Another World

Instead of being teleported to the desired location, they were teleported to another world. It was a beautiful world. Bright colors, luscious green grass, blooming trees with pink flowers around the base of the tree. Instead of being cautious, they home...and a sense of inner peace. It was nothing like the world they knew back home. It was like their dream had come true. "Where the hell are we?" said Bull.

"Well, I have no fucking clue" added Hunter, throwing his hands in the air.

"Easy, we just need to get a higher viewpoint," said Thalin calmly.

"What "higher viewpoint" there is nothing but flat-lands and grass" exclaimed Bull.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" Asked Thalin.

While the argument was going on, Hunter had a feeling they were being watched so being cautious he drew his sidearm.

"What, what did you see!?" said Thalin, having been alerted by Hunter's action.

"Nothing yet sir, I just have this feeling that we are not the only ones here," said Hunter."Stay here, I'll look around," responded Thalin, deciding to listen to his squadmate.

The area they were looking at when they arrived was a large open flat land filled with tall grass. Behind them was a hill layered with trees.

He didn't take more than 10 steps when he heard a female voice coming from the top of a tree in front of him. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?". The voice sounded soft but aggressive at the same time.

"Look, whoever you are, we just want to figure out where we are, we don't want to cause any trouble," said Thalin.

The figure jumped out of the tree, landing with the gracefulness of a wolf, silent and elegant. As the figure walked closer to Thalin, it began to take shape.

"I would appreciate it if you would not come any closer ma'am" asked Thalin.

Popping the release on his sidearm and drawing it slightly. The figure stayed silent, still moving forward. The figure began to resemble the appearance of a female, but unlike a normal human, she looked similar to a wolf.

She was wearing what seemed like a leather tunic, wrapped with leaves to cover her chest. Plant-based pants with flowers covering her crotch for both front and back. She looked like a royal figure but not royal in terms of the human world. She was a gray wolf from the tips of her toes to the tips of her ears. She also had a white underbelly that you could barely make out.

"What the hell is that?" said Bull quietly behind Thalin while looking at this creature. She was at least 6 feet in front of them, so close that you could touch her.

The female's ears perked up, then she spoke. "I am a wolf," said the now confirmed female wolf hearing bulls' words. Thalin began to speak but was interrupted by the female. "You will no longer be asking questions," she snapped her fingers and 8 nude male anthros jumped out of the foliage with spears pointed at them,

"My name is Sara. I am the tribe leader and you are trespassing on sacred grounds. These grounds belong to MY people. Your kind is not welcome here after the mess that YOU have caused us recently. Now state your presence!" She snaps her fingers again and the other anthros stepped closer with spears at the neck of the soldiers.

"We did not mean to travel here Sara. We were going for a rescue mission and we used a teleporter. Instead of traveling there, we were sent here. I am truly sorry for invading sacred lands but we have no idea where we are or if we are even on the same planet. So for the time being we are stuck here" said Thalin, putting down his pistol, "Hunter…..Bull, lower your weapons."

Hunter lowered his pistol but Bull didn't seem to want to listen. Bull in a fit of rage yelled out "You expect me to lower my gun to these…..Things! All they have are spears, we can take them!"

He then began to charge at Sara but was immediately stopped by one of the guards.

"You take one more step and you will be on the ground faster than you can say Avian," said the male guard.

Bull takes another step and attempts to say the phrase. Before he could even begin the guard swept his leg making Bull fall down, hitting his head on a rock. Using his spear the guard hit the gun across the dirt away from Bull's hand then held the spear to his throat.

"One more word. I dare you!" exclaimed the male guard.

"Lukus, enough," stated Sara.

Lukus takes his spear away from Bull's throat, then punches him before standing back beside Sara. "Yes ma'am" stated Lukus. It was surprising to both Thalin and Hunter seeing as Bull is not a light guy, especially with all the heavy gear on.

Bull looked up at Thalin in shock. "Don't look at me, you started this and you lost, now stand down," said Thalin.

"Now that you two are done bickering, all three of you are coming with us. For the time being, you are going to be my prisoners." Sara then snapped her fingers. All three of them heard steps behind them as they were pricked in the back of the neck causing their vision to go black.

When Thalin, Hunter, and Bull came to, there was no light except for a torch in the corner of the room. They had no gear and they found that they were wearing nothing but a piece of loincloth covering their private parts.

"Where are my clothes!" said Thalin.

"This day just keeps getting worse and worse," said Hunter.

"I can't believe this! Where is my uniform!" Bull yelled.

"Alright calm down we just need to- "

"Shut up in there!" a guard interrupted.

"Ma'am they have awoken," said Lukus.

"Good, now bring the two tame ones. Let the angry one be, I have plans for him later" stated Sara. She snapped her fingers and 2 more guards walked in with Lukus.

"Bull, wait here and don't cause any more trouble, understand?" stated Thalin.

