System Call


"Aaaaah that's the life," I say as I sink into the bath tub.

Ever since I came back to my world, it's only been one thing after another. Gathering information, visiting some old and new friends, and beating up some kid. It's safe to say that I'm overdue for a much needed me time.


I'm really back, huh.

It didn't sink in until now...

I'm free.

But a lot has changed and I can't go back to the way things were.


I hope she lived a good life. Unlike Michael, I don't know where to start looking.

I wonder if I can have a semblance of normal life in this new world. Oh well, only time will tell.

As much as I want to be existential in this bath tub, I need to address something that I've been putting in the back burner for a while.

"System Call."


[Status Window]

Name: Richard Demain (Rorschach)

Class: Demi-god

Divinity Rank: F


Gamer (S): All skills, spells, items, and stats are ingrained in your soul and will never be lost.

Divine Body (Mythic): You are immune to disease, poison, and radiation. Your durability and athleticism has increased way beyond human limits and any injury will instantly heal.

Divine Mind (Mythic): Your mind is able to process information faster than any intelligence (artificial or otherwise). Memory deterioration has been disabled. You are able to detect metaphysical energies (Aura, Mana, Divine, and Primordial).

Divine Soul (Mythic): Your magic capabilities has increased a hundred-fold. (Exclusive gift from God Y based on your class).


Transfiguration: You temporarily shed your mortal shell to gain access to your [Stigmata]

Mortality: To walk among mortals, you must be one yourself. This skill allows you to seal your magic and significantly lessen your Divine powers. (Warning: You can die while in this state)


Ex Nihilo: You can create something out of nothing. This skill's limit is based on your Divine Rank. (Current Limit: Once per month)

Hint: To increase your Divine Rank, you must increase your followers.


This is not the system I grew to know and love. Damn, God Y. I'm grateful for being a Demi-god but he should've at least warned me that without [Mortality] one flick of my finger could level an entire city block. And what's with that requirement to increase Divine rank? Do I need to be a social media influencer or something?


I'm getting a headache just thinking about this so I get out of the tub before I pass out. Then, as I glance at the mirror, I take in an image of someone I barely recognize.

It's me...

I was a scrawny ass person before I got trapped. But now, I grew taller and I'm buff as hell. All my blemishes disappeared too. I guess it's part of the [Divine Body] trait. But out of all my new body features, one thing does stand out among them: a mark on my chest.

It looks like the letter A with an Ω slapped on it. In all my hours of gameplay, I've never seen this mark in Garden of Days. Ugh! Who are you, God Y? And why choose me?

"Sir Rorschach, have you finished bathing?" Adresin calls from beyond the door.

"Is it normal for you to call for someone who's the bathroom?" I reply.

"Normally, no. But you have guests who insist on seeing you immediately," he says.

Who could it be? We're back at the Lupinus estate so I thought I'd have some peace and quiet in luxury.

I wrap myself with a towel and waltz out of the bathroom

"Oh for goodness' sake, don't you have any decency?" a female voice says in horror.

As I look, I see Jack, the man who joined that announcer from the arena and a lady I've never seen before. Both are wearing really formal attires and are surrounded by bodyguards.

"It's my house," I reply. "And you called out to me while I was bathing. So if anyone has no decency here, lady, it's you and your goons."

"Har har har!" Jack laughs. "He's even better in person!"

The lady scoffs.

"I can't believe the Von Sigmund heir was beaten by the likes of him," the lady says condescendingly.

While they're saying their piece, I decide to sit on the couch and pour myself a glass of milk.

"So tell me, why are you here?" I ask. "I'm assuming it's not to see me semi-naked and have a glass of milk."

"I'll actually have some chocolate milk," Jack says.

The lady then jabs him with her elbow.

"You old crone, don't be swept up in his pace," she scolds. "We're here for important business remember?"

"Ow, Merideth. Just one glass," he whimpers.

"Don't mind him," she addresses me. "My name is Merideth Von Sparrow, the head of the Von Sparrow family. And I'm guessing you remember Jack Von Barbarosa from the arena?"

I nod silently.

"We saw your performance and we were quite pleased," she says.

"Oh?" I say as I raise an eyebrow. "I thought you'd be coming after me after I demolished your leader."

"Har har har, you're a funny guy!" Jack bellows. He finally got his chocolate milk.

"Indeed, you are humorous," Merideth agrees. "The Von Sigmund family is not our leader and we definitely don't want to be associated with Raymond in any way."

"Yeah, that kid's bad news," he chimes in.

"Also, we would never come after you," she continues. "You see, we know when a new sheriff is in town so we want to extend an olive branch."

At this point, she has my attention. I lean forward as I listen to the next words that come out of her mouth.

"We want to form an alliance," she says. "We, the Von Barbarosas and the Von Sparrows will join hands with you, the Demains, against the Von Sigmunds in this battle for the heirs."

Now this is what I like to hear!! It's finally starting to get interesting.

"What's your proposal?" I ask.