Adoption Fraud 1

"What's your proposal?" with my words, the atmosphere in the room changes.

Merideth gulps as she poses herself for the attack.

"We're going to commit an adoption fraud," she finally says.

"After your fight with Raymond, the Von Sigmunds are furious," Jack chimes in. "They're starting to amp up the pressure on the head by getting the weaker families and the investors on their side."

"As a woman myself, I would like to see Miss Grace succeed the Von Frederick name," she adds. "But with the way things are going, she'll be forced to marry into the Von Sigmund family in order to fill the power vacuum should the head die before she turns 18."

"Skip the details," I say impatiently. "I'm more interested about this adoption fraud you mentioned."

Merideth looks a bit annoyed but she answers anyway.

"Since Miss Grace is an irreplaceable piece in the Von Sigmunds' takeover plan, we'll hide her," she says and signals for Jack.

He then presents a suit case and out it on the table.

"With this acting suit, the Missy will go incognito," he says.

"She'll go under the name of Freya Demain and she will be your daughter," she adds.

"Wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me that for Grace to go under the radar, I have to adopt her?" I ask in bewilderment. "Didn't I become a target because I beat up their head?"

Merideth shakes her head in response.

"The Von Sigmunds are prideful," she says. "Also, how great of an image would it be for a family as powerful as theirs to persecute someone who beat their head in a public match?"

"That's right," I chuckle. "They'd seem like childish losers to the public."

"Knowing them, they'd just sweep this under the rug and let the people forget," Jack adds. "Hell, they'd probably give you some hush money as well."

"So while this is still the case," Merideth continues. "Miss Grace will be under your care until she turns 18. During this time, we'll send tutors her way to prepare her for the head role while keeping the Von Sigmunds in check."

"Hahaha so all of this is just to buy 3 years," I say.

"3 precious years," she corrects.

I think for a bit. There's one glaring issue that they haven't addressed yet.

"What does Michael think about this?" I ask.

The two of them glance at each other.

Merideth sighs and says, "The head... doesn't trust us."

"Anyone, really," Jack agrees.

"But we heard from the grapevine that you are his best friend and closest confidant," she says. "If he'll listen to anyone, it's you."

"Oh? Who's the little bird who snitched?" I ask. "I don't remember parading that information around nor did Michael announce it."

She gives me a coy smile.

"Let's just say that the Sparrows are everywhere, Mr. Richard," she says proudly. "For what it's worth, we know you're not normal. You should be well beyond 100 years old yet here you are looking like you're in your early 20's."

"Flexing your information huh?" I say. "What makes you so sure that I won't kill you for that?"

Suddenly, the room grows cold and their bodyguards ready their weapons.

Merideth puts up a hand to them and says, "We know you have better things to do."

I grin. "Damn straight."

"So do we have an accord?" she offers her hand for a handshake.

"Sure, but before I take the deal, I need you to know that while Grace is under my care, you can't interfere with us," I say.

"We promise that unless it's life threatening, we will make contact as few as possible," she replies.

"Good," I say. "Also, no tutors. The more people we involve in this, the more chances we get traitors."

With this, Merideth scowls at me.

"How will she learn the ins and outs of operating an organization?" she asks. "I don't suppose you have experience with such a thing?"

"Hell no," I reply bluntly. "But Adresin here's the right hand of Mammon so he should know a thing or two."

Adresin smiles awkwardly as their eyes turn to him.

"Fine.." she sighs. "So, do we have a deal?"

In response, I clasp her hand and shake it firmly.

"I'll let Michael know," I say.

After they left, the peace that I once enjoyed comes back. Well, almost.

"Hey, I know you're here you greedy fuck," I call out to the wind.

"Wh-whaaat? How did I get in this room?" Mammon stutters as he undoes his invisibility.

Leave it to a demon to stick his nose to where it doesn't belong.

I put my arm around him.

"Don't be scared dude," I say cheerfully. "You saved me some time since I don't have to explain everything to you."

He looks at me in surprise.

"Y-you mean..?" he hesitates.

"Yeah, Mammon. You're in on this," I say.

His face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Wh-what do you need? Ask for anything!" he says.

"I need to go to the <>," I say. "Is there anything I need or can I just get out?"

"Normal citizens can't get out," he replies. "You need to be a licensed [Explorer] so the temple can monitor and tax you."

"And the other way?" I ask knowingly.

He smiles at me.

"I'll get you outta here as fast as you can say money," he says excitedly.

Adresin approaches us and gives a slight bow.

"It was short but it's been an honor to serve you, Mr. Demain," he says with utter respect. "I'll see you when you come back."

"What're you talking about?" I ask.

He looks at me in confusion.

"I'll be bringing Grace with me," I clarify. "And since you're her tutor, you'll be coming with me!"

"Wh-what?!" he exclaims.