Kakashi, and saw his two teammates dead on the ground.

"Like he said Roga. He's the devil," said Kakashi, as he saw the man look on in fear at Vergil, and then retreat for a later confrontation.

"That could have gone better," said Vergil, as he saw Roga get away, but knew why Kakashi let him go, and was to make sure the Princess was safe should this be some kind of diversion.

"Yes. It mean Koyuki's Uncle knows she's here and it also means were going to have to confront him sooner then later," said Kakashi, as he saw Vergil nod his head, and look around through the trees in the area.

"I sense something. Something demonic is here in this place. Long forgotten and buried beneath the snow. Is this the winter here naturally this cold?" said Vergil, as he looked around trying to sense where the feeling was coming from, and stopped when he felt it off in the distance.

"I don't know. Its been so long since I've been here," said Koyuki with Kakashi nodding in agreement.

"It's always cold here in Snow Country I'm afraid. Though I will admit there were times I felt it was unnatural," said Sandayu, as he was old enough to remember, and there were cases in his younger years where the cold winter of the country were so bad that people died from it within minutes.

"You think there is something more to the winter of Snow Country then that of nature being cruel?" said Kakashi, as he saw Vergil nod his head, and was telling the Cyclops this was something only the Namikaze could handle.

"I will deal with it when the time comes, but not at the expense of the mission, and the protection of the Princess," said Vergil, as he motioned for Koyuki to follow them, and the film crew was doing the same while filing everything.

'We're going to make a fortune!' thought the Director, as he was so glad his crew were able to capture the fighting, and the drama that was behind it.

(With Kazahana Doto)

"You let them get away? You couldn't even move to capture my niece?" said Doto, as he was extremely angry now at Roga, and saw the Shinobi before bowing further in shame.

"Forgive me Doto-sama. I lost my teammates during the battle fighting the silver haired swordsman while I fought Hatake Kakashi and the Leaf Jounin himself is the Yondaime Hokage's only surviving student with incredible skill," said Roga, as he knew Kakashi alone would result in one among the team losing their life, but the boy with him was clearly someone not to be underestimated, and any who did would meet an untimely death.

"Very well. It seems the hard way of handling this will have to be done. At least we know where they're headed from where they landed. When that happens we will strike and we will take my niece right out from under them," said Doto, as he grinned an evil grin, and looked out at the cold outside his window.

"Yes Doto-sama," said Roga, as he knew next time failure happened it would be his last, and not necessarily at the hands of the enemy.

Though which side would do him in Roga did not know.

Deep within one of the mountain regions not far from them, something stirred slowly awake, and growled angrily at the scent it picked up.

(With Vergil)

"Damn her. Damn. That. Woman!" said Vergil, as he moved swiftly through the trees to catch up with the now runaway Princess of Snow Country, and was losing a great deal of patience with her in regards to the attitude she was creating.

Looking down, the Namikaze half-devil saw the woman running through the snow, and instantly dived upon Koyuki before they tumbled with the end result being Yamato half halfway drawn while being a few inches from her famous face.

"Go ahead! Do it! Strike me down. We both know you've wanted to ever since Sandayu hired the Leaf to watch over me. It save's me the trouble of acting in movies or just ruling over this place for the rest of my life," said Koyuki, as she saw Vergil was angry, and was so close to slicing her head off.

"That can be arranged! Do not tempt me Princess. My mercy has considerable limits and I will run you through with this blade before telling everyone else it was Snow Shinobi that did the deed on the orders of your Uncle. Or you could let me and Hatake do our jobs right by protecting you with a side of killing your Uncle so you can rule the country like your Father would have wished. Are you so much of a coward that you would hide away in shame behind acting while knowing that every time you sleep he stares at you with a frown of disappointment in your dreams?" said Vergil, as he saw the bags under Koyuki's eyes from the lack of sleep she got, and the makeup put on helped cover up the signs of it.

"What do you know about suffering? What do you know about losing someone close to you?" said Koyuki, as she was now crying, and saw Vergil just glaring at her like she was some kind of idiot.

