Chapter 44

Tonight was going to be a long night so Aurora began drinking very early. The mead was what she needed to drown out everyone and be able to get through the evening.

Such dinners often lasted for a long while, when the food came the more she downed the mead, it was working,

She decided to steal a glance at Caspian that very thought made her very excited, Aurora turned slightly and found Caspian's gaze. He didn't look pleased with her but rather worried or was he upset about something?

She looked away, pain clutched in her chest her emotions were getting out of hand and sadness was starting to take place.

She was seeing two's of everyone and wanted to excuse herself but could not as it would be rude to do that in the presence of the prince and princess.

Her mind was scattered, all she had to do was to sit still until this night was over, and then she would go back to her villa.

Finally, the moment she was waiting was when they all got dismissed. Eleanor came up to her, "You don't look so good My Lady."

"Help me to my villa, Eleanor."

She wondered why Eleanor stood there not budging, her chair was pulled back gently and Caspian lifted her up in bridal style.

He held her close as he walked outside,

"Your scent is amazing Capsian."

Caspian had wanted to have a quiet dinner with Aurora but he could not as he was told that the concubines felt neglected.

This dinner should help with that, when they got to the main dining hall he realized that Aurora was sitting at the far end of the table.

He wanted to grab her hand again but reframed from it as he didn't want to come off as prejudiced. He sat down and Nadia next to him.

He tried to not look at Aurora and have conversations with the other ladies but that was not possible as he saw how much she was drinking.

Had something happened to cause this? Why was she drinking so much he could see that sitting upright was becoming more and more difficult for her.



"I was wondering when you would visit my villa for a cup of tea." Caspian searched his mind, who was she again?

He was slightly confused, so he had to play it off as "Soon."

She blushed but his gaze went back to Aurora as she was drinking rapidly, he fought the urge to get up and go to her instantly.

He needed to keep his composure, she seemed to have so much sadness in her eyes and he wondered if he was overthinking all of this.

The night was dragging for him, but by the time the night was done he could see that Aurora would hurt herself if she walked.

He did not care who watched, he drew back his chair and he went over to her quickly. Her maid saw him approaching and she had stood back.

He lifted her into his arms and he walked out, he could smell the mead coming from her. The night breeze was soothing.

"Your scent is amazing Caspian."

He grinned, "You are that drunk?"

They got to his chambers and he closed the door, and he sat down with her in his bed.

" are so beautiful."

Caspian could not help but chuckle, "I get that a lot." He teased her.

"I are mine!"

"I am yours forever Aurora."

"Yes, you are my lover."

Caspian could not help but look at her with adoration, his heart rejoiced at her words, did that mean that she loved him but was not saying it?

He kissed her forehead, "You are the best thing that has happened to me Aurora."

She snuggled up against him, "You can't ever get tired of me."

"I would never Aurora, and you can't let me go. You are part of me."

"We will always be together under the same moon."

"Yes my love, you are my whole world. Your aura draws me in, and you are the only reason that I am living."

She did not reply and he looked down at her and she was sleeping. He watched her take in deep soft breaths.

If anyone had told Caspian a few moons ago that he would be in love with a woman as he did with Aurora he would have laughed at his words.

Yet now he wanted to protect her for the remainder of his life, how did she manage to make him become this way?

He was failing to think logically when she was with him, his common sense went out the window and his pride was definitely trampled at this point.

Caspian sighed, he tried to control himself with her, but he could not. He seemed to be getting worse and worse day by day.

He needed to talk to Douglas about it, he needed some advice as his love for Aurora was becoming an obsession and he could lose everything if he was not careful.

He wanted to be with her every minute of the day and that frightened him. He was lost more than ever.

This couldn't wait any longer and he placed her on his bed. He made his way to Douglas, he was standing by the palace gates.


His friend turned around, he smiled at him warmly, "What do I owe this visit Caspian."

"I need some advice."

"Really, are you having problems with your wife because of Aurora?"

"How do you know this?"

"It's been the talk of the palace, you know how rumors spread rapidly here."

"Let's go sit."

They sat down by the bench.

"So tell me what's going on?"

"I am afraid for myself Douglas, I have lost myself because of Aurora. I think about her all the time and I want to be with her all the time that it has been consuming me."

"You mean you are head over heels and in love for the first time in your life?"

"That's what I am also trying to figure out, why her?"

"Love works in mysterious ways Caspian, and I'm sure you don't know how to handle the situation as you have never been in love."

He groaned, "It is recking me, I only see her."

"Does Aurora know about this?"

"Yes, I told her I love her, and I flipped over her wanting to leave me again."

"Did she say loved you back?"

"No she hasn't but her actions tell me that she does care for me."

"I heard about Aurora leaving the palace, what was the reason?"

"That is what keeps me up at night at times, when she left me someone had hurt her, and I could not protect her."

"Did you talk to her about it?"

"Yes on the day she left I asked her what had happened but she would not tell me. And now I am waiting for her to bring it up herself so that it does not seem as if I'm pressuring her."

"You really love her don't you?"

"It scares me how much I do Douglas. I'm scared that something happens to her."

"Where is she?"

"She drank a lot tonight and I carried her back to my chambers."

"It's kind of nice seeing you like this Caspian, I have always wondered which girl would steal your heart or if you were capable of loving someone."

"Me too Douglas I never thought I would."

"This day has finally come and it seems as if you have emotion overload, you are experiencing love for the first time and you don't know how to deal with it."

"I tried to hide and down my feelings for her but I could not, even when she left for a while, and I turned to Nadia, I thought I was fine and gotten rid of the feelings I had for her but when I saw her walking down, I could not believe my eyes that she was back, everything that I thought I had gotten rid of surfaced again. I could feel my heart beating fast at her sight and all the emotions came back amplified."

"How does Nadia feel about you having feelings for Aurora?"

"Nothing she does not bring it up and she is very nice and welcoming of Aurora."

"That is odd, I would have thought they would be some bad emotions simmering."

"It's not like that, I mean Aurora was very hurt at the fact that Nadia might be pregnant."

"If Aurora is upset then what about Nadia?"

Caspian groaned, "I have been too invested in Aurora, that's why I am lost, Douglas. I am losing my common sense over her."

"Maybe some time apart will do you both good."

"No, I want her to be with me all the time, she left me for months and that time she was gone felt like torture but now I want to make up for all the days we missed together."

"You got it bad."

Caspian sighed, "I know, I need to hear back in case she wakes up confused."

Douglas nodded, "I will see you then."

"Thanks for hearing me out Douglas."
