I should... Probably move out.

She heard the sound of footsteps entering her room and walking up to her bathroom. And then, the footsteps stopped. When she looked at the bathroom door, she saw a clear shadow on the ground. 

"Why are you here? Is there a problem with the menu?" She asked, trying to not make it obvious that she was weirded out by the situation. 

However, her 'cook' never gave her a response and just stood there. 

Ayami put on her bathrobe as she slowly walked towards the door. She gulped as she felt that it truly was odd. The footsteps were heavy, almost sounding as if they belonged to a man while her cook was a young petite woman who was always careful not to make a single sound. 

The shadow had not moved so as long as she opened this door, she would come face-to-face with the owner of those footsteps.