"I know enough. I know what it means to be hated since the day of my birth. I know what its like to be manipulated by someone close to me only to find the guy was a hypocritical bastard! You couldn't have lasted 2 weeks in my shoes lady so don't give me shit about what it means to suffer," said Vergil, as he sheathed his blade, got off the ground, and pulled the Princess up with him.

"Really?" said Koyuki seeing him looking around for any enemy forces before looking back at her.

"Trust me. You'd be begging for the actress life if you were me during my naïve years. Those days when I didn't know why the people of the Leaf wanted to butcher me six ways from Sunday," said Vergil, as he motioned for her to follow him, and meet up with the others.

As they walked, they came to a large tunnel, which had a light that was barely seeable, and made there way through it while seeing a line of tracks on the ground covered in ice. Koyuki then told him these were train tracks, which the train ran on during the lesser then cold cycle of Snow Country, and Vergil soon felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise up in sensing incoming danger. Sure enough, the very train the Princess spoke of was behind them, coming towards their person at ramming speed, and forcing the half-devil to run with Koyuki on his back.

"We'll never make it! The train is too fast!" said Koyuki, as she looked behind her, and saw the train getting closer with each passing second.

"Shut up! Its not over until we're either out of the tunnel or we're run over by the train. So until either one happens, I don't want you saying such negative things in my ear, and the obvious thing that is currently happening behind us," said Vergil, as he was almost at the end of the tunnel, and had to endure Koyuki's screams of fear with the train inches from running them both over.

With a good leap to his left, Vergil manage to get himself, and the Princess away from being run over by a mere three inches of space upon leaping off the tracks onto soft refreshing snow. It was at this time, Koyuki looked at him, and the train in disbelief like it was some kind of miracle they survived what appeared to be their certain death. In another instant, she tackled Vergil while he was getting up, and hugged him while constantly saying "thank you" repeatedly for the rescue.

'Maybe things will finally turn around,' thought Koyuki, she got off of Vergil, and the snow covered ground just in time for both of them to witness the train stopping.

Then again maybe things were getting worse.

Not far from them, the film crew along with Kakashi were waiting for them to come over to where they were when the train had slowed down, and be a complete group again. Not wanting to say separated from them any longer, Vergil picked the Princess up, then he leaped over the train, and made his way to Kakashi before telling him what had happened so far. By that point, Sandayu appeared with a small army of Rebels wishing to fight against the tyranny of Kazahana Doto, and for the true ruler of Snow Country to take her rightful place on the throne.

"Ignorant fools! Contact the airship and tell them we will be adding a special guest aside from myself," said Doto, as he pressed the button on the consol next to him in the lead train, and the sides of the length of the train fell down to reveal arrow cannons that would shoot multiple arrows at high velocity at the army.

"Shit. Kakashi! Use an Earth Jutsu to block the arrows! NOW!" said Vergil, as his right arm became demonic, and surging with energy before charging forward with a Rasengan forming within it.

"Earth Style: Earth Shield Jutsu!" said Kakashi before slamming his hands down hard through the snow until he hit dirt and a massive wall rose from the ground protecting the army from the volley of arrows.

'What? Damn those Leaf Shinobi!' Doto, as he looked out his window from the lead train to see Kakashi shield the Rebels, and then at Vergil running towards the train with that Jutsu in his hands.

It didn't take a genius to understand what the half-devil had planned.

"Devil Bringer Rasengan!" said Vergil, as he made contact with the train moments later, and caused the train to violently explode with all who were in it.

'Incredible,' thought Koyuki, as she saw the power the boy wielded, and wondered if this was truly the end of her Uncle.

Again, her hopes were deflated when Roga sneaked up behind the Princess, and took off from under Kakashi's nose before the Leaf Jounin could stop the kidnapping.

"Damn it!" said Vergil, as he moved to pursue Roga, who leaped into the air, and grabbed a...ladder?

In sky along the clouds was a massive airship, which were the stuff of rumors in regards to the lost technology that once a common thing in the world, and had become exclusive to Snow Country. It was for that reason, which for various years, Danzo had secretly been trying to get hold of such technology with his Root Shinobi, but the distance from here to the Leaf made such long terms missions a high risk should the Sandaime caught on to him after Root was officially disbanded, and couldn't risk Snow Shinobi finding out about his actions either. Though Danzo wasn't the only one searching for such technology that was hidden away in Snow Country, as various other Shinobi villages had been hired by their Feudal Lords to find such things like plans for making the airship, and the train in order to make their own.

