When Life Gives You Demons

[Demons]. Like any proper fantasy, they're the main antagonist race in [Garden of Days]. You'll find their kingdom West of the human continent but they're sprinkled all throughout the world. Hell, some players even choose to play as [Demons] which gives them the opportunity to play as "villains".


[Wave 1]


This notification worries me. If there's a first wave, then there's a second, and a third. The marching Demonic army closes in and the Human NPC's in the capital are scrambling to fortify the walls.

"Shit! Am I really the only one in this game?" I curse as I look through the player list. They're all offline.

My class is [Archmage]. It's a spell-caster class that specializes in dealing tons of damage in a large area. Some thought I was crazy when I chose this class. It consumes too much mana and the spells take too long to cast. Normally, I would agree with them. But because I had a reliable Elf Paladin as a partner, I usually obliterate every monster I come across. Now, all I can rely on are the NPC's and the city walls to stall for me.


[Detected 1 Player: Rorschach]

[Adjusting Difficulty]


[Since The Difficulty Is Immutable, The System Will Grant Player: Rorschach With One Skill]


Upon seeing the two notifications, I already have 2 skills in mind: Quick Cast and Mana Circulation. These two skills belong to [Battle Sorcerers] and [Druids] respectively so I can never have them even if I wanted to. Normally, I would go for the latter, but because of the situation, I have to bite the bullet and choose what's right.

"Give me 'Quick Cast'," I say.


[Skill: Quick Cast Lv. 1 Received]

Summary: Incredibly shortens the casting time of spells. Casting time -10%


It's one of those skills that suck at the beginning but the more you level it up, the more OP it gets. Well, I'm literally fighting a one-man war so it should level up in no time. I just hope I don't get too bad of a potion poisoning since I'll be chugging down mana potions like crazy with this build.


"FOR ENDEL!!" the soldiers shout in unison.

Well, for a scripted scene, I guess I'll give it a 7/10. Everyone take up their battle positions, including myself. I click my boots and they take me up the sky with their [Levitation] magic. I have to be careful since I can use this only three times per day. Now with a good vantage point, I begin to say the words of the first spell I'll cast in this war.

"Call Lightning Storm"

Upon the spell's completion, a large magic circle fills the sky above the Demonic army and hurls lighting all over the battlefield.

*Crash* *Crackle* *Rumble*

The Demonic army panics as their generals desperately try to reorganize them. Meanwhile, I'm being bombarded with EXP and item notifications so much that I had to turn it off.


At his command, the sky darkens as thousands of arrows rain down along with the lightning. Needless to say, the planes outside the capital is littered with blood and bodies. Seeing their allies fall, the rest of the army falls back to regroup.


[Congratulations! Wave 1 Repelled]

[Next wave 47:59]


Ugh I knew it. It's not that easy. So the next wave is in two days huh. I wish I could celebrate surviving today but knowing tower defense games, each wave will get harder. What worries me is this bugged out notification.

[Waves left: ??]

Is it just an unknown number of waves? I wish that's the case. If not, I might be dealing with an infinity bug here. I need to prepare for the worst since I don't know what happens if I die right now. I need to hold on until the bug is fixed or until someone from the game's tech team forcibly logs me out.


[Status Window]

Name: Rorschach

Class: Archmage Lv. 99

Title: Magic Scholar

Stats: >

Skills: >


Ooh I'm close to the level cap. I was Level 98 when this all started. I can't believe that that one wave was enough to get me over the hump that most players give up on. But enough about that. I have enough gold to buy a city in this game. Time to buy myself a crap ton of epic and legendary potions so that I can survive this.

"Hey there master potion crafter, how've you been?" I ask as I approach a gaudy establishment in the heart of the city.

"Howdy there, what potion ya want?" the dwarf replies in a thick Southern accent.

"Man, did you see that crazy stuff outside?" I ask again as I fiddle with the buy and sell UI.

"Just tell me if ya got something ya want," he says.

Well, that's an NPC for you. Even though this game is top of the line, they still haven't figured out how to make dynamic NPC's. Best you can have is a major NPC in a main quest since they got the most script and story.

"Thanks for yer patronage," he says as I finish up buying out his entire store.

As I exit his establishment, I check the UI again for the log out button. Still nothing. I really do hope they rescue me soon. Time goes by faster here than in the outside like a time chamber of a certain anime I know so if they take their sweet time out there, I could literally be hundreds of years old mentally. I shudder just thinking about talking to these NPC's for that long. Please, Michael, Katherine, I hope you guys visit me and pull the plug.

Time passes and the two days arrive in the blink of an eye.

[Wave 2]

Again, the sky is filled with red thunderclouds and the Demonic Army marches towards the portal in the middle of the city. I thought of just bailing this quest and going to a far continent but there's an invisible barrier that won't let me step out of the capital's territory. I also tried to teleport but it's prohibited. For better or worse, I'm stuck here. So I guess, I'll just enjoy this to my heart's content. I swear, after all of this, I'll be the strongest player here when the rest come back online.

[Meteor Shower]