Earning Trust

Thalin sighs, lying down on a hardwood floor staring at the ceiling. The floor wasn't that bad, being special forces thalin was used to sleeping on hard surfaces, but the fact that thalin couldn't stop thinking about the world that he unintentionally left behind. The base, his old life, and even his best friend Cody Williams. Though, those thoughts were not as prevalent as his thoughts about the tribe's chief, Sara. She was beautiful, all those curves were perfect from the top all the way down. Her personality wasn't too bad either. She was assertive, aggressive, a born leader. yet gentle and kind when she wasn't leading her tribe.

Unable to sleep, Thalin gets up and walks to the door, opening it and walking out into the torch-lit environment of the empty town. Surprisingly, It wasn't that cold, even though he was buck-ass naked, it was actually pretty warm. Thalin looks around trying to find something to do. He thinks back to when he was walking through the town. He remembers seeing a deer anthro chopping wood by, what looked like, a woodworking building. So Thalin starts off there. Chopping wood one log at a time until he built a pile that looked like you could use it to build a pretty sizable shelter. Then he heads to the vegetable fields, picking and sorting veggies into their baskets until he had picked so many the field was empty of veggies that were actually good to pick.

6 hours went by and the town started to bustle with other anthros as the morning sun started to rise. Lukus wakes up, aroused, wondering where Thalin was. Last he saw him, he was in his house on the floor. He quickly grabs his spear, and steps outside. The warm air and the bright sun bouncing off his fur is just the best feeling in the morning. As he steps out of his house, he begins to search the streets, looking for Thalin.

It didn't take him more than 10 minutes to find him. Thalin was found on the ground, laying asleep, in the dirt. Lukus picks him up, puts him on his shoulder and takes the sleeping human back to his house, and lays him on the floor. Lukus then looks up and down, checking for any wounds, and wonders what he was doing out so late. He decided to leave and let him rest for the time being. Walking out of his house and going to where Thalin was found passed out, there was a pile of logs and carrots on the ground. Shocked at what he had done, he runs to Saras's house, bursts into the door, and finds Sara sitting in her chair reading while Hunter is still asleep in Sara's bed.

"Chief, you may want to come to see what Thalin did," Lukus said. "One second, I need to get dressed. I just got up." Sara gets up, changes into her royal clothes, grabs her spear, and walks with Lukus to the location where Thalin had cut logs and collected carrots. "What has happened here?" asked Sara. "Ma'am it was Thalin, he did this. Look at all of the damage he has done. It's not been one day and he is already screwing things up. I think we sho-" stated Lukas but was interrupted by Sara.

"Calm down, Lukus. He hasn't done anything wrong. In fact, he did a chore that was meant for him today. He must really want to show his loyalty. The carrots though...it's an added bonus. I'll talk to Thalin. Do you know, by chance, where he is?" she asked "Yes ma'am, he is at my house. Please follow me.'' said Lukus. With that said, Lukus escorts Sara to his house. "Should I wait outside?" asked Lukus. "Yes, stand guard while I handle this," said Sara as she entered Lukus's house and closed the door.

Sara turned around and saw that Thalin was in the corner of the room still passed out from the exertion of the last 5 hours. Sara walked over to Thalin and nudged his leg with her foot paw. Thalin groaned on the floor, rolling to his side. Sara leaned over and yelled in his ear. "Thalin!"

Thalin jumped up and immediately went to an attention stance. "Sorry ma'am, I stayed up late," he said, half asleep and barely standing still. Sara begins to pace around Thalin while she speaks. "Yes my dear, I know what you did, there is a pile of logs where the outline of your body lies. That and you are covered in dirt. So tell me Thalin. What kept you up all night?" asked Sara. "Well Ma'am, I" he paused. "I was stuck thinking about all the things that I left behind. Our base, my family, my best friend. As Well as being stuck trying to figure out what I can do to help your people." Thalin stated, partially lying, having left out the details of him thinking of her.