However, the cold climate of Snow Country proved to be a cruel force to be reckoned with, and forced many Shinobi to abandon the mission from that alone since not many were equipped to handle such cold weather.

"Fool! You think the train I was in is the only ace up my sleeve to defeat your band of Rebels? Ha! Now that I have the Princess and the key to my brother's treasure I will finally be...unstoppable!" said Doto, as he took the jewel around Koyuki's neck, and saw his niece struggle against Roga.

"Damn it!" said Sandayu, as he saw the airship taking off, and saw something moving up along the ladder hanging off to the vessel.

"Who is that? Is that...Vergil?" said Kakashi, which was stupid to ask since it obviously was him, and only a Namikaze would do something like this to complete the mission.

'I better get paid extra for this,' thought Vergil, as he was so going to have the Hokage pay him extra for this, then he was going to home, and get his much needed freak on with his girls.

All of them.

Climbing up the airship, Vergil made sure not to get caught, and entered the behemoth of a vehicle, and found it to be quite impressive. Looking at the designs of the ship shown on the nearby wall to determine where to go, the half-devil found where the brain that was the bridge of the ship was, and went there to find before stopping at the door to peek inside to see Doto with the Princess being restrained by Roga.

"You have eluded me for too long my niece. To be honest, I thought you would be easier to kill then your Father, but I did not expect my brother's daughter to actually acquire the skills needed to go into hiding, and delay your untimely death," said Doto, as he grinned at his niece, and held up the jewel that had been on her person for well over a decade.

"It just shows how pathetic you are Uncle! You couldn't even capture a little girl or find the secret treasure my dad had in his possession," said Koyuki, as she saw him frown, and moved to backhand her face though he stopped at the last second in thought.

"You should consider yourself lucky right now. I could easily strike you down for your insolence like I did your Father my sweet Koyuki. What I will do instead, is let you witness the use of your Father's so called treasure by activating it with this jewel, and bring about my complete control over Snow Country," said Doto, as he saw Koyuki look at him in fear now, and Vergil understood why.

Doto had found the treasure, but needed the key, and now had the key in his hands thanks to the return of Snow Country's long lost Princess.

"How about we let sleeping dogs lie," said Vergil, as he had heard enough, and opened the door with his sword drawn.

"You! How did you even get onboard this ship?" said Roga, as he saw his teammates' killer, and took a step back with the Princess still secure in his hands.

"You really shouldn't leave your ladders hanging out of your airship. It invites people to just...simply come aboard," said Vergil, as he walked slowly towards them, and Roga put a kunai to the Koyuki's throat.

"Take another step closer and I'll kill the Princess," said Roga, as he knew what this boy could do, and it scared him to know end.

"Then kill her. You think I care about a whiny bitchy Princess, who feels the whole world owes her something just because dear old daddy died, and at the hands of her evil bastard of an Uncle? You'd be doing the world a favor in ending the woman's life and put an end to her making crappy movies," said Vergil, as he kept walking towards them, and Roga taking a step back from the advancing half-devil.

"Your bluffing!" said Roga, as he pressed the blade tighter against Koyuki's throat, and seemed to be become afraid.

"Then kill her and find out! If anyone asks, I will simply say Doto ordered you to kill the Princess before I could stop you, and no one would be able to dispute otherwise because it would be true," said Vergil, as he let the tip of his sword scrape the metal floor of the bridge, and the sound it was making further causing a distraction of mentality for Roga thinking this over while Doto just looked at him cautiously.

"Why? I thought Leaf Shinobi were honorable?" said Koyuki, as she glared at Vergil, who gave her a look stating he didn't care, and shrugged slightly to further prove it.

"Normal Leaf Shinobi from Konoha are honorable. But I'm a half-devil. And a devil...can never be called an honorable person," said Vergil, as he looked at Koyuki, Roga, and then at Doto before back to the Princess.


Waiting for the right moment.

And he got it.

