Awakening 1

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

A truck backs up into a crowded construction site. It's the usual sight: orange reflectors, multi-colored hard hats, and back-breaking labor. Well, except for the fact that the laborers are not all humans.

"Hey! Who told you to slack off huh?" a tall elf barks orders at a group of gossiping workers.

At once, the idle humans, dwarves, and demons hurriedly get back to their labor.

"Sorry about that Boss Mammon," he says apologetically. "We'll dock their pays if they do it again."

Mammon, one of the 7 Princes of Hell, is wearing the appearance of a luxuriously dressed middle age man. Rings of various precious metals and gems glitter on his fingers and his aura drips with affluence.

"Hohoho, don't be so harsh, Adresin," he says as he pats the elf on the shoulder. "Being greedy enough to seek payment for gossiping is such fine behavior."

"I-if you say so," he replies nervously.

"Well, enough about your admirable workers," he inhales. "Did you find any <> human relics?"

"Oh, plenty!" he replies enthusiastically. "Please follow me."

Yes, this is the world after Richard (aka. Rorschach), entered Garden of Days and never came back. On the day of his disappearance, a world-shaking event occurred that people aptly called, <>. On this day, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and other natural calamities shook Earth as worlds in different realities violently crash into each other.

The doomsayers had the time of their lives proclaiming the doom of humanity and the 7 billion people on this blue planet lost hope. However, that's when gods entered the fray. With their wisdom, they told the humans that the only way for their world to be saved is to let the different worlds overlap with one another instead of clashing into nothingness.

The gods offered Earth an escape, but not in the expense of the world's free will. So, a deal was struck with the leaders of humanity. In exchange for the condition that Earth would be the <>, they will let the overlap happen. And so it was.

Since then, the human civilization of a <> Earth has become history and the usually mundane items has become relics of a bygone era.

"Here are the items for today," Adresin gestures towards a collection of various items as they enter a tent.

Mammon eyes them curiously with a childish smile on his face.

"Hoho, you did well, Adresin. It's worth to have you guys dig up the site carefully before doing any construction," he says proudly.

Adresin bows and says, "You honor me with your words. We're merely doing our jobs."

"Well, a good job requires adequate pay," he replies. "All of you will get your bonuses!"

At that, Adresin beams and bows gratefully.

Mammon continues to inspect the items. For the humans who lived during their era, these items would just be random knick knacks that anyone would have. But for Mammon and those living now, these are artifacts of immense value.

"Boss, boss! Come take a look!" a worker's voice shouts in alarm as Mammon and Adresin admire the items.

"What is it?!" Adresin replies annoyedly.

"W-we got something when the excavators dug out the foundations," he replies.

At once, both men exit the tent and follow the worker who alerted them of the development.

"Did you say you found something? After we dug this deep already?" Adresin questions the worker.

"Y-yes, we heard a loud scraping sound when one of the excavators hit it," he replies.

"You what?!" Mammon yells. "Did you damage it?!"

The worker recoils and shakes his head. "N-no, we didn't. Actually..."

Soon enough, the men arrive at the dig site and the worker points them to the location of the item. There it is. Fifty feet below their feet is a rectangular stone structure. Glowing carvings manifest all throughout it and beside it is a busted excavator that the workers are trying to fix.

"This is magnificent..." Mammon gasps. "I thought humans didn't have magic before <>.

"They didn't..." Adresin trails. Then, he uses a megaphone and broadcasts, "Everyone! Please go home for today! We had an unexpected discovery and we need to investigate! We'll let you know when work is resumed! Thank you for your cooperation!"

Following his words, the workers funnel out of the work site until all that's left is Adresin and Mammon.

"They'll be here soon," Mammon says and jumps down the hole.

Adresin follows and gingerly follows.

"What do you think could this be?" the curious demon questions as he takes his monocle to inspect their discovery.

Meanwhile, Adresin gulps nervously as he does his hardest to stay standing. While Mammon looks at this thing with curious eyes, he sees this as a source of dread. He could feel each strand of his hair stand and his heart is beating so fast that he could barely breathe.

"S-sir, maybe we could-" he starts, but before he could continue, a portal suddenly appears near them

One, two, three... twenty. Twenty demons in total appear from the portal. The men wear suit and ties while the women wear dresses of various designs.