"Are you sure that's all you were thinking about? The last time I saw you, you were stuck staring at my ass, or was that just me. Anyways, I must say you did a fine job picking the carrots and chopping the wood. That was meant for you to do today. Now I just got to figure out what to do with you today. Got any suggestions?" Sara says while messing with her clothes.

"Ma'am, with your permission, I would like for me and my men to have access to the workshop so we may craft equipment to start fighting whoever is giving you trouble," Thalin said, trying not to look at her certain...areas. "I will give you permission to access the workshop, but that decision is left to Lukus who is, after all, the owner of the workshop. You do know that I can see your eyes looking at my body right. Sara moves her hips from side to side. "Sorry...Ma'am" Thalin said, blushing slightly. "Well dear, what is it going to be?" Sara asked. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I can't tell you that, it's not right by our military code," Thalin stated, taking a long breath in and focusing on the wall.

She pauses, gathering her thoughts, coming up with an idea. "Tell you what, you can not only join Lukus at the shop, but you can work for him. This will keep you preoccupied throughout the day so you won't have to stay up all night chopping wood" said Sara.

Thalin gave Sara a hand salute from the attention position. "Thank you, Ma'am, I'll be sure to ask Lukus about a job." Thalin dropped the hand salute and stood at parade rest. Sara looked at Thalin with a puzzled expression, cocking her head to one side. "Why do you do that with your hands?" questioned Sara. "In our military or army, it's used as a sign of respect and acknowledgment to any officers or higher-up," Thalin stated. Sara nodded but she still didn't know what to think about Thalin or what he said. With that Thalin leaves the house and heads out into the busy town.

As he is walking, all of the other town folk are staring at him. With curiosity in their eyes. Not sure where the human is going to go. One of the townsfolk stops Thalin and asked him where he is going. Thalin politely says he is going to see Lukus at his workshop. The villager tells Thalin that he is going in the wrong direction and proceeds to grab his forearm and take him to Lukus's shop.

The figure appeared to be male. He had purple fur from head to toe, wispy white hair from the chest to his nether region and hints of blue for the ears and white fluff in the ears. He had purple eyes with crescent-shaped corneas. He looked stunning, though he never said his name. "Thanks for taking me here, Names Thalin, you've probably seen or heard about me pretty recently. Just a heads up, I don't have a problem with you or your people, I'm trying to help and I'll try to keep out of your way." stated Thalin.

The mysterious figure stops right at the shop's doors, turns around and stares at Thalin in the eyes. "I have little interest in what your people do or who you are. Your kind has only caused problems for us and now we have to fix YOUR mistakes. Until you can prove yourself to this tribe and be useful, every guard here will always be on your tail the entire time and I will make sure of it." Before Thalin could speak, the figure transformed/morphed into a wolf and went on all fours and left Thalin. Thalin stood there for several seconds with a surprised and confused look on his face.

After about 30 seconds of confused staring, Thalin shook it off and headed inside the workshop. He walked inside and shut the door. The workshop was fairly large, it had a large work space ,right of the door, with 2 large shelves full of tools. Opposite of that was a large iron forge, with an anvil, grindstone, and quench barrel. In front of Thalin on the opposite side of the building was a material storage room, about half empty of material. Next to that were two large doors which he assumed was for letting air in when it got too hot. Above that, on a loft, was what looked like a bedroll. Lukus walks from behind, carrying an unfinished piece of leather tunic and places it on the workstation.

"Ah, you're here. I have to share my house with you and now you are in my shop. What do you want, human?" Lukus questioned. "The chief told me to come work here for the time being. Which means you're stuck with me." Thalin said, crossing his arms. "Just fucking great….fine, you want to work here, then make yourself useful and create a spear with an iron head, and iron for the base. They must have a flower design and it MUST fit the chief's demands. Got it? I expect it done in an hour" demanded Lukus.