"Yes sir" grumbled Bull.

Lukus walks up and opens the gate. "You two come with me. The chief demands your presence at once," said Lukus pointing at Thalin and Hunter. Two guards enter the cell and begin to escort them down the dark corridors of what appears to be a cave. Thalin leans close to Hunter. "Stick close and don't get too trigger happy," he said quietly "BE QUIET!" yelled Lukus.

They soon found themselves outside. It looked like a camp, full of other anthros. Wooden buildings of different sizes and shapes on different sides. Some were small, others were bigger. There were Foxes, Wolfs, Hyenas and so much more. Hunter grunted as a random fruit hit him in the back of the head.

"Go back home," said a small anthro in a high-pitched voice. Everyone there stopped what they were doing and looked at them. Their faces were full of anger and disgust. Lukus pushed and shoved Thalin and Hunter away and into a large wooden building in, what looked like, the center of the village.

Lukus then closed the door and turned around. "Chief, I have brought the two humans as requested." he said "Thank you, now please, leave us" stated Sara. Sara was facing away from the entrance so no one would be able to see her.

Thalin stepped forward "Look ma'am, we don't know what is going on or where we are but I promise you, we have no affiliation with whoever has been giving you trouble. If you release us and tell us how to leave, I promise I will try to help you and your people." explained Thalin. Sara stood up from her chair.

"Did I tell you to speak, Thalin? I don't think I did. If I have not given you permission then why are you speaking! You have no right to be speaking to me," she turns around and begins to walk towards Thalin,

"You will speak when told to speak, do you understand me?" she stated in a demanding tone of respect. Thalin nodded.

"I require an answer from you. It's a yes or no question. Now I am gonna ask you again. Do. You. Understand. Me." said Sara in a more aggressive tone.

"Yes ma'am," said Thalin standing straight as if at attention. Sara gives Thalin a pat on the head

"Good boy," she then stepped towards Hunter, "And you?" Hunter aggressively nodded his head in fear and anxiety.

"Yes ma'am," he said in an anxious voice standing at attention as well. "I like this one, I'll keep him around, but for now..," she brushes her tail up against Hunter's crotch, sending shivers up his spine,

"onto the reason I brought you here. Take a seat." She slid two seats towards them and went back to her chair. Thalin and Hunter sit down.

"Now, you two ending up here is strange. Though as I stated before you are not the first humans to arrive here. There were others like you but we trusted them since we didn't know who or what they were. So we opened up our arms to them and in doing so, we made grave errors. Your kind started to take over and cause war and panic amongst us. This tribe was in chaos, because of these men and women," she sighs in slight sadness,

"It was up to me to set things right. I called a truce and told them to stop fighting us. We sat down and signed an agreement where your people own a place near us. They have been slowly taking over our land and we can't stop them. A month ago they took one of our farming villages. Our numbers may be big but they have strange devices, like the things you all had on, and they use those against us. I know it's rude of me to ask this of you but…can you help me. I can repay you both but I am not sure I will be able to get you back to where you came from." she said, sitting back down in her chair.

"I'm sorry for what has happened to you and yes, I and my men will do what we can to help you," said Thalin. "Also may I ask, why are we nude?"

"I undressed all three of you because I was skeptical. I didn't know if you were hiding other items, plus it wasn't tribal. If you are gonna stay here, you must dress appropriately. Speaking of which, since you are no longer prisoners," she walks up to them and removes their one item of clothing,

"There, now you are part of the tribe."

Thalin sighs. "Look ma'am, I understand your customs and courtesies contain….ahem….little clothing, but for me and my men to be able to fight we need our uniforms and body armor," stated Thalin.

"Unfortunately I can not do that. We burn and destroy any foreign items and clothes. It is custom that anyone lower than chief is not allowed to have clothing items. Clothes are a symbol of royalty. I'm sorry to disappoint you" said Sara. "What about our weapons?" asked Thalin.

"Instead of using those, I will give you both high-quality bows with poison tip arrows and a leather quiver. You get 50 arrows. Any more questions?" "What about armor, how do we protect ourselves?" asked Hunter

"You will need to go to a workshop and let them measure you. Your armor will be made of natural materials. You are not allowed to wear any armor or clothing items inside the village" said Sara. "Anything else?"Thalin and Hunter both shook their heads no in response to her question.

"Good, now you boys can either stay here or you can follow Lukus back to his home," she states as she begins to remove her royal clothes. "I am going to sleep. Are you staying or are you leaving?" she asked

"leaving ma'am, and thank you." said Thalin, giving her a hand salute while also being slightly distracted. Hunter just stands there, not taking his eyes off her. His eyes went up and down, gathering every detail possible of her body.

"Hunter! Focus." Hunter snaps out of it. "I am going to stay with you ma'am" Hunter says with excitement. "No you're not, that's an order sergeant," said Thalin.

