Chapter 39

They walked through the bridge to the pavilion, and she was surprised when she found a table with so much food.

"Are there more guests coming?"

Caspian laughed at her question as he opened the chair for her and she sat down and he tucked her in. He sat next to her,

"No just you and I, I want to make up all the moments that I could not see you."

"You sure are doing a good job at fattening me."

Caspian smiled, "I don't care how you look regardless Aurora, you have my heart."

Aurora nodded, "You have mine too."

"The princess arrives."

Aurora saw Nadia coming up the stairs, "Sire, you don't mind if I join, I am parched."

"Not at all, sit," Caspian replied.

Nadia sat gracefully and she looked at her directly as she did, and Aurora knew she was doing it on purpose.

"I am glad you are back Aurora, I missed you and I am glad we can all sit and share meals," Nadia added.

"Me too My lady."

Nadia looked at Caspian, "I have been a bit picky with what I eat, the physician visited me and I might be with child."

Caspian took Nadia's hand, "You have to be careful from now onwards."

"I will need support from you, your highness."

"I will be with you every step of the way."

Aurora did not know why her heart fell, Caspian obviously needed an heir and Nadia would be the perfect fit for that.

She had been gone for months, so he obviously turned to someone else. Aurora did not show any signs of dismay.

"You have early congratulations, My Lady."

"Thank you Aurora, it means a lot coming from you."

Aurora forced herself to eat the food even though she felt sick to her stomach. When lunch finished she was glad.

"I shall take my leave, My Lord,"

"Let me walk you back."

"Nadia needs you, My Lord."

Caspian nodded, "Of course."

Aurora left and walked to the tree that she used to come to when she was burdened, and she cried her heart out.

She did not know if this was something that she could do, sharing the man that she might love was too much.

As a matter of fact, it was Nadia who was sharing her husband not the other way around. It was too late for her to turn back time.

It would have even been better if she had never gotten this position and cared for Caspian as much as she did now.

The tears streamed down her face endlessly, the pain wanted to make her die. She sat for hours as the sun was setting.

"It feels amazing to see you here."

Aurora turned to find Elliot sitting down and his face fell when he saw hers, "Have you been crying?"

Aurora nodded, "I have."

"What happened?" Elliot asked.

"My heart, it feels as if someone drove a dagger through it."

Elliot wiped the tears from her face, "You just came back, you can't leave again."

"I can't even if I wanted to, I am stuck in the palace."

"Do you want to learn how to ride a horse?"

Aurora was surprised by Elliot's question, "What?"

"You say you feel stuck and trapped, riding a horse gives one a bit of freedom."

"I would love that Elliot."

"Your voice is raspy, you should head back to your villa."

"No Elliot, I don't want to."

Elliot nodded, "I will just sit with you."

Hours passed and she finally decided to head back to her villa, Elliot got up and when she tried to her legs felt numb and she lost a bit of balance, Elliot caught her.

"Are you okay?"

"I've been sitting for a while,"

Elliot picked her up bridal style,

"Elliot you don't have to."

"I want to."

Aurora nodded and she leaned on his chest and he carried her back to her villa, when she got there

"My Lady!" Eleanor called out to her.

She was surprised to see a lot of guards, and they all turned to her and relief fell over their faces.

"You can put me down, Elliot."

Elliot did that and Eleanor was by her side,

"Thank you Elliot for everything."

"Don't forget my offer," Elliot replied.

"Of course."

"My Lady, the prince has been looking for you for hours thinking that something might have happened to you."

Aurora nodded, "I am fine, help me to my villa."

"My Lady the prince said to see him when you were found, the guards have probably notified him as he was worried sick."

Aurora went to her villa and changed into her nightgown, let her hair down

"My lady are you not going to see the prince?"

"No, I feel sick, no one should disturb me."

Eleanor left as she closed her door, she climbed onto her bed.

The next morning she woke up,

"My Lady, the prince said to come to his chambers when you woke up."

Aurora bathed and got dressed, she had some food. Lunchtime came and Eleanor seemed to be stressed for her.

"Let me go."

Eleanor nodded, "Yes My Lady."

Aurora got to the horse stable and found Elliot brushing the horses.

Elliot noticed her and he smiled, "You came."

Aurora nodded, "Of course."

Elliot motioned for her to come closer and she was a bit nervous as she was never this close to a horse.

She went over closer to Elliot and touched the horse tentatively, he handed her a brush and she helped brush the horses.

This time when the sun was setting, Aurora made her way back to her villa. Eleanor ran up to her, "The prince came and was looking for you My Lady, he seemed to be upset."

Aurora did not care, for now, she did not want to see him. She had her dinner and changed into her nightgown and unbraided her hair and climbed into bed.


Aurora sat up surprised, "What's wrong Eleanor?"


"Elliot did what Eleanor?"

"He is being arrested!"

"What happened?"

"I am not sure My Lady."

Aurora climbed out of her bed, put on shoes, and ran to the prison, she found Elliot being dragged inside.


Elliot was surprised to see her but he motioned for her to not get involved but she did not care.

"You will be thrown in prison with him if you don't turn around and leave." One of the guards responded.

"Then do it! He is innocent and I won't stop."

Aurora was also dragged away with Elliot and they both were shoved into a prison cell.

"You shouldn't have done that," Elliot said to her.

"Why are you being arrested?"

"I am not sure," Elliot replied in confusion.

Aurora felt tired, and she yawned. Her head kept on drooping until Elliot placed it on his shoulder and she fell asleep.


Aurora opened her eyes and realized she was fully in Elliot's arms as he held her and Caspian was standing in front of them fuming.

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