Faster then either anyone could see, Vergil threw Yamato right at the Snow Shinobi's face, and the impact of the blade going through the man's face caused Roga to drop the kunai, and smash the glass on the bridge window. The rush of air swarmed around Doto, Vergil, and Koyuki with only the Princess on the ground while Vergil calmly looked at the woman's Uncle scowling at the half-devil.

"I thought you said devil's weren't honorable?" said Doto, as he put his arm near his face to keep the cruel cold winds, and snow from biting into his face.

"I'm half of one. While that half is not honorable, the other half of me is, and I choose to embrace the honorable half right now," said Vergil, as he recalled Yamato to his hand before sheathing it, and brought out Grim Reaper to his right hand.

"So you were acting this whole time," said Doto, as he saw Koyuki moving slowly away from them, and was just as surprised as him.

"I've had a lot of practice growing up in fooling people with my acting until it was time to stop acting. As for your niece, she had not idea it was an act, which made it all the more believable, and the deception needed to kill your Shinobi all the more easier," said Vergil, as he walked in a fluid manner like before, and kept most of Koyuki out of Doto's line of sight.

"I'm sure you have, but it won't change the fact that I cannot be stopped, and this jewel is my means of insuring my survival," said Doto, as he showed Vergil the jewel, and the half-devil looked at before shrugging.

"Keep it. I have no interest in fake jewelry," said Vergil, as he saw Doto, and sensed Koyuki looking at him in disbelief.

"Fake? Fake! This isn't a fake. Everyone knows my niece wears this thing everyday and never lets it out of her sight," said Doto, as he assumed it was another act, and was not going to fall for another one of Vergil's tricks.

"Says you. Can you be sure? You forget, Hatake Kakashi knows about the jewel too, and I wouldn't put it past the man to pull a switch on her. Just in case," said Vergil letting out a cruel chuckle and smirk that made Doto sweat a little at his words.

'Kakashi? Of course! He was here in Snow Country once before with the Yondaime. He must have learned about her being my niece and swapped the jewel for a fake one. But what if the boy is lying? I can't figure out what's going on inside his head!' thought Doto, as he looked at Vergil, then Koyuki, and then Vergil again while trying to find out if this was indeed a bluff.

"In any case, I think it is in the best interest of Princess Koyuki, Sandayu-san, and the people of Snow Country that I end your life now. Goodbye and good riddance," said Vergil, as he moved quickly, and stabbed Doto right in the gut with Grim Reaper before arching up to slice the man into two.

Retracting his devil bringer of a weapon, Vergil turned around to face the stunned woman behind him, and held out his hand with the Princess slowly reaching out to take it with only a second of hesitation before being pulled off the ground. For a moment, Koyuki did not look at him, or rather she slapped in across the face before yelling at him for being such an arrogant bastard in playing with her life like it was a piece to be played in a chess game.

"I don't suppose you have anything to say in your defense," said Koyuki, as she finished her chewing out, and waited for the boy to crumple under her anger.

Most usually did.

"Actually I do. Are you done bitching yet?" said Vergil calmly.

He wasn't among those that did crumpled.

"W-What?" said Koyuki surprised by how he didn't seem even effect him.

"Are you done bitching yet? I hate repeating myself," said Vergil calmly like her slap was no big deal.

"Yes," said Koyuki, as she feared he would turn his sword, or arm thing on her like he had done with the others.

"Good. Now follow me," said Vergil, as he took her hand, and began walking to the bridge before heading to a potential escape hatch.

They barely got three steps when a pulse of demonic power hit Vergil, and forced the boy to stop in his tracks to gather his thoughts. It was close, of that Vergil could sense, but it was not on the ship, and more then likely in the nearby mountain region they flying over.

"What is it?" said Koyuki curiously before looking around.

"It's nothing Princess Koyuki. At best, we better get off this airship, and quickly before the nothing does indeed become a something," said Vergil, as he moved towards a nearby exit to the outside, and braced for the cold wind trying to tear them apart.

"It's a long way down," said Koyuki, as she looked down with him, and knew no amount of snow could cushion their fall.

"Ye of little faith my dear. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!'" said Vergil, as he created a small army of Shadow Clones, and motioned to the dangling ladder.