"Permission to deny the order, sir," asked Hunter. "Denied, were going to get Bull then were heading to the workshop" Thalin stated.

"He will be staying with me, Thalin," said Sara with a grin and her hands behind her back. Without hesitation, Hunter left Thalins side and proceeded to walk towards the chief. "Now, if you are to stay with me in my bed, you must do whatever I say, do you understand me?" stated Sara.

"Yes ma'am," said Hunter as he started becoming aroused. He put both of his hands over his crotch to hide the fact that he was hard from just the appearance of Sara. "Come with me darling," said Sara as she dragged her finger from Hunter's chest, up his neck, and pulled away from his chin.

They both went into Sara's room and closed the door. Lukus then walks in and grabs Thalin by the wrist, dragging him away. "Come on you, you are sleeping with me tonight" and they walk out of Sara's house, closing the door on their way out.

Lukus then takes Thalin behind the house and presses him against the wall of Sara's house. "Sara may trust you and Hunter, but I don't. You have to earn your worth. You will be in my bed tonight, but let me make one thing clear. I am not to be trifled with. I am the chief's best soldier and I will not hesitate to kill all three of you if any of you endanger the chief or her well being," Lukus then grabs Thalins wrist and pulls it down, putting Thalin at his knees, "Do I make myself clear!" asked Lukus. "crystal," Thalin said, holding a pointed broken board to Lukus's side that he grabbed when they were going around the corner of the building. "I've been trained in hand-to-hand combat, don't try it," Thalin stated.

"Touche, but did you ever think to look behind you?" stated Lukus "I'm a special forces operative, i have plenty of methods to escape a situation like this, now let go of me and take me to the workshop."

"I work at the workshop. I am the owner you fool!" Lukus said,

"Oh good for you, now let's stop with this rivalry, I have a job to do," Thalin stated, sticking the board in the ground.

"You want anything from give me, Sara, and everyone else here some respect. Don't come to me for armor or anything till you learn to do so." With that Lukus left, leaving the crowd staring at Thalin in disgust. A little child came up, threw a rock at Thalin, hitting him in the back of the head.

"Meanie," said the small child, and left. Thalin picked up the rock and threw it at a bunch of bananas in the trees making them fall and land in a basket, "enjoy the food" he said calmly and walked away towards the caves.

As Thalin was walking away, Lukus walked up behind him and gave him a tap on the shoulder. Thalin stops and turns around. "You still need a place to stay tonight. Even though we are still upset with each other, you are staying with me tonight. I said I would and since you have nowhere else to be except for the jail cell, it's up to you to pick where you want to spend tonight. My house, or a cold jail cell" Lukus said as he put one-foot paw behind the other.

"I appreciate the gesture but if you're offering this I want Bull with us and we're not gonna do any of that cuddly shit, we sleep and that's it," Thalin said.

"Bull is staying with someone else tonight, he is no longer in his cell. In fact, he is at work. You can talk to Neptune tomorrow. He's just across the street at the brothel" said Lukus. "All right, I am pretty tired, name's Captain William Thalin of the FSCU(First Special Combat Unit)," said Thalin as he stuck his hand out for a shake. "What?..... Doesn't matter, come" said Lukus as he takes Thalin's hand.

They arrive at Lukus's house and step inside and close the door. "It's not much but it's something," Lukus said as he puts his spear away and walked to the shower, "I am taking a shower, you are welcome to join since we all need to save water. It's been in short supply lately," he said, stepping into the bathroom. Thalin, trying to avoid looking in that direction because of disgust, responded.

"Nah, I'm good. I took one before we left base, " he paused as he looked around, '' Y'know your place is a lot better than where I live. In the human military, you get a canvas cot and a bunch of MRE's. They're not the best in the world but you get used to it." said Thalin

"Suit yourself, I can only use my shower once every 2 weeks. As I said, water has been in short supply. You don't join me, then it will be a while before you can take another one again. This is your last chance. If you get dirty working, you ain't sleeping in my bed." said Lukus. "As I said, I'm good. Now, I'm gonna go find a place to lay down," said Thalin. "There is only one bed, so you will be sleeping in my bed with me. I will be out in a little bit" said Lukus as he swayed his butt and entered the open shower and closed the door. Thalin shuddered in disgust.

"Weirdo," he said quietly, finding a corner to sit in. It didn't take Lukus too long to finish his shower. Lukus, all wet, grabbed a towel and began to dry off. As he was drying off he thought to himself how good-looking Thalin was. He couldn't take his eyes off him, off that slender, muscular, fit body of his. Lukus gets out of the shower, steam rolls out of the door as it swings open and steamrolls off of his body. He couldn't help but look at Thalin for a bit.

He thought "For an outsider, he is kinda cute" then Thalin spoke up. "If you're done staring I would appreciate it if you would go to sleep," said Thalin laying down on the floor closing his eyes. Lukus, now embarrassed, stopped, exited the shower, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.