Chapter 45

Caspian made his way back to his chambers, he chuckled in disbelief. He was way over in his head, he got in quietly so that he would not wake her up.

He closed the door and sat by the table and he watched her breathe in and out. He sighed, watching her sleep was even something that he loved doing.

Was he going to be like this all the time, he even wished that they could leave just as the two of them that's how much he loved being with her and it was unhealthy the path that he had chosen to take.

She was everything to him and he did not know how to make it stop. He was in too deep, and he needed to see his parents for dinner tomorrow with Nadia.

He changed and climbed into the bed behind Aurora and he pulled her close to him. The next morning when he woke up Aurora was gone.

He wondered when she had left, and how she left so quietly. He carried on with his usual routine until nighttime came.

He dressed for dinner and made his way to the dining room, when he got there his parents and Nadia were already seated and there seemed to be a weird atmosphere.

He sat down, "Evening."

"We have pressing matters to discuss." His father responded and he knew that he would be in for a mouthful.

"What matters father?"

"You and Nadia, when are you planning to have an heir to the throne?"

"That is a personal matter."

"I am not fully sure but I might be with child and wanted to wait until it was fully certain." Nadia chimed in.

"Why didn't you say so?" his mother replied.

"I am not so certain," Nadia replied.

"Caspian what is this story that I have been hearing about you and your concubine Aurora is it?" his father asked in a strict tone.

"She is a concubine just as you said."

"I hear that you are neglecting your husband's duties because of her, something has to be done." His father replied.

"Yes it is about time, you are losing sight of what is important." His mother added.

"If you so touch or lay a finger on Aurora I will never forgive you for this."

"Do you hear yourself Caspian, it seems to me that she has bewitched you." His mother replied.

"No she hasn't she left me for months, I was the one that was waiting for her to come back and nothing can stand between me and her."

"What of Nadia?" His father asked.

"Nadia will always be the queen but matters that relate to my concubines should be left alone."

"You have changed and it's not for the good, you have become very careless." His father added.

"Is this why you all called me for dinner so you could berate me?"

"Aurora must be gone before we intervene because if we do you won't like it." His mother replied.

"Are you threatening me right now?"

"It is if you don't take our words seriously." His father replied.

Caspian felt rage at their words but he knew his parents more than anyone else and if they threatened to do something they would, he had learned the hard way before. This time he would protect what is his.

He would rebel if they touched her,


He came back from his thoughts, "Your parents are trying to protect you." Said Nadia.

He did not respond as he knew that this was more about them keeping their power, and he was not left much with a choice.

How would he do this?

"It's been a while since I heard since you visited Nadia's chambers and tonight seems to be a perfect night to do so. You need to check in on her all the time." His mother added.

"Your grace is much-appreciated mother," Nadia replied.

The rest of the evening Caspian was not really paying attention, his mind was circling as to how he would do this.

He could not afford to lose his lover as this was the only time that he had ever experienced such a relationship.

He knew that he was not paranoid, one or more of his servants were probably spies for his parents. Yet he did not know whom? He would pay more attention to that.

Now he just needed to get by the night, when the dinner finished he stood up,

"I will be waiting for you tonight sire."

Caspian nodded, "Sure."

"This is what we like to see." His mother added, and they all parted ways. He went back to his chambers and he paced around, he could not get away with not seeing Nadia.

He made his way to her chambers,

"The prince arrives."

He walked into Nadia's chambers and he saw that they had prepared food on top of the table, and some wine.

"My lady, My lady......"

"Come in Eleanor."

Eleanor burst into her room, and she was gasping for air,

"What is it?"

"The prince went to dinner with Nadia and his parents, the prince is gracing Nadia tonight in her chambers."

Aurora felt her stomach drop at those words, he probably was threatened by his parents, yet it did nothing to ease the pain.

She wished Eleanor had not told and tonight would be one of the longest nights she would have to spend alone.

"Thank you for letting me know Eleanor."

Eleanor nodded and left the room, a few hours passed and it was silent she could not fall asleep as she tossed and turned.

She got out of her bed and made her way outside. It was freezing but she walked around, the air was biting into her skin and made her feel alive but the pain in her heart made her feel numb.

She wished that he would walk up to her like the first night after she had become his concubine officially.

Yet tonight none of that was going to happen and the loneliness she felt could not be controlled. Aurora would not be mad at Caspian as long as his heart belonged to then she would not ask for anything more.

She was lucky to be loved by him in the first place.

"Please sit sire." Said Nadia as she smiled at him sweetly. He sat down, and Nadia poured each of them a drink,

"A toast to us." Said Nadia.

Caspian clinked his glass with her, and he looked at Nadia properly. She was a stunning rare beauty and he was excited to have her as his wife but the emotional connection was just not there. They had even got along so well so what made him so head over heels for Aurora?

Of all the women he had, why was it Aurora who had stolen his heart? Even the thought of her now made his heart too long for her.


"Yes Nadia, you were saying?"

"From the moment we met and the times we had I knew you were the one for me. We had an instant connection and I would not have it any other way."

"Thank you, Nadia, likewise."

"I don't want empty words sire, I want you to see me." She took his hand and placed it on her cheek, he should at least try to see Nadia but it was not working.

Why could he not have fallen for Nadia and there would not be a problem in their relationship, now he was split and he only wanted Aurora, he groaned.

"What is wrong?" Nadia asked him.

"Nothing, it's not you Nadia it's me, I don't feel my best tonight and I will make it up to you."

"It's okay we can just lay down together, the physician is coming to see me tomorrow and I want you to be present."

"Of course."

They climbed onto Nadia's bed, and she lay on his chest as he held her but all he could think about was Aurora.

He would have to explain it to her and how he was in a pickle, and could not avoid this. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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