"You're insane. You can't expect to lower me down simply by using the ladder and your Shadow Clones?" said Koyuki seeing them getting into position.

"Its either that or you stay with me while I crash this airship into the nearby mountain so my teammate will no where you are. Here, take this flare gun, and shoot into the air after I crash the airship. When the flare explodes, the symbol of the Leaf will appear, and alert Kakashi of your location," said Vergil, as he gave her the item, and saw her lower herself down the ladder towards the Shadow Clones attached at the bottom of it.

"Vergil-san I...I want to say I'm sorry for slapping you, being spoiled, and just plain...well bitchy seems to be the appropriate word. Maybe after this is over, we can have a fresh start, and be friends?" said Koyuki, as she saw him raise an eyebrow at the offer, but the smirk on Vergil's face told her he would consider it, and gave her shoulder a quick pat of understanding.

"Of course. Now your freedom await you Princess," said Vergil, as he bowed slightly, and left to head back to the bridge to alter its course.

(With Kakashi)

"Can you track the airship?" said Sandayu to Kakashi, as they along with the Rebels were now trying to find the Princess, and Vergil before Doto did something horrible to either one.

"Not by my usual standards, but fortunately the weather has cleared up recently, and I can look up for the airship if I reach a certain point," said Kakashi, as he looked for Vergil's chakra signature since it was quite powerful, and not easy to hide when in combat.

"Are they at least nearby?" said Sandayu in the hopes they were.

"Maybe. I think I see...there! There's the airship!" said Kakashi looking into the distance near a large mountainous region.

Moving to the spot Kakashi saw the airship, they stopped when the airship had changed its course, and crashed into the closest mountain before exploding in a great ball of fire. Running towards the destruction, Kakashi along with Sandayu, and the Rebels were glad to see a flare being shot into the air away from the wreckage.

"Princess! Princess Koyuki!" said Sandayu, as he ran more then he had in long time since he was a young man, and his bones didn't hurt so much from old age creeping up on him.

"Sandayu!" said Koyuki, as she hugged the man, and was glad to see a familiar face once more.

"Where's Vergil?" said Kakashi, as he looked around for the Namikaze, and didn't see him anywhere.

"He was...Vergil killed Doto and Roga before getting me off the airship before heading back to the bridge to crash it. I don't know if he got off the airship or not," said Koyuki, as she wanted to cry now, and for the first time in a long was real crying.

'Oh no,' thought Kakashi, as he summoned his tracking dogs, and had them instantly spread to find the Namikaze with the Rebels helping in the process.

(With Vergil)

"Ow. Okay. Note to self: Don't crash airships into mountains. They tend to blow up and send you into mountains soon afterwards," said Vergil to himself before getting off the ground and cracking his back.

"You. You are a descendent of Sparda!" said a demonic voice not far from Vergil, who turned to see a chained three headed dog surrounded by snow, and generating ice around its body.

"Well that's something you don't see everyday. An actual three headed dog. Can I keep you? You'd definitely get me the first place ribbon at the Dog Show coming this spring," said Vergil, as he saw the demonic animal's head plus the other two growling at him, and looked ready to tear his head off.

"Insolent fool! You may possess the blood of Sparda, but you are just a shell of what he was, and nothing more. I'll wipe you out from existence!" said the demonic dog, as it roared in anger, and the room shook with ice falling from the ceiling above.

"Is that so? Well, before you grant the world such an illustrious honor, would you care to tell me your name?" said Vergil, as he summoned his shadowy Doppelganger, who drew his sword, and while the real Namikaze brought out his own.

"I am Cerebrus! Once a guardian to the Underworld. I have been lost throughout time to be stuck in this miserable place while using my power every so often to freeze the people living around this land to death!" said Cerebrus, as its power to freeze nearly covered the entire room, and Vergil in the process had the boy leaped away.

"I see. Tell you what Cerebrus, I'll free you from here after I win, and take your soul to become my Devil Bringer. How does that sound?" said Vergil, as he saw Cerebrus's three heads looking at him with narrowed eyes, and growling at him with deadly fury.

"You have to kill me first boy! I doubt you have the skill," said Cerebrus.

