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Curisods Pride & Joy

The Commanding Knights attempt to circle King Lonson IV. His Silver Iron boots stand firmly in the muddied ground of the Drowning Forests. He is patient. His back never completely in sight of the Twins. Curisodian culture requires their warriors pray before every battles first strike. It is believed their Gods grant them the intelligence and power needed to defeat all who stand in their way.

"For the pride, glory, and honor of the Curisodian people, I fight so that we may remain a nation for 1000 Kings to come.", declares Torkas.

"For the joy, prosperity, and peace of the Curisodian people, I fight in celebration of our nations yesterday and tomorrow.", declares Pollux.

The Twins continue in unison, "My Gods, may your blessings continue for your people. In this life and all after, amen."

As is the duty of all first borns, Torkas takes lead. Knees bent, he thrusts the Blue Blade towards the neck of his opponent. He hoped to end this conflict with one move. However, the size difference would prove to be a problem. The former King defended with a simple boot to the arm of Torkas, causing him to fly backwards. The stone shack kept Torkas from falling. He looks towards the sky to thank the Gods, for he knew a fall meant his demise. Right as he looks down, the blade of lionshear flies over his head. Whether a blessing from the Gods or battle instincts, he rolled through the mud narrowly dodging the attack. Lifting himself by the feet of his twin brother, the Blue Iron of his armor and blade now stained of brown, Torkas uttered, "The Gods are on our side once again brother."

Mounted on the wagon-stallion, Jensen could only gaze in awe as King Lonson VI desperately made his way towards the battlefield. Seven and a half feet of Blue Iron bolting past defenders of the Oates Kingdom. A Blue Iron hammer matching his size galloped his back. This was the fastest Jensen has ever seen The King run, dry land included.

King Lonson VI charged ahead. His focus never leaving his destination. His voice drained from yelling with all his might willing him unable to speak. Vision became clearer. From the looks of it the two Curisodians were nowhere near an equal match to his grandfather. 1000 soldiers away. Closer, but the uneasy feeling that has haunted the King since the boy age of 8 intensified with each row of men.

The twins stood on guard. Their blade and spearhead directed towards their enemy. They didn't know who this massive warrior was, but they were witnessing that he was not just some brute aimlessly swinging a longsword. Still, each swing of lionshere grew more unpredictable and more violent than the last. The one trait in common? Intent to kill. The prints in the mud begin to make a map of Polluxs dance around his opponent. He prays to the Gods that his brother and he are blessed with an opening by these maneuvers, as it was clear that whomever they were fighting had experience being outnumbered. The coordination of the twins did not seem to worry the mysterious warrior.

His Blue Iron armor twirling the same as his Blue Iron spear, Pollux transitions behind Lonson IV. He ferociously plants the spearhead in the single Silver Ironless area on the leg. The Back of the knee. As he yanks the spear from the IVths body, Pollux celebrates. "For joy!" Perhaps too early. Crippled to a kneel, Lonson IV turns his head and with a reach that rivals the sun slashes backwards. The Gods must have sent a blessing once again. The attacks initial impact is absorbed by a nearby stone pillar. It shatters to large pieces, giving Pollux barely enough time to block. A feat of pure strength for its wielder, lionshears blade of Silver Iron splits the Blue Iron spear equal in size. Pollux drops both parts of the spear.

"For pride!" Torkas' body floats through the air as if he were a raindrop. The Blue Blade acting as a lightning bolt. With the weight of both hands and the entirety of Curisod, Torkas stabs directly through the neck of the massive warrior.

100 soldiers away. Lonson VI is surprised at the battle he has just seen. It did not turn out how he expected. Was it over? The uneasiness vanished not. It did quite the opposite. The King noticed something at the exact time the twins did.

"Check your spear.", Torkas says to his brother while examining his Blue Blade.

Pollux picks up both halves of his spear looking at them confusingly.

"There is no blood?", the twins question their current circumstances in unison.

Torkas finally draws notice of King Lonson VIs echoing sounds of Blue Iron splashing the mud of the Drowning Forests about 75 soldiers away. "Attention Pollux, the King is arriving."

Pollux replies annoyed, "Why must we risk our lives for Kings of foreign lands?"

"The Gods have written that a Curisodian King will unite the world under one banner. We are playing our part until the day comes brother. Remember these words." In unison they stand in standard post battle formation to honor the King. Weapons at their feet. Arms crossed behind their back. Faces in the direction of the King.

50 soldiers away. The King looks forward. He locks eyes with both Torkas and Pollux. He wishes he could say something, but can't muster a sound. Life is slow in motion.

25 soldiers away. Their eyes were locked on the Kings, but the twins' viewpoint would seem to suddenly grow taller as the King unclips his Blue Iron hammer. Silver Iron Gauntlets wrap around the drenched blonde locks of the Curisodians, raising their Blue Iron protected bodies from the muddied grounds. In unison, Lonson IV slings both his arms to the sky and smashes the twins head first onto the remnants of a stone pillar. To Torkas and Pollux, it was instant. No screams of pain. Ten-thousand gave witness to an event the same as a ripe pomegranate falling from the tallest point of the Oates Kingdom, bursting with juice and seeds upon landing.