Hell, I Died And Went To Hell 2

[Wave 500]

They just keep coming...

Stronger, faster, more cunning. They never stop.

Every time the wave appears, I kill, I die, I revive, only to kill again. I've lost count of the days. How long has it been since I tucked in a warm blanket? When was the last time I ate fried chicken? I wonder how Michael and Katherine are doing? I wish I could attend her wedding at least...

"Human! We meet again!" an blue ogre in full platemail calls out to me in the middle of battle.

This is Caras. He appeared in wave 200 but every time he loses, he keeps on retreating and promising that he would beat me next time. I tried to kill him all 300 waves that he appeared after our first meeting, but this guy is sturdy as hell. It's annoying too because he keeps on getting stronger the higher the waves go.

"You're here again you big oaf?" I groan.

"Hahahaha! Don't be like that friend! We are fated to kill each other so let's just enjoy our fight!" he replies.

Even though he's the enemy, it's nice to finally have someone to talk to. At least it would make this mind-numbing experience a little bearable.

"Here I go!" he announces before rushing towards me.


He's fast! I instinctively use [Blink] to get away but he's sticking to me like a magnet.

"How do you get stronger everytime we meet?" I chuckle.

"Hahaha! This armor's made by the Demon Princess herself so it has good enchantments," he replies.

*Zip* *Whoosh*

"Where was that guy who came at me with no clothes on huh? I could definitely kill that guy."

"Hahaha! I thought my strength was enough. But when I met you, my eyes were opened friend!"


One hit from his club sends ripples on the earth as rubble and dirt fly up in the air.

"Fuck! I should've killed you when I got the chance," I scoff at the absurdity of his swings.

"Heh, that's not even the best part," he says and begins to recite something in Demon Tongue.

"Oh don't tell me!"

I know what's about to happen. Blue ogres were known for their affinity with ice magic so it was weird to me that Caras would just come at me with brute strength.

[Frost Armor]

As he finishes citing his incantations, the moisture in the atmosphere and the blood on the ground cling to him. An armor of crimson and darkness.

"Impressive isn't it?! I'm like you know," he says pridefully.

I scoff. "You're 100 years too early to compare your puny magic to mine."

Hearing my taunts, he just smiles in amusement and rushes me again. The fight's intense. The landscape changes with every swing and spell cast. The Demon army aims to get closer to the walls but since Caras and I have no regard for others, anyone who comes near us gets destroyed instantly.

"You're also getting stronger friend! Tell me, will you be here until one of us dies?" he says between focused breathing and precise swings.

"Heh, I'll be here even after you're dead," I reply.

His grins from ear to ear.

"Well then, I'll keep going at it until that day!"

[Wave 1,000]

Everything turns quiet.

The once raging battlefield is now a coffin full of frozen bodies. I turn to my adversary who's clinging for the last strand of life.

"You...re far beyond me now..... haaaaah... friend..." the once proud ogre lay on the ground; his breath, ragged.

I lay a hand on his bloodied face. Silent. How long has it been since I met this guy? Years? Decades? He got so strong everytime we met so why?

"Why?" I hear myself mutter quietly.

He scoffs. "We...'re far beyond... that question..."

Both of us turn quiet. Amidst the frozen and shattered human and demonic armies, the two of us told our silent goodbyes.

"Are... those... tears?" he chuckles. "Quite... an extravagant... gift for... a dying enemy."

Tears? Right. I've fought this man for so long. And in that time, I guess I took him for granted. Blow by blow, insult by insult, our bond is forged through endless battle. But now... he's going ahead without me. Somewhere far away.

"I thought you promised me that you'll keep going at it until you kill me?" I find myself yelling, my words echo throughout the planes.

"Heh... I... only promised... to keep going... haaah.... until one of us... are dead. You humans... and your short... memories. *Cough*" he says and coughs up tons of blood. He's nearing his limit.

"Hey... Rorschach," he continues. "We'll... meet again. And on that day... I hope we can be friends... instead of enemies..."

"I..." I try to get through my clamping throat. "I'd like that."

He smiles softly and draws his final breath.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

[Wave 1,120]



[Wave 2,390]



[Wave 3,458]



"All hail the hero!"

[Wave 4,609]


[Wave 5,900]

"Human, surrender now or meet your-"


Huh...? Was that a four legged demon talking? Well whatever..."

[Wave 7,000]

So tired...

[Wave 8,900]

I'm done...

[Wave 10,000]


[Sun Ray]

[Wave 20,000]

[Wave 120,789]

[Wave 221,378]

[Wave 323,000]

[Wave 365,000]

"SO YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WAS KILLING MY CHILDREN!" a giant red lizard that's as big as a mountain speaks down on me.


[Lightning Bolt]

*Snap!* *Crackle!!* *Pop!*


"Where was I again? Oh yeah, the human world's pretty nifty, Caras! There's airplanes which are these flying carriages, and phones which are like magic scrolls that fit in your hand," I say in front of a massive boulder that acts as a tombstone for my similarly giant friend.

I don't know when it was, but I made a grave for Caras. I visit here when I'm not too busy with the waves. Another thing I do in my spare time is cooking demon meat. Well, the beast types. I'm not too keen on eating things that talk. In any case...

I scan my surroundings and it's the same bloody sight. Scorched and mangled remains litter the battlefield and the stench of death and decay pierce my nostrils. Yep, home sweet home. I was pretty skeptical with those shrinks who teach about "human resilience" and the "five stages of grief" and whatnot. But after being here for so long, I went through all five stages in cycles. I'm really surprised that I haven't lost my mind either.

"Human!" a woman's voice calls out from behind me.

I turn and see a demon woman with pale skin and purple hair. She's wearing a proper red dress that one of those medieval nobles wore unlike the other demon women who came at me with barely anything on them. In all honesty, she looks human if not for the leathery tail that swings violently back and forth and her pointed ears.

"You wanna fight me?" I reply nonchalantly. "I believe in equal rights, equal fights you know."

"Do you realize what you've done?!" she yells and this time, tears flow from her eyes. "My father... my people... all dead.. BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"Haaaaah... see here miss, I would have loved to have left around wave 10 you know," I reply. "But I can't. And you just kept throwing bodies at us! What'd you think we would do? Lie down and die?"

"Yes!" she replies immediately. "You inferior humans should've just submitted to us."

Wow, the audacity of this bitch. I would've slapped her right then and there but as I'm about to raise my hand, the game gives me an unfamiliar notice.

[God Y has been watching your epic struggle and decided to impart you with Divinity]

What? After all this time? After all I've seen is the notice for clearing the waves and the countdown for the next one? God? I thought that guy abandoned me a long time ago.

"Hehehehehehehehehe..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! After all this time you show up?!" I yell to the heavens. "WHY NOW HUH?! YOU WANT SOMETHING?"

No reply. Huh... I was expecting more back and forth or at least a request. What the fuck is this god doing? There were rumors that when you pass a god's test in Garden of Days, that god will give you Divinity. Which is basically being a demi-god of some sort. But usually, they give it on some condition so this god's really weirding me out.

[God Y has heard your pleas over centuries and has now decided to answer them]

[You are forcibly being logged out]

"Wait what?!" I exclaim as my body shimmers.

"Wh-what's going on?!" the demon lady yells in surprise.

"I'm leaving.... I'm finally leaving!!! Hahahaha! Suck on your mother's tits your spoiled brat! Go clean your people's corpses or some shit. I'm finally free!!" I taunt her. The words just come out of my mouth.


[Welcome Back To Earth, Richard Demain]