"Then attack me and find out if I meet your standards like I've been doing with my own family," said Vergil, as he gave Cerebrus a swordsman's salute, and prepared to fight the large demon.

Cerebrus chuckled at Vergil before charging the young Namikaze, who ducked out of the way with his doppelganger doing the same, and with the half-devil instantly moving to slice through the demon's feet while his Shadow of Death moved to strike the head. It was not easy, as the demonic ice, and armor around Cerebrus made it difficult to harm the demon dog. Cerebrus wasn't going to make it easy on them either, as the former guardian of the Underworld unleashed its ice powers on Vergil, and the half-devil had to use his speed to his advantage in order to prevent himself from becoming an ever lasting blood smear on the cave walls.

His Shadow of Death Devil Bringer worked with him in moving all over the place to cause Cerebrus misdirection despite the dog demon have three heads and knew it would need to use all of them to protect itself from Yamato's blade. Though despite having three heads, it was the speed Vergil possessed, which proved they were not better then one, and his doppelganger too.

Cerebrus howled in pain from Yamato cutting through its skin and in anger at missing his target through out this battle. What was even worse for the demonic dog was its two other heads had been destroyed by Vergil and was now slumped on the ground...defeated!

"You are indeed Sparda's descendent. To think, I was defeated by the likes of you, and his bloodline for a second time in my long life!" said Cerebrus, as he could move, and looked down at Vergil while the Shadow of Death was recalled.

"Hey, don't be down like that. You put up a pretty good fight worthy of your station. I can see why you were declared guardian of the Underworld. Its been a long time since I had a good fight and you brought it to the table," said Vergil, as he saw Cerebrus grin at him, or as much as a demonic dog could grin without it looking like it was about to bite someone in half.

"You are honorable. Just like he was back when I first encountered him. You said before the start of this fight that you would take my soul with you in order to free me from this place. Is that offer still available?" said Cerebrus, as it didn't want to be here anymore, and wanted to be free again like it had once before.

"Yes," said Vergil, as he extended his right hand, and saw Cerebrus glow blue.

"Then take my soul. You have my blessing," said Cerebrus, as it let out a tired sigh of relief, and the giant demonic dog's body vanished into a icy blue orb of energy before it fell into Vergil's hands to reform itself into a three-pronged ice nunchakus.

'Very nice!' thought Vergil while smirking, as he tested them out on the area around him, and found them to be very effective in his hands.

Of course he would continue to practice with them for good measure.

The wall in the corner collapse to reveal stairs leading up and out of the room with Vergil taking it without looking back. After what felt like hours of walking, the half-devil found the exit, and found himself surprisingly at the base of the mountain. Not really caring how that really happened, Vergil walked away from the mountain, and soon found the others currently looking for him with Kakashi's tracking dogs.

"Vergil! Are you all right?" said Kakashi, as he saw the half-devil smirk, and reveal his new weapon.

"Yep! And I got myself a new demon weapon. Say hello to Cerebrus," said Vergil, as he showed them its ice like power, and they were awed by it.

"Was that the source of the unnatural cold Snow Country was having on occasion?" said Sandayu, as he saw Vergil nod, and then explain his battle with Cerebrus.

"While Snow Country will have its cruel winters, they will no longer be so cruel to cause agonizing death, and suffering upon your people. Also, Kakashi-san could you give the Princess her jewel back?" said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi nod, and take out Koyuki's jeweled necklace before handing it to the woman.

"Sorry I swapped it, but I couldn't risk it falling into Doto's hands, and use it for what he had planned in regards to your Father's treasure," said Kakashi, as he knew like Doto did that this jewel was the key to the treasure Koyuki's Father had hidden away, and what the man's brother had killed him to find.

"Its okay. I think I would like to see my Father's treasure though and what this jewel was meant to be used for it," said Koyuki, as she took the jewel, and followed Vergil to the area he saw where Doto was no doubt going to take her on his airship.

"Interesting," said Vergil, as he saw Koyuki put the jewel in the slot designed specifically for this massive technological wonder, and saw the sun piercing through the clouds onto the massive monolith of mirrors around him still covered in ice.