"Ah! My elite. Welcome," Mammon greets them with open arms.

To meet him, a stoic, blue-skinned gentle-demon walks forward and bows.

"What is your command master?" he asks in his icy voice.

"Booo no sugar for me?" Mammon pouts.

In response, they look at him with disgust.

"Oh fine! Whatever, you rebellious children. I didn't want your hugs anyway," he relents. "There. We just found it but we don't know what it is. Investigate it for me."

Without delay, the twenty surrounds the item and inspects it closely.

"Daddy," a blonde little girl calls out to Mammon. "Isn't this just a coffin?"

"She's right," the icy demon agrees. "Was this from the bygone era?"

Mammon shrugs. "We don't know yet. It's been buried so deep so the chances are high but those magic runes are just tripping me out."

The icy man thinks for a bit and takes his katana.

"W-what are you doing Simon?" Mammon yells in alarm.

Then, with one swift motion, Simon drives his blade through the air in an attempt to cut the coffin. However, to everyone's surprise, the thing that broke is his sword.

"Oh myyyyyy," the blonde girl exclaims. "Big brother's sword broke!"

"It was made from mithril..." Simon says with a hint of sadness.

"Haaaah! This is why muscle idiots are the worst!" a pink haired woman walks up to the coffin. Her curls bounce along with her fluffy dress and on her hip is a massive book resting in its case.

"I'd love to see you try, Mary," Simon says dryly.

She scoffs, "A magic coffin requires a magic expert to break it. Just watch."

Then, she starts chanting in her demonic tongue.

"W-wait!!!" Adresin yells in desperation which stops the casting in its tracks.

"What, elf?!" Mary growls annoyedly.

"D-do you think it's a good idea to open it?" he asks.

"Pfft, what could be inside a coffin you dumb pussy?" she replies. "It should be some dead guy who got on the bad side of a wizard or something. And besides, if it comes out swinging, we have twenty elites here to take care of it! So don't be a lil' bitch and just watch. Or better yet, just leave."

"Mary, how rude!" Mammon scolds her. "I did not raise you to be like this young lady. Adresin is a valued employee and you must respect him as such."

"Whatever old man," she rolls her eyes and continues casting.

"I swear, teenagers..." Mammon sighs angrily.

As Mary continues her casting, Adresin's instincts begin to rage.


That's all he's thinking about. At a young age, he's been sensitive to the minute things in life. The rustling of leaves, the breathing of creatures, and of course, the particles of mana in the air. He knows that demons are probably the strongest race that ever walked on this planet. But in front of him, twenty of the so-called "strongest race" and a Demon Prince who stood above them pale in comparison to whatever's sealed in this box.


Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. Every fiber of his being is telling him that once this opens, it's too late.

"Finale," Mary announces.

Too late.

"See, elf? There's nothi-" Mary begins to mock Adresin but it's cut short when a hand reaches out from the darkness behind her and grabs her delicate neck.

"Mary!" Mammon exclaims and at once, all of them assume their battle positions.

"Ack... Fa-ack-ther..." she tries to call for help but the grip on her throat is immense. She tries to struggle but to no avail. The strength that could crush a mountain with a single blow could not tear the fingers that grab her very life.

"Let go of my daughter you fiend!" Mammon demands as he takes on his more sinister, intimidating, demonic form.

"Argh! Will you just shut the fuck up please?!" a man's voice echoes from inside the coffin. "First I hear construction noises and now you guys are entering my room without my permission? Should I just call the cops on you?"

Slowly, as the man speaks, the lid of the coffin slides off. The light then slowly reveals the owner of the arm that has an iron grip on Mary. A naked, sculpted man stands up with drowsy eyes as if he just woke up from sleep.

At the sight of the man, Mammon trembles in place and even begins to step back.

"Y-you!" he says.

Hearing him speak, the man turns his attention to Mammon and flashes a smile of recognition.

"Mammon?! Is that you?" he says cheerfully. "I thought you were a gonner man! I never knew I'd see you again."

"No, no, no, no, no, you asshole. Why are you here?!" Mammon mutters in a panic.

Meanwhile, his children looks at him in confusion while Mary is still struggling for her life.

"What? Why am I here?" the man asks. Then, his voice turns dire as he continues, "I should ask you that question. Why are you demons in my world?"