Chapter 40

Aurora jumps out of his arms, and the door to the prison is opened, she and Elliot are released, and the minute she is out Caspian grabs her by the hand and drags her away.

He was walking fast and for every step, he took she had to take two so she could match his steps, and he was not slowing down.

They walked into his villa and he did not respond to anyone that greeted him, when they got to his chambers he dragged her in and let go of her hand and he slammed the door shut.

Aurora looked at the ground, she could not stand to look at him in the present moment that they were in.

"Tell me Aurora! Make me understand."

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"So you think it's fine for you to spend a night with another man?"

"I didn't choose to, I had no choice."

"At least look at me when you say those words and that's an order!"

Aurora lifted her head and looked him in the eye, she did not flinch at his words, her own anger was simmering on the surface.

She could see the hurt in his eyes but he did not see hers,

"I can leave for a while if you would like, I can come back in a few moons."

"You are not leaving me Aurora, I won't let it happen. I did that once as a favor but now you are not going anywhere."

"Fine then I want to be at my villa and I don't want to see you."

"Do you hear yourself Aurora!"

"Yes, I do hear myself, you have a million women to replace me with."

"What is going on with you? I could not get a hold of you and I find out Elliot carried you back, and to make matters worse you apparently ran to him looking the way you are."

Aurora realized that she was not dressed properly, her hair was a mess. "I didn't realize it."

"You didn't realize it? Were you thinking about Elliot that much?"

"Elliot does not need to be punished, why was he arrested?"

"That does not matter that concern you Aurora."

"It does, Elliot is my friend and he has been there for me, I would sacrifice myself for him if needed."

"You would sacrifice yourself. Did you lie to me all this time Aurora? Did you even feel the slightest the way I felt about you?"

Aurora chuckled, "I did but to you,I was just lucky that you felt anything close to love, I don't know what about me captured your attention. You just wanted me as a possession."

"Don't put words in my mouth, I have accommodated you more than I have with any other women that I have had."

"How gracious of you My Lord, should I bow down now? Or better yet should I lay my life down, I can do that if you want."

Caspian walked over to her and he grabbed her face in a rough manner she could see war, rage, and anger in his eyes, "You will not die without my permission Aurora, I will love you till death do us part. I might have said it to Nadia but those words were emotionally directed to you in my heart."

Aurora tried to move her face out of his grip, but she was stuck,

"Fine, I will stay a prisoner forever."

Caspian placed his other hand on her face, and he was now holding it in between his hands, "Aurora we were fine the day before yesterday, tell me what happened so I can fix it."

"I don't know why you are accosting me so much, why don't you go to Nadia, she is the one who is your wife and needs you the most not me!"

"So this is what it's about, I hurt you again."

Aurora's eyes filled with tears that she didn't want to shed,

"I had to, you are the one that has my heart Aurora I swear to you, I swear my life to you. I will spend the rest of my days with you only in my chambers."

Aurora sobbed at his words, she punched him on his chest, "You….you…really…." he pulled her in his arms and she cried more. He kissed the top of her head, "I'm sorry My love, you are the only women I have ever seen staying with forever. Please don't hate me, when you are mad at me it feels as if my heart is being ripped out."

All she wanted was to be in his arms and wanted it to be just her. Aurora wanted to be in his arms forever, could she hold on to him or would he get tired of her?

She shuddered at the thought of him discarding her and as if he could read her mind, "I can't send you away Aurora without half of my heart going with you."

Aurora just cried her heart out as he held her. After some time she was cried out and Caspian lead her to his bed.

He pulled her into his arms and she fell asleep from all the crying that she had left her exhausted. When she woke up, Caspian was not on her but when Aurora looked up he was working on the table.

When he saw her shift he came to her, and pulled her into her arms, "Whenever you are upset with me please tell me Aurora."

She nodded, "I will."

"Come let's go eat."

Caspian took her by the hand, and when they got to the pavilion she was surprised, there were flowers everywhere and lanterns that decorated the entire place.

She looked around in awe, "This is beautiful."

They sat down for supper and she ate distracted as she looked around, Aurora wondered how Caspian had managed to do this in such a short period of time.

Caspian had planned to take Aurora for lunch, and when they got to the pavilion he was excited as he hadn't been able to enjoy such a luxury with her.

He would spend as much time he could with her to make up for all the time that they had missed, He tucked her in and also sat down.

"The princess has arrived."

Caspian turned and found Nadia walking up, and she wanted to join them for lunch and he could not refuse her as his parents had enforced to him that he needed to keep her happy and nothing could go wrong as he needed her for him to succeed the throne and have a strong alliance.

They started to have lunch and it was going well as Nadia was kind to Aurora he return, and he was surprised when she said she might be expecting his child.

His mother and father would be happy to hear the news and so would Nadia's parents, and he planned to help her every step of the way.

When they finished eating he wanted to take a walk with Aurora, but she declined to insist that he take Nadia back.

He was torn as he wanted to be with Aurora all the time, he accepted begrudgingly. He watched her leave as she had excused herself.

Caspian walked Nadia back to her villa,

"Would you like to come in and have tea sire?"

"No, not today Nadia maybe another time."

Caspian went to Aurora's villa and he found that she had not come back here and maybe she had gone to see her friends.

He left and when he came back when the sun was setting, and found that she was not there she began to worry, ever since she had left him he wanted to be reassured that she was there.

"Where is she?" Caspian asked her maid as he was worried that she was not with her.

"She never came back from lunch My Lord."

Caspian called his guards, "Find Aurora."

"Yes My Lord."

Night time came and he sat in his villa, he wondered if Aurora was back at hers and she was probably tired, he went back and she was not there.

"When Aurora comes back or is found, tell her to come to my chambers."

"Yes My Lord."

The next morning he woke up and Aurora was not there, he called his guard in, "Was Aurora found?"

"Yes, Sire…" The guard seemed unsure,

"Tell me everything." Caspian insisted harshly.

"Elliot was carrying her."

Caspian was upset at the news, he would wait for her to come and explain it to him, she had to have a good reason as to why she was with him.

The day passed and she did not come and he still waited for her, he called the guard,

"Where was Aurora today?"

"She was with Elliot Sire."

"Arrest him."

"Right away Sire."

Caspian decided to call it a night, when he woke up the next morning he was woken up,

"Come in."

"Sorry to disturb you so early Sire, Elliot was arrested but Aurora would not leave even if it meant she was to be arrested with him."

"Why didn't you tell me this last night!"

"Forgive us, Sire."

"Where is she now?"

"In prison with Elliot."

Caspian got up and got dressed, he made his way to the prison and he was not prepared for what he found, Aurora was laying in his arms.

He was about to lose it completely, they woke up and she jumped out of Elliot's arms, he could not believe they had spent the night like that.

He ordered the guard to open for them, and the minute they were let out, he took Aurora's hand and dragged her with him.

He was too furious to care what would be said about it, when they got to his chambers he dragged in and slammed the door shut.

He looked at her and he saw them looking at the ground, he could not read her at all, he needed to understand her thought process.

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