Fairytale Ending 3

Nifa and I played games until we're exhausted. After I won rock, papers, scissors, she challenged me to a bunch of board and card games like chess, UNO, and old maid. The result: it's a tie.

She also told me some important things during our games. Apparently, living in close proximity with one another, the men and women have started to be fond of each other. Because of this, both parties needed to decide on the terms of their romance. After much discussion, they decided on a couple of things. First, the curse must be lifted. No one wants to be in bed with a sasquatch even if they're the love of your life. Second, the couples must engage in a duel; whoever loses takes the last name of the winner when they get married. The girls were the one who suggested this since they admire Nifa's "law of the jungle" attitude and the men got more fired up after getting challenged like this.

Having my last romance fail on me, it's nice to hear that even if the old world has ended, it's still going strong. Well... with its own set of weird rules.


Ugh... We slept REALLY late last night since Nifa won't admit defeat. Who's the dude causing a commotion outside?


"Nifa... he's calling for you," I groan.

"Hmmm? It's no one..." she groggily replies.

We passed out on the floor after we got exhausted. The last time I got this tired was during my first year of college after a wild night out.


"Fuck..." I rouse myself up and slowly head towards the window.

As I open it, the sweet sun beams hit me. Then, when I look down, a crowd of people has gathered near the mansion. Among them are dudes I've never seen before who's wearing the same loin cloth and moccasin combination that Sinbad's rocking. Seeing my head appear, the crowd gasps and murmur.


It's the guy who's been causing a commotion. He's Wolf Kin. His black fur shines under the sunlight and his intimidating physique is making everyone around him feel small. This includes Sinbad who's nervously observing the situation.

"What's happening...?" Nifa decides to join me and peeks her head out too.

The crowd goes insane with their clamoring when she revealed herself.

"NIFA YOU SKANK!" the wolf guy starts hurling insults.

"Woah, woah, buddy it's too early in the morning for hate speech don't you think?" I say with a yawn.

Hearing my remarks, the wolf man clenches his fists and growls.

"Sperate the men and women she said... It'll cause misconduct and disorder she said... YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE! YOU MADE ALL THOSE RULES AND NOW YOU BRING A MAN INTO THE CAMP! AND WHAT'S WORSE, INTO YOUR ROOM?!"

"He seems to be misunderstanding something..." I whisper to her.

"He's always been misunderstanding something," she replies.

"If this is the case..." the wolf man grits his teeth and launches himself to the staff. "I'll fucking break this staff myself!"

The entire crowd gasps as he threatens to snap the staff in half.

"Boss Brock!" Sinbad decides to join the fray but his posture seems to be more submissive than confrontational. "Miss Nifa tried really hard to get that and it's our only way to break the curse. We had a deal with Camp Theta Chi that we're gonna settle this through the Fairytale Ending Arena."

"Fuck the curse and fuck the arena!" he barks. "I only agreed with your plan because I would get a chance to show my dominance to this chick and the other women. Now that another man's defiled her, there's no longer a point."

Fucking hell... He's one of those guys.

"Sir Rorschach!" Adresin bursts in the room along with Grace.

"Oh hey Adresin," I greet him. "Where's our police officer friends? Shouldn't they be dealing with this?"

"Uncle, it's almost noon... They already left." Grace chimes in as she glances about the messy room full of cards and board games. "Did you really just play games with her for the entire night?"

Nifa and I look at her quizzically and say in unison, "What else would we have done?"

"That doesn't matter!" Adresin interjects. "Sinbad and the others are really doing their best in preventing that lunatic from breaking their only way of getting home, but no one can stop him."

"Ugh this is such a headache," Nifa grumbles. "Should I just kill him?"

"Nah, that's way too easy," I shake my head disapprovingly. "Let me handle this."


"These two are a match made in heaven..." Adresin says as he looks at our massive evil grins.

"LET GO OF ME!" Brock yells at the multiple people who are keeping him from breaking the staff.

"Hey dipshit!" I yell as I jump from the window and land infront of him.

He pauses his tantrum and scans me. Then, he scoffs and says, "Puny human. This is the man you chose, Nifa? I pegged you for a woman of class and strength. Turns out, you're just an easy score all along if this man managed to get it done."

This fucking disrespectful son of a bitch... I'd like to smack him right now but I gotta hold it in.

"Your name's brock was it?" I ask him through gritted teeth.

"Yeah. What's it to you, peanut?" he says mockingly.

"I challenge you to a [Pack War]," I declare with utmost confidence.

The crowd gasps in shock.


"Does he have a deathwish?"

"Pffft! Hahahahahahah!" Brock lets go of the staff and laughs his ass off. "This bitch boy thinks he can challenge me to a [Pack War]?! Hey boys, did I hear it right?"

The guys with him look at each other and laughs dryly.

"Yeah... he did..." multiple of them reply.

Sinbad looks at me with concern while Luna glares at me.

"Go home pansy," he waves me off dismissively. "The adults need to have a conversation."

"Oh? What's this? Is the great Brock chickening out?" I say with a voice loud enough that everyone can hear.

"Excuse me?" Brock narrows his eyes and shows his teeth.

"It's just that, a 'bitch boy' is challenging you to a [Pack War] and you're refusing," I continue my taunts. "Gasp... is it... because you're afraid of losing?!"

The crowd gasps at my taunts and observes Brock. He's losing it. Veins are starting to pop out all throughout his body.

Gotcha bitch!


"So you accept?" I ask with a grin.

"Yes, I fucking do!" he replies.

"Then let's get this agreement done," I say and bite my thumb to make it bleed.

Brock does the same and together, we spill our blood on the ground.

"From one Alpha to another. We are bound by the sacred rites of this duel. One winner, one loser. The true Alpha takes all," we say in unison and the blood we spilled meld together to form a crystal which Sinbad picks up.

"We'll settle this during the Fairytale Ending Arena," he announces and shoves me out of the way with his shoulder. "You better not chicken out."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I reply.