"Yes, sir," Thalin said seriously. Thalin set to work immediately, grabbing iron material, wood, and forming tools. He took the iron and dropped it into the forge to heat it. While the metal was heating he grabbed the wood to start a hilt. Once the metal was heated he grabbed it out of the forge and banged it into the shape of a spear head, once the metal was shaped he grinded an edge and formed the tang.

Once the blade was ready, he finished the handle and started on a metal wrap for the arm of the spear. While the metal was heating, he stuck the spear head on the wood handle and wrapped the tang with tightly wrapped leather strips to keep the spear head on. He finished the wrap and put it on the handles of the spear and then started on the finishing part, the flower shaped hilt at the bottom of the spear. It felt like 55 minutes had passed by the time he started trying to make a flower shaped hilt. "Your time is up, let me see what you have done" said Lukus while taking the spear from Thalin.

"Your spear head looks good, except for all of these cracks in the blade. The tang looks like it's in ok shape for your first time, still lots of cracks. The metal handle wrap is not bad actually but it's not what was asked for. You didn't carve the wood or smooth it out so it's gonna leave splinters, and you haven't even finished completing the flower hilt. This work….I give you an F for how fucked up it looks! I don't know what I expected from a human. Go to the back and organize the material while I scrap this abomination" said Lukus angrily.

Thalin walked towards the storage and started categorizing and sorting the assortment of materials and parts. This wasn't difficult for him because he had started his career as a storage manager. As he was sorting through the mess of materials he noticed a small box shoved in the back corner. At first he thought of looking but he left it there to be nice.

Oftentimes he would notice Lukus looking in his direction but he was too focused on work to care, although if Lukus did try something he would punch him in the snout, boss or not. While Lukus was melting down the metal, he ended up dropping the spear tang on his foot, causing him to wince in pain. He picked it up and put the spearhead in the vat of molten metal. His fluffy tail brushed a shelf of items and knocked them off, making a loud crash as they hit the floor.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Lukus as his head shook back and forth in anger. Thalin snickered quietly in the back and then spoke "you alright." he asked. "What do you think, smart ass! Not the first time this has happened. Keep up your work, I got this" Lukus said while cleaning up the mess he made.

Thalin continued to sort through the mess. When he was almost done he found what looked like a handmade ring with a beautiful diamond in the center "huh" he said putting the ring down on top of the box he saw earlier. Thalin was so busy he forgot that he's been naked for the past day and a half. He leaned out of the back room and spoke to Lukus. "Would you be okay if I tried to go find some clothes to wear in here?" he asked.

"No, unless the chief says so. Only royal's are permitted to wear such garments. I am allowed to wear them but I mainly choose not to since it feels more natural. Here I only sell tools and equipment for the village." said Lukus. "Alright well if we cant have clothes yet could you at least teach me and my men some combat styles," asked Thalin.

"I could teach you and Hunter but your other guy, I am not sure about. He was being very rude to us and he disrespected the chief," stated Lukus. "If you bring him to me, I'll talk to him, he'll listen to me," said Thalin with a serious expression. Lukus looks at Thalin, "Maybe. You have yet to prove yourself worthy of this village," said Lukus. Thalin snapped in frustration. "Well how the hell am I supposed to "prove myself" if I'm stuck inside the village doing meaningless tasks," Thalin said angrily with a bit of yelling.

Lukus snaps back at Thalin. "You think it's meaningless to make spears!? You think it's pointless chopping wood for the village's use! We are a proud tribe and you have only been here for a day! Who are YOU to judge what is pointless or in your words "meaningless" You know of nothing about our culture or how we operate!" exclaimed Lukus.

Thalin "I need to go check up on my squad." Thalin finished, storming through the back, slamming the door.

"The Chief will hear about this." yelled Lukus after a quiet pause. "If only he knew what it was like when the inquisitors arrived.'' said Lukus under his breath.