Hell, I Died And Went to Hell 1

[Wave 20]

A red, giant, horned warrior steps in front of the Demon army and addresses us.

"Humans! Surrender now and we will give you a place in our new kingdom," his voice echoes on the planes.

Oh wow, they talk now huh. I thought they'd just keep throwing bodies at us.

[Acid Cloud]

With one word, a giant green magic circle emanates from me and releases a heavy, sickly green cloud all over the landscape. The unsuspecting demons, including the giant, gasp for air as their skin and flesh melt from their bones. Some barely escape with their lives but I can't imagine any of them returning anytime soon.

[Wave 25]

[Current Level: 101]

Before I even realized it, I broke through the level cap. Is this another bug or a balancing attempt given by the system? Who knows but I sure am thankful since the enemies are getting stronger and stronger. I used to kill them with one spell but now, it takes three or four apocalypse level spells to decimate them.

[Wave 36]

I'm tired...

My vision is starting to blur and I have a throbbing headache. It says I'm at wave 36 but it feels like I've been fighting for far longer. It's been 72 in-game days since I got stuck here and I've been awake the entire time. My eyes are heavy but the system won't even let me rest them. My stomach's churning from drinking so many goddamn mana potions and the sounds of battle has become white noise to me.

I'm tired...

It's been around three days IRL. If no one finds my body by the end of today, I'll probably die within hours. Please get me out.


With one weak call, lasers rain down from the heavens like beams from the sun itself.

Fuck, I'm tired...

[Wave 72]

Maybe around six days have passed IRL? Who knows anymore. But seeing that I'm not dead, it seems that someone's found me. Thank god! Whoever you are, I'll repay you once I get out of this mess. My clothes are all tattered and I keep gasping for air. Fuck, two days aren't enough to recover from the waves. If only I can sleep.

I'm so goddamn tired...

In another turn of events, somewhat humanoid demons have appeared. Their skins are all different kinds of shades of purple, reds, and blue but they're far more intelligent than the guys I've been blasting. Damn it, I need to be careful with my spell usage since these guys know how to dodge them. I also need to chug down a crap ton of mana potions. Thanks to the [Drug Resistance] skill I managed to acquire, I won't be running out of mana anytime soon.

But damn, I'm still tired...

"Puny mage, did you think that you alone can save humanity?" a succubus wearing a skimpy leather outfit taunts me with her sultry voice.

"Hah... hah... hello there sexy lady," I say between labored breathing. "Do you mind giving me a break?"

She scoffs. "Begging for mercy are we?"


Her whip sends ripples in the air.

"Where's the man who decimated our armies before?"

"Well, you see, I haven't slept a wink and-"

Wait... This can't be right.

"What's your name?" I ask out of the blue.

She looks confused for a bit and sneers at me.

"Asking the enemy's name in the middle of battle? How amusing," she says and laughs coyly. "I'm Leonora. Be honored."

No, this can't be. "We're having a conversation," I mention as I stare at her like an idiot.

She raises an eyebrow. "Is your brain fried? Of course, we are dummy."

No way, no way, no way, NPC's can't have conversations with players. That's just not in their code. But this demon in front of me is responding to my questions that shouldn't be normal for players to ask.

As my thoughts race, she sighs annoyedly. "Can you just, like, die already? You're in our way."


With one swift motion, her wings unfurl and she closes the distance between us in an instant.

"Shit!" I exclaim as I cast a quick [Blink] spell to teleport away from her.

I can't think about this right now! With the system glitched like this, I don't know what'll happen if I die. Usually, you get forcibly logged out but dying is still painful as hell so I didn't even consider committing suicide. It's the last resort.

"You can't get away from me!" her once alluring voice turns to nightmarish shrieks as she zips around the battlefield to get to me.

I have one shot at this. I wait patiently and watch her blurry visage chase me like a missile. Then, in the millisecond that she enters my personal space, I cast the spell.

[Celestial Binding]

At once, blue arcane chains stop her on her tracks. She rages at me as she tries to break free in vain. Her once beautiful face is now twisted and mangled as she shows rows of razor sharp teeth. Eventually, her strength dissipates and her body shrivels into nothing. Damn it, I almost died. I wonder when this would end?

[Wave 132]

This is it, I'm probably gonna die this time. I tremble as I see an ominous man leading the demonic army. He wears no armor but his obsidian-like skin looks like it could shrug even a mortar shell. His black, tattered wings unfurl to a span of 17 feet. Calling him massive is an understatement.

"So you're the human who's been stopping our advance," he says stoically and his words carry dozens of hushed whispers along with them.

"Heh, yeah..." I reply nervously. "Why do you keep throwing bodies at us anyway? What's so important beyond that portal?"

He just looks at me without answering. Meanwhile, his army is also on standby. As if waiting for something.

My heart is pounding. This is like a Western Movie stand off that I never asked for. I feel that with one twitch of a finger, either him or I are dead.

1 second

2 seconds

The time ticks by as the battlefield stays still. Then, I decide to break the silence.


But before I could even utter the spell, I feel a red hot warmth on my stomach. Then, as I look, I see a black, serrated blade completely plunged in me.

"ACK!!" I cough up blood and the shock from the pain sends my mind careening into nothingness.

"You were a great warrior," he says.

I smirk at him and give him the middle finger.

"I... hope you like swimming," I gasp with my last breath.

At once, torrents of high pressured water burst from the ground and launches hundreds of soldiers in the air. Those who were fortunate enough to escape the initial bursts run for their lives as waves of water start crashing onto them. The man who impaled me smiles proudly at me.

"Well done," he says. "I hope to fight with you again in the next life."

I wanted to give a cool comeback, but my consciousness is disappearing. Sigh... I'm so tired. Maybe I'll get logged out this time. Finally, a warm bed and real food. Just as I begin to let myself sink into much needed rest, my eyes shoot open and I gasp for air.

"HAAAAAAGH. *Cough* *Cough*. Fuck, where am I? Am I back to reality?"

I check my surroundings expecting to see a hospital but instead, my heart fills with dread.

"I'm still in the capital..." I mutter to myself as I drop to the ground in defeat.

[Wave 132]

I look at the in-game time and I was just sent back before the beginning of this wave! I smash my fist to the ground.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?