Once the jewel was in place, the item glowed with energy, and the machine sprang to life with power with the ice melting off the mirrors with the sun shinning off of them. With that happening the temperature was getting warmer, the snow melting, and surprisingly the ground underneath the snow was grassy green.

"The treasure...its a machine that brings about...Spring," said Koyuki, as she saw the lush landscape before her, and realized why her Father spent so much time on this.

He wanted to end the bitter cold of Snow Country to turn it into something wonderful.

"And with Cerebrus no longer here to make things difficult, the land will be prosperous, and bring your people happiness with the wealth they will now possess," said Vergil, as he saw the life once beneath the cold snow surface reveal itself to him, and it made the young half-devil smile at the sight.

Life finds away.

(Snow Country Capital-Several Days Later)

The celebration of Princess Koyuki's return to Snow Country was a big hit, with people singing, dancing, and drinking themselves stupid. Vergil was given the title "Knight of Snow", which made him an honorary citizen of the country, and was welcome back anytime for whatever reason. However, the day after the celebration would be the day Vergil would have to head home to the Leaf, and give an official report to the Hokage.


Vergil immediately groaned when he felt Koyuki's hand grasp his penis, she used her thumb to play with the head while her fingers lightly traced the skin. Moving towards the small sofa Vergil made sure to lock the door and close the blinds before sitting down.

Koyuki immediately opened his robe and dropped to her knees, they both needed this and even if she was a daimyo she had needs as well.

Kissing the head of his penis Koyuki trailed her lips all the way down his shaft before trailing back up with her tongue making sure to give the head a few flicks. Cupping his balls she entered his penis into her mouth and moaned as she felt it bump her throat.

Groaning Vergil tied his hands into her hair before helping her slide her mouth up and down his shaft. Opening her robe Tsunami allowed her generous sized breasts out before wrapping them around his dick.

Moaning once again at the sight of Tsunami pumping his penis with her breasts Vergil leaned back and sighed, he had needed emotional connection like with Tsunade, Kurenai and Mei no emotional guilt like with Suifu and Tsunami. This was what he needed just sex with a friend and this time no strings attached.

Grunting at the feeling of Koyuki licking his 18 inch 3 inches thick cock Vergil raised his hips and released his orgasm and it landed on Koyuki's face and in her mouth. Swallowing what had landed in her mouth Koyuki used her tongue to lick away any cum that had landed on her lips and near her mouth before trailing down Vergils shaft with her tongue once again cleaning any excess cum.

Reaching down to his balls she playfully sucked on them before standing up and placing herself so she was just hovering above Vergil. Dropping down on his penis Koyuki moaned at the feeling of Vergils massive shaft filling her up, he was much larger than anyone she knew.

Pumping into her pussy Vergil watched as her breasts would bounce around before gently taking one into his mouth and sucked on it. Moaning Koyuki gripped Vergils silver locks the feeling of having her pussy being fucked and her breast being sucked was too much.

Standing up Vergil bent Koyuki over the table that was also in the room and began to fuck her from behind. He enjoyed watching her ass cheeks jiggle whenever their hips came in contact and he also enjoyed that he could see Koyuki everywhere from here. Feeling her pussy squeeze down on him Vergil closed his eyes before pulling out and cumming on her ass.

Koyuki panted as she came down from her orgasm she could feel Vergils seed trailing down her ass and thighs. She was still not fully satisfied with just one round however she knew there was not going be enough time for another.

"I needed that" Vergil said his penis resting between Koyuki's ass cheeks. Catching her breath Koyuki moaned in agreement she too had needed this after being both an actress and daimyo she had formed a lot of stress inside her and just now she had been able to release a little of it.

Turning around Koyuki dropped to her knees again before taking Naruto's penis back into her mouth cleaning it.

(Lemon End)

Along with an alliance treaty, trading right with Fire Country, and future mission for the Leaf Shinobi of Konoha should the need arise.

"Jackpot," said Vergil to himself, as he looked at Princess Koyuki not far away signing autographs for kids before she looked at him, and gave him a wink before showing the script in her hands that made his eyes go wide for a second.

Icha Icha Paradise: The Movie!

Something told Vergil that he would be very much involved in that production and was looking forward to it when shooting the film started.

Jackpot indeed.