Fairytale Ending 2

Michelle leads me to the winding halls of the tree mansion until eventually we reach the top. There, a massive double doors wait for me.

"Here you go. Please do enjoy your stay~" Michelle says with a wink.

Man, even before being trapped in that game, I can't understand valley girls.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Nifa, I'm here," I call out to beyond the door.

"Come in!" she responds.

The door opens at a turn of the knob and my eyes are immediately bombarded with pink. Pink bedsheets with flower patterns on them, pink heart wallpaper, pink furniture, and of course, a huge pink teddy bear that ties everything together.

"What the fu..." I mutter in shock.

"Fufufu, you look like you've seen a ghost," Nifa says as she approaches me.

She's wearing a hanfu as usual but this one is designed as a pajama. Oh, and did I mention that it's pink too?

"A ghost?" I reply. "Maybe I'm the one that died and went to pink heaven..."

"Hehehehe. Did my taste ruin your image of me?" she asks coyly.

"Look, man, you beat my ass far more than I can count on my fingers. This is like a total 180 from what I remember of you!"

"Well, the Ogre Tribe didn't really like cute things," she says as she snatches the teddy bear and cuddles it. "But I've always liked them you know. Bunnies, robins, dogs. And the pink is Princess Veronica's influence. She loooves to wear pink."

Still reeling in shock, I make my way to the empty chair near her dresser and collapse there.

"All this time..." I mutter. "Where the hell did you even get all this stuff?"

"The girls got them for me!" she squeals. "They're basically showed me what a 'modern' female looks like. Look! They even painted my nails."

They are painted indeed. Intricate flower patterns show off their beauty on her perfectly trimmed nails.

"These girls must love you a lot huh," I chuckle. "When you arrived, they practically threw themselves at you."

She tightens her hug on the bear as her eyes wistfully looks at the window.

"After I was transported here, I spent years looking for my brother. I fought, killed, survived, just as how I've lived..." she then wears a soft smile and looks back to me. "When we found each other, we were both confused. They were cursed and suddenly found themselves without a home to return to while I've been wandering in a strange land by myself."

"What a fortunate thing it was then," I comment.

She nods.

"Yes... From there, I taught them how to fight. How to be strong. In turn, they taught me that in this new land, I have freedom. Freedom to like what I want and do what I want. No tribe, no title, no expectations."

"So you went on a shopping spree I see," I snicker.

"Hehe, Luna made the arrangements since I'm wanted in all of the cities near here," she replies nonchalantly.

Hearing that actually settles my heart. When she revealed her true self, I thought the person I knew all that time was all a façade. But in actuality, she's both: a gallant warrior and a woman who likes cutesy stuff.

"Well, I'm glad that you found a place to stay," I say as I find my strength again. "But these girls have been missing for a long time. They need to get back to their families."

"And that's why I've called you here," she replies as she stretches her limbs. "But before that, what say you we have a duel?"

"What? Now?" I exclaim in surprise. "You do know the last time we fought, an entire battlefield turned into a crater right?"

"Not that, silly," she chuckles. "On top of civilizing me, the girls also taught me how to play some games from your world. Including of course, rock, paper, scissors."

She then gives me a confident smile as she assumes the stance.

"Oh, bring it on," I reply and assume the stance myself. "Best out of 3?"

"Why only 3?" she asks. "The night is young, so let's do best out of 100."

I grin.

"Alright, let's play."





As we both lower our arms, the air vibrates with energy and disperses outwards.

[Meanwhile, outside the room]

"Psst, what are you doing there Michelle?" Henriette taps Michelle who's keeping her ear on the wall.

"Oh gosh, you scared me!" Michelle jumps in surprise. "Shhhh. I'm eavesdropping~"

"Damn it, woman," Henriette groans. "You're the only one who can admit that so proudly."

"Of course~" she replies proudly. "I follow my curiosity wherever it leads me. And that mystery man right there just piques my curiosity."

Knowing that her friend won't relent, Henriette gives up and sits on a nearby bench.

"Man looks kinda bland to me," she says as she lights up a cigarette. "What about him made you so curious?"

"Didn't you see how they looked at each other~?" she squeals in excitement. "I tell you, love is in the air."

"Psshhh please, you say that about everyone. Remember Luna and Sinbad?" Henriette retorts.

"Hmph! It's their fault for having a lovers' quarrel everytime they're together. Like, geeze get a room or shut up!"

"Hahaha. I still remember how embarrassed you were when he revealed that he's still mourning his dead wife."

"Oh no! Don't remind me!" Michelle cringes as she covers her ears. "I felt soooo bad!"

"Hahaha. Also, remember what Elder Sister said when we asked him if she has a boyfriend? 'I will only consider marrying someone who's stronger than me'. Do you really think a guy like that exists?" she continues as she takes a hit of her cigarette.

"Sigh... I know~. It's too bad since she's so pretty too," Michelle pouts. "Maybe you're right... And here I thought I finally have some hot goz."


The two stop their their conversation as they feel the air vibrate for a bit.

"What was that?" Henriette says as she draws the dagger from her boot.

"I don't know! But- Wait..." Michelle presses herself further into the wall.

"What? What is-"

"Shhh," Michelle puts up her hand and motions for Henriette to come closer. "Listen to this."

Curious, Henriette follows her friend's request and put her ear on the wall.




Realizing what sounds they could be, Henriette staggers backwards.

"No... can't be..." she mutters in disbelief.

"Ooooh! Yes, yes, yes~! I was right!" Michelle pumps her fists in celebration. "I'm gonna go tell everyone!"

After announcing that, she runs off.

"Wait, you bitch! Come back here!" Henriette says as she runs after her.

[Meanwhile, back in the room]

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Were there people outside?" I ask as I notice some hurried footsteps beyond the door.

"What? Trying to distract me because you're losing?" she says in a taunting manner.

"Oho. Princess won thirteen out of twenty so far and she thinks she's the shit," I reply in the same taunting tone.

"Oh bring it on!" she replies.
